Textual transmission in Byzantium. Between textual criticism and Quellenforschung Signes Codoñer, Juan • Pérez Martín, Inmaculada [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Lectio / 2 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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Autoren suchen: Signes Codoñer, Juan • Pérez Martín, Inmaculada |
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Towards a Vocabulary for Rewriting in Byzantium |
L'automne du patriarche.Photios, la bibliothèque et le Venezia, Bibl. Naz. Marc. gr. 450 |
Editing the Miscellanea of Theodorus Metochites |
A Scholium and a Glossary: two Footnotes to the Circulation of Rhetorical lexis in the Medieval Creek-speaking World |
The Teubner Edition of Psellos in the Light of a New Find in MS Trinity College Dublin 373 |
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L'uso delle fonti in sede di recensio: la Ciropedia di Zonara (Epit. III 15-26) |
Basileios Nothos as Compiler: the De Cerimoniis and Theophanes Clontinuatus |
Dans le cahier des chroniqueurs. Le cas d'Eustathe d'Antioche |
Quellenforschung am Beispiel der Chronik des Konstantinos Manasses |
El valor de las fuentes jurídicas bizantinas para la crítica textual y la Quellenforschung del Corpus Iuris Civilis: una vision panorámica |
Contesti di produzione e fruizione dei manoscritti giuridici a Bisanzio. Qualche esempio |
Trasmissione del testo e giurisprudenza bizantina: la tutela pretoria da Dig 9.2 a Bas. 60, 3 - Profili dogmatici |
Lost and Found: On Recovery of Forgotten Classical Institutions in Early Byzantine Legal texts |
The Basilica between Quellenforschung and Textual Critiscism |
In the Manner of Conclusions: an Epilogue |