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Monographie  Studies in the collections of twelfth-century decretals: from the papers of the late Walther Holtzmann
Holtzmann, Walther. Cheney, Christopher RobertCheney, Mary G. [Bearb.]. - Città del Vaticano (1979)

In Reihe: Monumenta iuris canonici B / 3
Originaltitel: ed., rev. and transl. by C. R. Cheney and Mary G. Cheney
Deskriptoren: 12. Jahrhundert Dekretalen, Kanones, Extravaganten Cheney, Christopher Robert (1906-1987) Holtzmann, Walther (1891-1963)
Sprache: Englisch
Kurztitel: Cheney-Holtzmann, Studies

Permalink: http://opac.regesta-imperii.de/id/797194
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