RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke



The sanctuary of St Philip in Hierapolis and the tombs of saints in Anatolian cities
D'Andria, Francesco. • S. 3-18


Tomb 163d in the North Necropolis of Hierapolis of Phrygia. An insight into the funerary gestures and practices of the Jewish diaspora in Asia Minor in late antiquity and the proto-Byzantine period
Laforest, CarolineCastex, DominiqueBlaizot, Frédérique. • S. 69-84


Reflections on the mortuary landscape of Ephesus. The archaeology of death in a Roman metropolis.
Steskal, Martin. • S. 177-187


Christian burials in a pagan context at Amorium
Lightfoot, Christopher S.. • S. 188-195


Romans, Christians, and pilgrims at Hierapolis in Phrygia. A funerary journey of mental changes
Wenn, Camilla CecilieAhrens, SvenBrandt, J. Rasmus. • S. 196-216


Diet in Roman Pergamon using stable isotope (C, N, S), osteoarchaeological and historical data - preliminary results
Propstmeier, JohannaNehlich, OlafRichards, MichaelGrupe, GiselaMüldner, Gundula H.Teegen, Wolf-Rüdiger. • S. 237-249


Toothache, back pain, and fatal injuries - what skeletons tell about life and death at Roman and Byzantine Hierapolis
Kiesewetter, Henrike. • S. 268-285


Health and disease of infants and children in Byzantine Anatolia between AD 600 and 1350
Schultz, MichaelSchmidt-Schultz, Tyede H.. • S. 287-305


Infant and child skeletons from the lower city church at Byzantine Amorium
Demirel, F. Arzu. • S. 306-317