Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law: Syracuse, New York, 13 - 18 August 1996 Pennington, Kenneth [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Monumenta iuris canonici C / 11 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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Autoren suchen: Pennington, Kenneth |
Tradiciones Textuales en el Derecho Canonico Medieval |
A Carolingian Lyonnaise Supplement to the Collectio Dacheriana |
Distinctiones "si mulier eadem hora" seu monacenses: Problemi di edizione |
"Amplificatio sententie": A Study of the Glosses to Two Manuscripts of Ivo of Chartres' Panormia |
El manuscrito Cd del Decreto de Graciano (= Cambridge Mass., Harvard Law School Library Ms 64) |
La glossa "impossibilitas conveniendi" di Ruffino (C.27 pr.) |
'Crimen exceptum': The History of an Idea |
"Quod illi soli licet pro temporis necessitate novas leges condere" |
'Oblationes defunctorum': The Poor arid the Dead in Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval West |
'Pax et disciplina': Roman Public Law and the Merovingian State |
Culture juridique orale et coutumière en pays de droit écrit. Marseille à la fin du XIIIe siècle |
Zur Geschichte des Priesterzölibats |
Benefizienversprechen normannischer Abteien in Prozessen vor päpstlichen Delegaten (12. - Anfang 13. Jahrhundert) |
Palmerius of Picciati: Innocent III meets his 'Martin Guerre' |
'Regularis ordo ... per nos institutus esse dinoscitur': Zum Gründungsvorgang des Spitalordens vom Heiligen Geist durch Innocenz III. |
Die Provinz des Inquisitors |
'Fures', 'latrones publici', 'decocti fiaudulenti': il 'confugium' per i falliti da Innocenzo III a Benedetto XIII |
Clérigos y barraganas en la Peninsula Ibérica durante la baja edad media |
Die Inkorporation 'pleno iure' in der Salzburger Kirchenprovinz: Die Provinzialsynode von 1216, der St. Lambrechter Exemtionsstreit und die sog. Altmannfälschungen |
Cardinal Bishop Conrad of Porto and S. Rufina and the Implementation of Innocent Ill's Conciliar Decrees in Germany, 1224-1226 |
Prinzipielle Konzilssuperiorität über den Papst auf kanonistischer Grundlage? Das Beispiel des polnischen Konziliarismus in der Zeit des Konzils von Basel |
Hungarian Canon Lawyers in Royal Service |
Rector ciuitatis and the Ius commune |
Baldus de Ubaldis and the Language of Power in the Ius Commune |
A Papalist Reading of Gratian: Juan de Torquemada on c. Quodcunque [C.24 q. l c.61] |
Argumentation in Practice: Nicolaus Everardi (1462-1532) on Canon Law and Custom in the Low Countries |
"Qui natus est de ancilla mea" in Medieval Church Law |
Rights of Subsistence in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: The Case of Abandoned Children and Servants |
The King's Right Must Be Preferred to the Lord's: Sovereignty and Suzerainty in the Treatises of Pere Albert |
Das Recht der Kirche gegenüber dem irrenden Papst. Juristische und theologische Doktrin im späten Mittelalter |
Natural Rights, Natural Law and the Canonist: Franciscus Zabarella, 1360-1417 |
Custom and Law |
Testimentary Publication and Proof and the Afterlife of Ancient Probate Procedure in Carolingian Septimania |
Welsh Custom and Canon Law, 1150-1300 |
Private Murders and Public Retribution: Castilian Foral Law and the Blood Feud |
Gratian, the Decretists, and Astrology |
Law as an Intellectual Source for Music Theory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance |
Augustine and Gratian on Religious Coercion: "Augustinus non tamen legum severitatem non observandam docuit" |
Adam and Eve in Medieval Canon Law |
Adoption in the Medieval Ius Commune |
"Venerandae romanae leges": la parente adoptive en droit canonique de Nicolas Ier a Gratien (866-1140) |
Canon Law versus Common Law: The Case of Abortion in Late Medieval England |
Exceptio temporis: prescription romaine et dispense en matière matrimoniale au début du XIIIe siècle |
The Legal Sophistication of Litigants in Marriage Cases from Medieval York |
Medieval Laws and Views on Wife-Beating |