Medieval Scandinavia: an encyclopedia. Pulsiano, Phillip • Wolf, Kirsten [Hrsg.]. |
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Autoren suchen: Pulsiano, Phillip • Wolf, Kirsten |
Art. Adam of Bremen |
Art. Aggesen, Sven |
Art. Agriculture |
Art. "Ágrip af Nóregs konunga søgum" (summary of the sagas of the Kings of Norway) |
Art. "Ála flekks saga" (the saga of spotted Áli) |
Art. "Ágrip af søgu Danakonunga" (summary of the history of the Kings of Denmark) |
Art. Alcuin: "de virtutibus et vitiis" (on virtues and vices) |
Art. "Alexanders saga" (Alexander's saga) |
Art. Algorismus |
Art. Alphabet |
Art. "Alþingi" (the Althing) |
Art. "Alvíssmál" (the lay of Alvíss) |
Art. America, Norse in |
Art. Amicus and Amileus |
Art. Annals |
Art. "Áns saga bogsveigis" (the saga of Án bow-bender) |
Art. Ansgar, St. |
Art. Arabic sources for Scandinavia(ns) |
Art. Architecture |
Art. "Árna saga biskups" (the saga of Bishop Árni) |
Art. Arnórr Þórdarson jarlaskáld (after 1010-after 1073) |
Art. "Arons saga Hjørleifssonar" (the saga of Aron Hjørleifsson) |
Art. "Ásmundar saga kappabana" (the saga of Ásmundr the Champion-slayer) |
Art. "Ásbjarnar þáttr selsbana" (the tale of Ásbjørn Seal-slayer) |
Art. "Atlakvida" (the lay of Atli) |
Art. "Audunar Þáttr vestfirzka" (the tale of Audunn of the west fjords) |
Art. Baldr |
Art. "Baldrs draumar" (Baldr's dreams) |
Art. Ballads |
Art. "Bandamanna saga" (the saga of the confederates) |
Art. "Bárdar saga Snæfellsáss" (the saga of Bárdar Snæfell-god) |
Art. Barlaams ok Josaphats saga (The saga of Barlaam and Josaphat) |
Art. Bede |
Art. "Berserkr" |
Art. Bible |
Art. Birgitta, St. (St. Bridget of Sweden; 1302/1303?-1373) |
Art. Birka |
Art. Birsay |
Art. "Biskupa sögur" (bishops' saga) |
Art. "Bjarkamál" (the lay of Bjarki) |
Art. "Bjarnar saga Hítdoelakappa" (the saga of Bjørn Hítdoelir-champion) |
Art. Bjarni Kolbeinsson |
Art. "Bjørn Arngeirsson Hítdoelakappi" (champion of the people of Hítardalr) |
Art. "Bjørn Breidvíkingakappi" (champion of the people of Breidavík) |
Art. "Blómstrvallasaga" (the saga of Blómstrvøllr) |
Art. Bóndi |
Art. Boethius de Dacia |
Art. Bookprose/freeprose theory |
Art. Borre (Old Norse Borró) |
Art. "Bósa saga (Herrauds saga ok Bósa)" (the saga of Bósi " or "the saga of Herraudr and Bósi) |
Art. Braggi Boddason (the Old) |
Art. "Brávallaþula" (the metrical name list of Brávellir) |
Art. "Brands þáttr ørva" (the tale of Brandr the Generous) |
Art. "Brankrossa þáttr" (the tale of Brandkrossi) |
Art. "Breta søgur" (the sagas of the British) |
Art. Burial mounds and burial practices |
Art. "Bærings saga" (the saga of Bæringr) |
Art. "Bøglunga søgur" (sagas of the Baglar) |
Art. Caithness |
Art. Calendar and time reckoning |
Art. Carving: bone, horn, and walrus tusk |
Art. Chancery |
Art. Christian poetry |
Art. Christian prose |
Art. Chronicles |
Art. Chronicles, rhymed |
Art. Church organization and function |
Art. Churches, stone |
Art. Climate |
Art. Clothmaking |
Art. Codex Regius |
Art. "Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaìbh" (the war between the Irish and the foreigners) |
Art. Coins and mints |
Art. Commemorative poetry |
Art. Conversion |
Art. Coronation |
Art. Cosmography |
Art. Cosmology |
Art. Council of the Realm (Riksråd) |
Art. Crafts |
Art. Crime and punishment |
Art. "Dámusta saga" (the saga of Dámusti) |
Art. Danevirke |
Art. "Darradarljód" (Dørrudr's lay) |
Art. Demography |
Art. Denmark |
Art. Dialects |
Art. Diet and nutrition |
Art. "Dínus saga drambláta" (the saga of Dinus the Haughty) |
Art. Diplomatics |
Art. Divine heroes, native |
Art. Drama |
Art. "Draumkvæde" (dream poem) |
Art. "Drauma-Jóns saga" (the saga of Dream-Jón) |
Art. "Droplaugarsona saga" (the saga of the sons of Droplaug) |
Art. "Dunstanus saga" (the saga of Dunstan) |
Art. Dudo of St.-Quentin: "de moribus et actis primorum nomanniae ducum" (concerning the deaths and deeds of the first Norman dukes) |
Art. "Dyrerim, de gamle danske" (the old Danish rhyming bestiary) |
Art. "Ectors saga ok kappa hans" (the saga of Ector and his champions) |
Art. Eddic meters |
Art. Eddic poetry |
Art. Education |
Art. Egill Skalla-Grímsson |
Art. "Egils saga einhenda ok Ásmundar berserkjabana" (the saga of the one-armed Egill and the berserk-killer Ásmundr) |
Art. "Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar" (the saga of Egill Skalla-Grímsson) |
Art. Eilífr Godrúnarson |
Art. Einarr Helgason skálaglamm |
Art. Einarr Skúlason |
Art. "Einars þáttr Skúlasonar" (the tale of Einarr Skúlason) |
Art. "Eiríks saga vídførla" (the saga of Eiríkr the Far-traveler) |
Art. "Einars þáttr Sokkasonar" (the tale of Einarr Sokkason) |
Art. "Eiríksmál" (the lay of Eiríkr) |
Art. "Elis saga ok Rósamundu" (the saga of Elis and Rósamunda) |
Art. "Eirspennill" (copper-clasp) |
Art. "Elucidarius" (or "Lucidarius") |
Art. Encyclopedic literature |
Art. "Encomium Emmae reginae" (or "Gesta regis") |
Art. England, Norse in |
Art. "Erex saga" (Erex's saga) |
Art. Erik, St. |
Art. "Eufemiavisorna" (the Eufemia poems) |
Art. Exempla |
Art. "Eyrbyggja saga" (the saga of the men of Eyrr) |
Art. Eyvindr Finnson "Skáldaspillir" (the plagiarist"?) |
Art. "Fagrskinna" (fair parchment) |
Art. Family structure |
Art. Faroe Islands |
Art. Fashions |
Art. Feudal influences and tendencies |
Art. Finland |
Art. Fishing, whaling and seal hunting |
Art. "Finnboga saga ramma" (the saga of Finnbogi the Strong) |
Art. Five boroughs |
Art. "Flateyjarbók" (the book of Flatey) |
Art. "Fljótsdoela saga" (the saga of the people of Fljótsdalr) |
Art. "Flóamanna saga" (the saga of the men of Flói) |
Art. "Flóres saga konungs ok sona hans" (the saga of King Flóres and his sons) |
Art. "Flóres saga ok Blankiflúr" (the saga of Flóres and Blankiflúr) |
Art. "Flóvents saga Frakkakonungs" (the saga of Flóvent, ruler of the Franks) |
Art. Folklore |
Art. "Fornafn" |
Art. "Fornaldarsögur" (sagas of antiquity) |
Art. Fortification |
Art. Fortresses, Trelleborg |
Art. "Fóstbroedra saga" (the saga of the sworn brothers) |
Art. France, Norse in |
Art. Freyr and Freyja |
Art. "Fríssbók" (Codex Frisianus) |
Art. "Fridþjófs saga ins froekna" (the saga of FridÞjófr the Bold) |
Art. "Færeyinga saga" (the saga of the Faroe Islanders) |
Art. "Gamli kanóki" |
Art. "Gautreks saga" |
Art. Geographical literature |
Art. Germany, Norse in |
Art. "Gibbons saga" (the saga of Gibbon) |
Art. "Gísla saga Súrssonar" (the saga of Gísli Súrsson) |
Art. "Gísls þáttr Illugasonar" (the tale of Gísla Illugason) |
Art. Glass |
Art. Glossography |
Art. "Godi" |
Art. "Gokstad" |
Art. Gorm |
Art. "Grágás" |
Art. "Gotland" |
Art. Grammatical treatises |
Art. Graves |
Art. Gregory, St.: Dialogues |
Art. "Grettis saga" (Grettir's saga) |
Art. "Gríms saga lodinkinna" (the saga of Grímr with the Shaggy Chin) |
Art. "Grímnismál" (the lay of Grímnir) |
Art. "Grípisspá" (the lay of Grípir) |
Art. "Grottasøngr" (the mill song) |
Art. "Gudmundar sögur biskups" (the sagas of Bishop Gudmundr) |
Art. "Gudrúnarkvida I-III" (the lay of Gudrún) |
Art. "Gudrúnarhvøt" (Gudrún's lament) |
Art. "Gull-Þóris saga" (the saga of Gold-Þórir) |
Art. "Gull-Ásu-Þórdar þáttr" (the tale of Gold-Ása-Þórdr) |
Art. "Gunnars saga Keldungnúpsfífls" (the saga of Gunnarr, the fool of Kedlugnúpr") |
Art. "Gunnlaugr ormstunga" (serpent-tongue) |
Art. "Gunnars saga Þidrandabana" (the saga of Gunarr, Slayer of Þidrandi) |
Art. "Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu" (the saga of Gunnlaugr Serpent-tongue) |
Art. "Guta saga" |
Art. "Gydinga saga" (the saga of the Jews) |
Art. "Gøngu-Hrólfs saga" (the saga of Hrólfr the Stamper) |
Art. Hákon "gódi" (the good) Haraldsson (ca.920-960) |
Art. Hákon Hákonarson |
Art. Hákon "jarl" (earl) Sigurdarson (ca. 940-995) |
Art. "Hákonar saga gamla Hákonarsonar" (the saga of Hákon Háakonarson the Old) |
Art. "Háalfdanar saga Brønufóstra" (the saga of Háalfdan, Foster-son of Brana) |
Art. "Hákonar saga Ívarssonar" (the saga of Hákon Ívarsson) |
Art. "Háalfdanar saga Eysteinssonar" (the saga of Háalfdan Eysteinsson) |
Art. "Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka" (the saga of Hálfr and his champions) |
Art. "Halldórs þáttr Snorrasonar" (the tale of Halldórr Snorrason) |
Art. "Hallfredar saga" (the saga of Hallfredr) |
Art. Hallfredr Óttarsson |
Art. "Hamdismál in fornu" (the old lay of Hamdir) |
Art. Hanseatic league |
Art. Haraldr "hardrádi" (hard-ruler) Sigurdarson (1046-1066) |
Art. Harald Gormsson (Bluetooth) |
Art. Haraldr "hárfagri" (fair-hair) Hálfdanarson |
Art. "Hárbardsljód" (the lay of Háarbarddr) |
Art. Harpestreng, Henrik |
Art. "Hardar saga" (the saga of Hørdr) |
Art. "Háttalykill" ("Clavis metrica"," or "key to meters) |
Art. "Hauksbók" (Haukr's book) |
Art. "Hávamál" (the speech of Hávi) |
Art. "Hávarddar saga Ísfirdings" (the saga of Hávardr of Ísafjördur) |
Art. Hedeby |
Art. "Heidarvíga saga" (the story of the moor killings) |
Art. "Heimskringla" (the circle of the world) |
Art. "Heiti" |
Art. "Helga þáttr ok Úlfs" (the tale of Helfi and Úlfr) |
Art. Helgi poems |
Art. "Helfa þáttr Þórissonar" (the tale of Helgi Þórisson) |
Art. "Helreid Brynhildar" (Brynhildr's ride to Hel) |
Art. "Hemings þáttr Áslákssonar" (the tale of Hemingr Ásláksson) |
Art. "Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs" (the saga of Hervør and King Heidrekr) |
Art. "Historia Norwegiae" |
Art. Hird |
Art. "Hjálmþés saga" (the saga of Hjálmþér) |
Art. "Hlødskvida" (the lay of Hlødr) |
Art. Hoards |
Art. "Hólmganga" (island-going) |
Art. Homilies (West Norse) |
Art. Houses |
Art. "Hrafnkels saga Freysgoda" (the saga of Hrafnkll, Freyr's "godí") |
Art. "Hrafns þáttr Gudrúnarsonar" (the tale of Hrafn Gudrúnarson) |
Art. "Hrings saga ok Tryggva" (the saga of Hringr and Tryggvi) |
Art. "Hreidars þáttr heimska" (the tale of Hreidarr the Foolish) |
Art. "Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar" (the saga of Hrólfr Gautreksson) |
Art. "Hrólfs saga kraka" (the saga of Hrólfr the Pole-ladder) |
Art. "Hrómundar þáttr halta" (the tale of Hrómundr with the limp) |
Art. "Hrómundar saga Gripssonar" (the saga of Hrómundr Gripsson) |
Art. "Hulda-Hrokkinskinna" |
Art. "Hugsvinnsmál" (the speech of the wise-minded one) |
Art. Hunting |
Art. "Hymiskvida" (the lay of Hymir) |
Art. "Hoensa-Þóris saga" (the saga of Hen-Þórir) |
Art. "Hyndlujód" (the lay of Hyndla) |
Art. Iceland |
Art. Iconography |
Art. "Illuga saga Grídarfóstra" (the saga of Illugi, foster-son of Grídr) |
Art. Ireland, Norse in |
Art. Ironwork |
Art. "Ísleifs þáttr biskups" (the tale of Bishop Ísleifr) |
Art. "Íslendingagrápa" (the "drápa" of Icelanders) |
Art. "Íslendingabók" (the book of Icelanders) |
Art. "Íslendingas§gur" (sagas of Icelanders) |
Art. "Íþróttir" |
Art. "Ívens saga" (Íven's saga) |
Art. "Jarlmanns saga ok Hermanns" (the saga of Jarlmann and Hermann) |
Art. "Játvarddar saga" (Játvarddr's saga) |
Art. Jelling |
Art. Jewelry |
Art. Johannes de Dacia (John of Denmark) |
Art. "Jómsvíking saga" (the saga of the Jómsvíkingar) |
Art. Jon Præst (Priest John) |
Art. "Jóns saga ens helga" |
Art. "Jóns saga leiksveins" (the saga of the Jón the playmate) |
Art. "Jóns þáttr Halldórssonar" (the tale of Bishop Jón Halldórsson) |
Art. "Jónsbók" (Jón's book) |
Art. Järsta stone |
Art. "Jøkuls þáttr Búasonar" (the tale of Jøkull Búason) |
Art. "Karlamagnús saga" (the saga of Charlemagne) |
Art. Kaupang (Skíringssalr) |
Art. Kennings |
Art. "Ketils saga hoengs" (the saga of Ketill Salmon) |
Art. Kingship |
Art. "Kjalnesinga saga" (the saga of the men of Kjalarnes) |
Art. "Kirialax saga" (the saga of Kirialax) |
Art. "Klári (Clári) saga" (the saga of Klárus) |
Art. "Knittel(vers)" |
Art. Knud (Cnut) the Great |
Art. Knud (Cnut), St. |
Art. "Knýtlinga saga" (the saga of the Knýtlingar) |
Art. "Konráds saga keisarasonar" (the saga of Konrádr, son of an emperor) |
Art. "Konung Alexander" (King Alexander) |
Art. "Konungasögur" (kings' sagas) |
Art. "Konungastyrelsen" (the royal rule) |
Art. "Konungs skuggsjá" (King's mirror) |
Art. Kormákr Ogmundarson |
Art. "Kormáks saga" (the saga of Kormákr) |
Art. "Krákumál" |
Art. "Króka-Refs saga" (the saga of Refr the wily) |
Art. Land registers |
Art. Land tenure and inheritance |
Art. "Landnámambók" (the book of settlements) |
Art. Landownership |
Art. Language |
Art. L'Anse aux Meadows |
Art. Lapland |
Art. Latin language and literature |
Art. "Laurentius saga biskups" (the saga of Bishop Laurentius) |
Art. "Lausavísur" (loose verses) |
Art. Laws |
Art. "Laxdoela saga" (the saga of the Laxdoelir) |
Art. "Legenda" |
Art. "Leidangr" |
Art. "Leidarvísan" (way-pointing" or "guidance) |
Art. "Leidarvísir" (guide) |
Art. "Lilja" (Lily) |
Art. "Lidsmannaflokkr" (household troop's poem) |
Art. Liturgy and liturgical texts |
Art. "Ljósvetninga saga" (the saga of the Ljósavatn family) |
Art. "Lokasenna" (Loki's quarrel) |
Art. Loki |
Art. Love poetry |
Art. "Lygisaga" (lying saga, fictional saga) |
Art. Magic |
Art. Magnús Hákonarson |
Art. "Magnúss saga lagaboetis" (the saga of Magnús the Lawmender"; c. 1263-1280) |
Art. "Magnúss saga helga eyjajarls" (the saga of St. Magnús, Orkney-earl) |
Art. "Mágus saga jarls" (the saga of Earl Mágus) |
Art. Maiden warriors |
Art. Maine coin |
Art. Man, Isle of |
Art. "Mandevilles Rejse" (Mandeville's travels) |
Art. Manx crosses |
Art. Margrethe I (1353-October 27, 1412) |
Art. "Maríu saga" (the saga of Mary) |
Art. Marriage and divorce |
Art. Martinus de Dacia |
Art. Martyrologies |
Art. Medicine and medical treatment |
Art. "Melkólfs saga ok Salomons konungs" (the saga of Melkóolfr and King Solomon) |
Art. "Merlínusspá" (Prophecy of Merlin) |
Art. Miracles, collections of |
Art. "Mírmanns saga" (the saga of Mírmann) |
Art. Monasticism |
Art. "Morkinskinna" (the rotten vellum) |
Art. Music and musical instruments |
Art. Mythology |
Art. "Mödruvallabóki (the book of Mödruvellir) |
Art. "Møttuls saga" |
Art. Navigation |
Art. Nicodemus, gospel of |
Art. "Nitida saga" (the saga of Nitida) |
Art. "Njáls saga" (the saga of Njáall) |
Art. Norman literature, Scandinavian influence on |
Art. "Nornagests þáttr" (the tale of Nornagestr) |
Art. Norway |
Art. Numerals |
Art. "Oddrúnargátr" (Oddrún's lament) |
Art. "Odds þáttr Ófeigssonar" (the tale of Oddr Ófeigsson) |
Art. "Ódinn" (Proto-Germanic "Wøþanaz") |
Art. "Óláfr, St." |
Art. Óláfr Tryggvason |
Art. "Óláfs saga helga" (the saga of St. Óláfr) |
Art. "Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar" |
Art. Old English literature, Norse influence on |
Art. Old Norse-Icelandic literature, foreign influence on |
Art. Old Swedish legendary (Fornsvenska legendariet) |
Art. "Oratio contra clerum Norvegiae" (a speech against the Norwegian clergy) |
Art. Orkney, Norse in |
Art. "Orkneyinga saga" (the saga of the Orkney Islanders) |
Art. Oseberg |
Art. "Óttarr svarti" (the black) |
Art. Outlawry |
Art. Outlaw sagas |
Art. Painting |
Art. Palaeography |
Art. "Pamphilus ok Galathea" |
Art. "Parcevals saga" (Parceval's saga) |
Art. "Páls saga biskups" (the saga of Bishop Páall) |
Art. "Partalopa saga" (the saga of Partalopi) |
Art. Personal names |
Art. "Physiologus" (or "Bestiarius") |
Art. Place-names |
Art. "Plácítus saga" (the saga of Plácítus) |
Art. Plague |
Art. Political literature |
Art. "Postola sögur" (Apostles' sagas) |
Art. Pottery |
Art. Prayer books |
Art. "Profectio Danorum in Hierosolymam" |
Art. "Ragnars saga Lodbrókar" (the saga of Ragnarr Hairy-breeches) |
Art. "Reginsmál" and "Fáfnismáal" (the speech of "Reginn" and "the speech of Fáfnir) |
Art. Religion, pagan Scandinavian |
Art. Reliquaries |
Art. "Rémundar saga keisarasonar" (the saga of Rémundr, son of an emperor) |
Art. "Reykdoela saga (ok Víga-Skútu)" (the saga of the people of Reykjadalr) |
Art. "Reykjahólabók" (the book of Reykjahólar"; Stock. Perg. fol. no.3) |
Art. "Riddarasögur" |
Art. Riddles |
Art. "Rígsþula" (the lay of Rígr) |
Art. "Rímur" |
Art. "Rómverja saga" (the saga of the Romans) |
Art. Royal administration and finances |
Art. Royal assemblies (parliaments, estates) |
Art. Runes and runic inscriptions |
Art. "Rus'" |
Art. Russia, Norse in |
Art. Rök stone inscription |
Art. Saga |
Art. Saints' lives |
Art. "Samsons saga fagra" (the saga of fair Samson) |
Art. "Saxo grammaticus" |
Art. "Saulus saga ok Nikanors" (the saga of Saulus and Nikanor) |
Art. "Schacktavelslek" (the game of chess) |
Art. Scotland, Norse in |
Art. Seals |
Art. "Senna-Mannjafnadr" |
Art. Settlement, age of |
Art. Settlement, rural |
Art. Shetland, Norse in |
Art. Ships and shipbuilding |
Art. "Sighvatr Þórdarson" |
Art. "Sigrdrífumál" (the lay of Sigrdrífa) |
Art. "Sigurddar saga fóts ok Ásmundar húnakongs" (the saga of Sigurdr Foot and Ásmundr King of the Huns) |
Art. "Sigrards saga ok Valbrands" (the saga of Sigrgardr and Valbrandr) |
Art. "Sigurdar saga turnara" (the saga of Sigurdr the jouster) |
Art. "Sigurdar saga þøgla" (the saga of Sigurdr the silent) |
Art. "Sigurdarkvida in skamma" (the short lay of Sigurdr) |
Art. "Sigurdarkvidu, brot ag" (fragment of a Sigurdr lay) |
Art. "Sju vise mästare" (seven wise masters) |
Art. "Skáld" |
Art. "Skáldasögur" (sagas of skalds) |
Art. Skaldic meters |
Art. Skaldic verse |
Art. "Skáldkonur" (women skalds) |
Art. "Skírnismál" (the lay of Skírnir) |
Art. "Skardsbók" (the book of Skard) |
Art. "Skjøldunga saga" (the saga of the Skjoldungar) |
Art. Slavery |
Art. "Sneglu-Halla þáttr" (the tale of shuttle-Halli) |
Art. "Snorra Edda" |
Art. Snorri Sturluson (1178/9-1241) |
Art. Social structure |
Art. "Sólarljód" (the lay/poem of the sun) |
Art. Stave church |
Art. Stiklestad, battle of |
Art. "Stjórn" |
Art. "Strengleikar" |
Art. "Stúfs þáttr" (the tale of Stúfr) |
Art. Sturla Þórdarson (July 29, 1214-July 30, 1284) |
Art. "Surlaugs saga starfsama" (the saga of Sturlaugr the industrious) |
Art. Sturlung age (Sturlungaóld) |
Art. "Sturlunga saga" (the saga of the Sturlungar) |
Art. Style |
Art. Succession |
Art. Sunesen, Anders (ca.1160-1228) |
Art. Supernatural beings |
Art. "Svarfdoela saga" (the saga of the people of Svarfadardalr) |
Art. Sverris Sigurdarson |
Art. Sven Haraldsson (forkbeard) |
Art. "Sverris saga" |
Art. "Svipdagsmál" (the lay of Svipdagr) |
Art. Sweden |
Art. Swedish literature, miscellaneous |
Art. Sæmundr Sigfússon "inn fródi" (the learned) |
Art. "Sørla saga sterka" (the saga of Sørli the strong) |
Art. "Sørla þáttr" (the tale of Sørli) |
Art. Temples, heathen |
Art. Textiles, furnishing |
Art. "Theodoricus: historia de antiquitate regum Norwagiensium" (the history of the ancient kings of Norway) |
Art. "Thómas saga erkibiskups" (the saga of Archbishop Thomas) |
Art. "Tiódels saga" (the saga of Tiódel) |
Art. Tools |
Art. Towns |
Art. Trade |
Art. Transport |
Art. "Tristrams saga ok Ísøndar" (the saga of Tristram and Ísønd) |
Art. "Tristrams saga ok Ísoddar" (the saga of Tristram and Ísodd) |
Art. "Trójumanna saga" (the saga of the Troy-men) |
Art. "Þáttr" |
Art. "Þidreks saga af Bern" (the saga of Þidrekr of Bern) |
Art. "Þing" |
Art. "Þinga saga" (the saga of the assemblies) |
Art. "Þjalar-Jóns saga" (the saga of File-Jón) |
Art. Þjódólfr of Hvin |
Art. "Þórarinn loftunga" (praise-tongue) |
Art. "Þórarinn svarti" (the black) |
Art. "Þorbjørn hornklofi" (horn-cleaver) |
Art. "Þórdar saga hredu" (the saga of Quarrel-Þórdr) |
Art. Þórdr Kolbeinsson |
Art. "Þorgríms þáttr Hallasonar" (the tale of Þorgímr Hallason) |
Art. "Þorláks saga helga" (the saga of St. Þorlákr) |
Art. "Þorleifs þáttr jarksskálds" (the tale of Þorleifr Earl's poet) |
Art. Þórr |
Art. "Þorsteins draumr Sídu-Hallsonar" (the dream of Þortsteinn Sídu-Hallson) |
Art. "Þorsteins saga hvíta" (the saga of Þorsteinn the white) |
Art. "Þorsteins saga Sídu-Hallssonar" (the saga of Þorsteinn Sídu-Hallson) |
Art. "Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar" (the saga of Þorsteinn, the son of Víkingr) |
Art. "Þorsteins þáttr Austrfirdings" (the tale of Þorsteinn from the East Fjords) |
Art. "Þorsteins þáttr boejarmagns" (the tale of Þorsteinn Town-strength) |
Art. "Þorsteins þáttr stangarhøggs" (the tale of Þorstein staff-struck) |
Art. "Þorvalds þáttr tasalda" (the tale of Þorvaldr the tassel) |
Art. "Þorsteins þáttr søgufróda" (the tale of Þorstein the saga-wise) |
Art. "Þorvardar þáttr krákunefs" (the tale of Þorvardr crow-nose) |
Art. "Þrymskvida" (the lay of Þrymr) |
Art. Úlfr Uggason |
Art. Vadstena |
Art. Vadstena language (vadstenaspråk) |
Art. "Vafþrúdnismál" (the lay of Vafþrúdnir) |
Art. Valdemar |
Art. "Valdimars saga" (the saga of Valdimar) |
Art. "Vápnfirdinga saga" (the saga of the people of Vápnfjørdr) |
Art. "Valla-Ljóts saga" (the saga of Ljótr from Vellir) |
Art. Varangians |
Art. "Vatnshyrna" (the book of Vatnshorn" or "water-logged) |
Art. "Vatnsdla saga" (the saga of the people of Vatnsdalr) |
Art. "Veraldar saga" (the saga of the world) |
Art. Víga-Glúmr Eyjólfsson |
Art. "Víga-Glúms saga" (the saga of killer-Glúmr) |
Art. "Víglundar saga" (the saga of Víglundr) |
Art. Viking age |
Art. Viking art |
Art. Viking hoaxes |
Art. "Viktors saga ok Blávus" (the saga of Viktor and Blávus" |
Art. "Vilmundar saga vidutan" (the saga of Vilmundr from outside) |
Art. "Vilhjálms saga sjóds" (the saga of Vilhjálmr of Sjódr) |
Art. Vinland map |
Art. Vinland sagas |
Art. "Vision Tnugdali" (the vision of Tundale) |
Art. Visionary literature |
Art. Volsung-Niflung cycle |
Art. "Vølundarkvida" (the lay of Vølundr) |
Art. "Vølsunga saga" (the saga of the Vølsungar) |
Art. "Vøluspá" (the sybil's prophecy) |
Art. Volundr |
Art. Warfare |
Art. Weapons |
Art. William of Jumièges: "gesta normannorum ducum" |
Art. Women in Eddic poetry |
Art. Women in sagas |
Art. Wood carving |
Art. "Ynglinga saga" (the saga of the Ynglingar) |
Art. "Yngvars saga vídførla" (the saga of Yngvarr the far-traveler) |
Art. York |
Art. "Ølkofra þáttr" (the tale of Ølkofri) |
Art. "Øgmundar þáttr dytts ok Gunnars helmings" (the tale of Øgmundr Dunt and Gunnarr Half) |
Art. "Ørvar-Odds saga" (the saga of Arrow-Oddr) |