A Companion to the Early Modern Cardinal Hollingsworth, Mary • Pattenden, Miles • Witte, Arnold Alexander [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Brill's companions to the Christian tradition / 91 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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Autoren suchen: Hollingsworth, Mary • Pattenden, Miles • Witte, Arnold Alexander |
Introduction |
The Medieval Background to the Cardinal's Office |
The College of Cardinals |
The Rituals of the Cardinalate: Creation and Abdication |
Cardinals in Conclave |
The Cardinal Nephew |
Cardinals, Bishops, and Councils |
Cardinals and the Inquisition |
Cardinal Protectors of Religious Institutions |
Cardinals and the Apostolic Penitentiary |
Cardinals and Theology |
Cardinal Legates and Nuncios |
Cardinal Protectors and National Interests |
Cardinals as National Politicians |
Cardinals as Prince-Bishops |
The Social Background and Education of Cardinals |
The Cardinal's Household |
Cardinals' Property and Income |
Cardinals' Testaments: Piety and Charity |
Cardinals and the Government of the Papal States |
Cardinals and the Vacant See |
Cardinals and Their Titular Churches |
Cardinals' Palaces: Architecture and Decoration |
Cardinals and the Non-Christian World |
Cardinals and the Greek and Eastern Churches |
Cardinals and the Creation of the Spanish Americas |
Cardinals and the Congregation of the Propaganda Fide |
The Early Modern Historiography of Early Modern Cardinals |
Treatises on the Ideal Cardinal |
Treatises on the Ideal Cardinal |
Life-Writing and the Saintly Cardinal |
Cardinals and the Culture of Libraries and Learning |
Cardinals as Patrons of the Visual Arts |
The Cardinal's Wardrobe |
The Cardinal's Wardrobe |
Portraits of Early Modern Cardinals |
Cardinals' Tombs |
Cardinals' Tombs |
Cardinals, Music, and Theatre |
Cardinals, Music, and Theatre |