Mediaeval German Studies: Presented to Frederick Norman Professor of German in the University of London by his students, colleagues and friends on the occasion of his retirement |
Deskriptoren: | |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Kurztitel: | Studies Frederick Norman |
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MARC21 | BibTeX
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Notes on Fate and Fortune (for Germanisten) |
The Significance of Personal Names in German Heroic Poetry |
Belueuuolf |
Aequitas and iustitia in Mediaeval German Psalters |
Zur Zahlensymbolik im Aufbau des Annoliedes |
On the Unity of the Middle High German Lob Salomons |
Notes on Formulaic Expressions in Middle High German Poetry |
Reinmars Rechtfertigung: Zu MF 196,35 und 165,10 |
The Mother's Guilt in Hartmann's Gregorius |
'Der aventiure meine' in Hartmann's Iwein |
Hagen's Defiance of Kriemhilt |
Actions and Reputations in the Nibelungenlied |
The Nibelungenlied in Mediaeval Dutch |
La Composition des livres III a VI du Parzival |
Name Lists in Parzival |
Zu den epischen Hintergründen in Wolframs Parzival |
Wolfram's Longinus |
Daz ergest und daz beste: Zu Gotfrids Tristan und Isold vv. 11645-13096 |
Rit ze hove, Dietrich . . . |
Heinrich von dem Turlin, Chretien and Wolfram |
Rätselraten um den Karlmeinet |
Mechthild von Magdeburg und die niederländische Frauenmystik |
John of Neumarkt and Heinrich Frauenlob |
Two Middle Franconian Hunting Allegories |
Oswald von Wolkenstein and Mandeville's Travels |
From the Schwabenspiegel to Pfefferkorn: A Study in Makulatur |
Publications by Frederick Norman |