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Sammelwerk  New perspectives on heretical discourse and identities: the Waldensians in historical context
Stacey, Sarah AlynPoetz, Joanna [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2020)

In Reihe: Medieval and early modern French studies / 19
Ergänzende Angaben: https://d-nb.info/1234669501/04
Deskriptoren: Konfessionen, Ketzerbewegungen, Häresien Waldenser
Sprache: Englisch
Zugehörige Beiträge komplett erfasst

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  Titel suchen...  Autoren suchen: Stacey, Sarah AlynPoetz, Joanna



Introductory Essay: Trinity College Dublin as a Waldensian lieu de memoire
Stacey, Sarah Alyn. • S. 1-12


Of Manuscripts and Men: The Case of the Waldenses
Benedetti, Marina. • S. 27-50


Circulation de livres et strategies de traduction dans les communautes vaudoises (ca. 1500): pour ledition critique des Actes des Apotres en occitan vaudois
Menichetti, Caterina. • S. 51-74


Text and Circulation amongst the Waldensians: The Example of TCD Manuscript 262
Poetz, Joanna. • S. 75-98


Die 'Somme le Roi' in den Waldenserhandschriften
Vogel, Lothar. • S. 99-126


The Critical Edition of the Waldensian Sermons: History, Challenges and Further Avenues for Research
Giraudo, Andrea. • S. 127-149


Una difficile eredita per la Riforma elvetico-strasburghese: i valdesi del Mezzogiorno d'ltalia
Tortora, Alfonso. • S. 153-164


The Waldensians of Upper Austria (1395-1399): The Middle Ages' ‘Forgotten Heretics' in Historical Fact and Literary Fiction
Modestin, Georg. • S. 165-186


'La Tirannie vaudoise': stereotipi cultural! e immagine pubblica dei valdesi tra il ducato sabaudo e il Baden-Württemberg
Bettassa, Marco. • S. 187-204


L'ldentite vaudoise: revolution de la legende sur leur origine depuis la Reforme jusqu'au dix-neuvieme siecle
Arita, Yutaka. • S. 205-224


Religion et identite visuelle: les Vaudois et l'image peinte dans les Alpes Occidentales a la fin du Moyen Age
Cailloux, Marianne. • S. 225-244


‘A step or two nearer to the Anglican Church': English, Scottish and Irish Contributions to the Creation of the Waldensian Libraries in the Nineteenth Century
Fratini, Maco. • S. 245-266


James Henthorn Todd, FTCD: His Work on the Waldensians in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Ireland
McKee, Patricia E.. • S. 267-290