Arts and crafts in medieval rural environment: Ruralia VI, 22nd - 29th september 2005, Szentendre - Dobogoko, Hungary Klápšte, Jan • Sommer, Petr [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Ruralia / 6 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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Autoren suchen: Klápšte, Jan • Sommer, Petr |
The early medieval potteries from Basle's hinterland (Switzerland) - origin, production and diffusion of the pottery ware |
Das Eisengewerbe im Schweizerischen Jura - Ergebnisse der neueren Forschung |
Standortfaktoren der Glasproduktion im österreichischen Mühl- und Waldviertel |
The Earth and Wood Fortification in the Podravina Region (Croatia) and its Relationship to the Settlement and Cemetery |
Handwerkliche Produktion in den dörflichen Siedlungen im arpádenzeitlichen Ungarn (10. bis 13. Jahrhundert) |
Overview of medieval pottery kiln types of the Carpathian Basin |
Das andere Dorf. Ein Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Dorfstruktur in Ungarn |
The archaeological material of the households of the medieval village of Szentkiraly (Hungary) |
Beiträge zum Handwerk des mittelalterlichen Marktfleckens Ete (Ungarn) |
Hungarian vernacular stoves of the late Middle Ages in a regional context |
Changing textile crafts in Turku, SW Finland: from tradition to innovation |
The remains of medieval bone carvings from Visegrád (Hungary) |
A case re-opened: Liikistö - the predecessor of medieval Ulvila town (Finland) |
Late Iran Age and Medieval Crafts in Rural Environment - with Special reference to the Retula Village in Southern Finland |
Before a world-system? The peasant-artisan and the market |
Craft, outland use and social Organisation: A case study of the village of Angersjö in Northem Sweden |
Iron production in medieval in Medieval Norway |
Prehistoric quarrying on the west coast of Norway - the production of quernstones, millstones and crosses in Hyllestad, Sogn og Fjordane |
Viking age and medieval craft in Iceland: Adaptation to extraordinary living conditions on the edge of the Old World |
Agricultural Tools and Agrarian Development in Early Medieval Ireland |
Pottery Production and Use in Northern England in the 5th to 12th Centuries |
Graffiti and their Use in Late Medieval England |
Medieval Charcoal-burning in England |
The quarrying of buildingstone and stone artefacts in medieval Yorkshire: a multi-disciplinary approach |
Rural Industries in Pre-industrial South Wales |
Charcoal Burning and Landscape Dynamics in the Early Medieval Netherlands |
Habitat rural et production ceramique: l'atelier de potier de Haillot, Belgique (10e-11e siècles) |
Mittelalterliche Buntmetallverarbeitung in ländlichen Siedlungen |
Social and Ethnic Aspects of rural non-agrarian production in Brandenburg (East Germany) in the Middle Ages and the modern era |
Ländliches und städtisches Handwerk im mittelalterlichen Brandenburg |
Mittelalterliche Töpfereien im ländlichen Raum in Südniedersachsen und Nordhessen |
Salzgewinnung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit im Südwesten Deutschlands |