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Autoren suchen: Bonsall, James |
Ground-penetrating radar study of the Asaviec 2 archaeological site, Belarus |
The Challenge of Urban Archaeological Geophysics: the Example of Grand'Place in Brussels, Belgium |
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Data): 100-year Discussion over Roman Fort in Herzegovina solved with shards of information |
Geophysical surveys of Eneolithic ditch enclosures in central Bohemia |
The application of the geophysical method in forested highland terrains of Bohemia |
Non-destructive survey of early medieval ramparts in the Czech Republic and Slovakia |
Looking for military remains of the Battle of Gergovia: Benefits of a towed multi-frequency EMI survey |
First 3D reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment at the Mesolithic site of Duvensee, Germany, using geophysics and geoarchaeology |
The sunken trade centre of Rungholt - Geophysical investigations in the German North Frisian Wadden Sea |
3-D Resistivity Imaging of Rock-Cut Chamber Tombs: the case of the Mycenaean Cemetery in Prosilio, Greece |
Manifestation of the urban design of ancient cities in northern Greece by archaeological prospection |
Ground-Penetrating radar (GPR) for non-destructive testing of monument walls |
From Roman Villas to 19th century gardens: case studies of geophysical surveys for built heritage in Hungary |
Hidden Depths and Empty Spaces: the contribution of archaeological prospection to the study of early medieval Ireland |
Visualizing the Village: A Comparative Assessment of Remote Sensing Methods on Inishark, Co. Galway, Ireland |
Unusual monuments, Unusual molecules: geochemical processes at work in County Limerick, Ireland |
Newgrange, New Monuments and New Perspectives |
When the Norsemen return: Complementary GPR surveys at the Viking Age site of Woodstown, County Waterford, IrelandE-Text |
Revisiting the Segesta and the Monreale Survey Sites - The Benefits and Possibilities of Digitising Analog Archaeological Spatial Data |
Integrating geophysical and geoarchaeological surveys for the reconstruction of a Roman Port infrastructure: the Claudian Harbour at Portus |
Extensive Geophysical Investigations to study the Archaeological Site of Norba (Norma, Central Italy) |
Innovating Archaeological Investigations in Mediterranean Landscapes: Contributions from the Prospecting Boundaries Project |
Looking for Etruscan harbours: geophysical survey of the ancient site of Pyrgi |
Prospecting Mesolithic buried landscapes and sites. Two case studies from two different types of landscapes in the southern Netherlands |
"Where animals were equal to humans". Surprising results of complementary geophysical survey on gallows in Lower Silesia (Poland |
Back to the roots. Remote sensing techniques for rediscovering the Chalcolithic eponymous settlement of Cucuteni culture, Romania |
Understanding the Anomaly: Multi-Method Geoscientific Research Applied on a Roman Fort in Pojejena |
Geophysical and archaeological research of the baroque church of Saint Nicolas in Kovarce, Slovakia |
Outlining the karst: ERT and GPR surveys to detect karstic morphologies in the Sierra de Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain |
Archaeological feedback of a GPR survey at Labeagako Santa Maria (Navarre): confirmation of survey interpretation and few more surprises |
Multi method investigation of submerged features at Semblister, Shetland |
The Archaeology of 20th Century Sports and Leisure: topophilia, interiography and texture |
A New Look at Old County Number Records: Geophysical Reassessment of Scheduled Roman Villas |
The influence of buried archaeology on equine locomotion: results from the Burghley Horse trials cross country course |
When finding nothing is interesting |
Old Plans versus Geophysical Surveys: the case study of Gurob (Fayum, Egypt) |
Geophysical surveying in Egypt and Sudan: periodical report for 2017-2018 |
3-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography in an Urban Environment: the case of Shallalat Gardens, Alexandria, Egypt |
Going back to Medamud: Excavation feedback on processing, interpretation and planning |
Magnetic prospection close to the magnetic equator: Case studies in the Tigray plateau of Aksum and Yeha, Ethiopia |
Surveying Kushite sites in Sudan: town and cemetery in Kawa |
Archaeo-geophysical prospection of forts in the North Omdurman (Sudan) |
Magnetic signal prospecting in a former Achaemenid ‘palace': the example of Gumbati (Georgia) |
Ancient Charax Spasinou (Iraq) - Interpreting a multi-phase city based on magnetometer survey data |
Revealing the Hidden Structure of the Ancient City Ur (Iraq) with Electrical Resistivity Tomography |
Geophysical survey of single phase archaeological sites: Magnetometry in Wadi Shamlu, Kurdistan, Northern Iraq |
Restoring burial mounds damaged by disasters - Contribution of archaeological prospection to collect information at the Idera burial mound, Japan |
UAV-based Airborne Laser Scanning in densely vegetated areas: Detecting Sue pottery kilns in Nakadake Sanroku, Japan |
Interpreting GPR data from Jaffna Fort, Northern Sri Lanka, using historic maps and new excavations |
Comparison of excavation results with GPR and magnetic gradiometer surveys at a workshop area in Šapinuwa, Central Anatolia/Turkey |
Archaeological interpretation of the prospection data from Ephesos |
Multiple processing and interpretation methods of a complex 3-D GPR dataset: An example from northern Australia |
Urupa - burial grounds - and remote sensing in Aotearoa (New Zealand) |
Village Life in the Middle Ohio Valley, USA: Geophysical Survey and Anomaly Testing |
The Origins of the West Plaza Rise at the Poverty Point World Heritage Site, Louisiana, USA |
GPR Investigations in Earthlodges of the Northern Plains, USA |
Drone radar: A new survey approach for Archaeological Prospection? |
The limits of a blob: geophysically informed automatic extraction of magnetometer anomalies |
Quantification of Daub Masses based on Magnetic Prospection Data |
Applying Magnetic Depth Estimation Techniques to Archaeo-geophysics |
Modelling the layer between topsoil and subsoil using magnetic prospection data |
Pathways to prediction: quantifying the impact of soil moisture variations on electric and electromagnetic contrast |
WuMapPy an open-source software for geophysical prospection data processing: 2019 milestone |
Automated segmentation of archaeo-geophysical images by convolutional neural networks |
Rise of the Machines: Improving the identification of possible graves in GPR data with interactive survey guidance and machine learning |
Automated detection and analysis of diffraction hyperbolas in ground-penetrating radar data |
Novel volume visualisation of GPR data inspired by medical applications |
Strategies for the optimization of 3-D electrical resistivity tomography data using the Jacobian matrix |
Processing Strategies for 3-D Marine Dynamic Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data |
Improving the lithological significance of shear wave tomograms through coring and pressure correction |
Aerial thermal imaging from UAV in archaeology, a case study: the abandoned medieval town of Montecorvino (Foggia, Italy) |
Multi-spectral, multi-temporal survey in the American Midwest |
Evaluating the capability of a SUAS mounted multispectral sensor for the mapping of archaeological resources in an alluvial landscape |
Beneath the Stains of Time: The physiochemical prospection of multiperiod sites in southern Britain - a geophysics approach to geochemistry? |
Three-dimensional modelling of petroglyphs of South Siberia |
Introducing the ‘Soil science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance' (SAGA): a new interdisciplinary network in archaeo-geophysics |
Laying the geophysical groundwork: in situ measurements as a framework for strategizing archaeological prospection |
Review strategies for archaeological prospection, incorporating excavation and research |
Methodological framework to automatically compare large-scale magnetometry measurements with excavation datasets |
Archaeological guidelines for geophysical survey in the urban environment |
Addressing archaeological research questions using geophysical surveys - a landscape case study |
Up-skilling and Up-scaling: the realities of adapting to the challenges of the current environment in British commercial geophysics |