Labrys: studies presented to Pontus Hellström Karlsson, Lars [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Boreas / 35 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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MARC21 | BibTeX
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Autoren suchen: Karlsson, Lars |
Pontus Hellström, a dynamic exhibition curator at Medelhavsmuseet |
Flowers and garlands of the "alsos" Verdant themes in the architectural sculpture of Labraunda |
The travels of Zeus Labraundos |
Antae in the afternoon: notes on the Hellenistic and Roman architecture of Labraunda |
Then whose is that? |
The Labraunda "hydrophoroi" |
Coins from Labraunda in Ödemis |
Greek notes on Labraunda and Milas |
Quelques observations sur la forteresse de Labraunda |
A room with a view. Karian landscape on display through the "andrones" at Labraunda |
Ein kilikischer Sarkophag mit Sänftendarstellung im Museum von Adana |
Tracking solidi - from Thessalonica to Hjärpestad |
Egyptian gods on Athenian lamps of the late Roman period |
The "Bearded intellectual" in the Villa of the Papyri: How about Cineas? |
Some notes on an ivory diptych and the reputation of an emperor |
The book and the building: Vitruvian symmetry |
Images of animals in Etruscan tomb paintings and on cinerary urns and sarcophagi |
Early water-mills east of the Rhine |
A note on minced in ancient Greece |
Marginally drafted masonry as an aesthetic element |
The stone doors of the Erechtheion |
Rediscovery of a donator: FW Spiegelthal, Swedish consul at Smyrna |
Music, morale, mistresses, and musical women in Greece |
Looking (again) at the grave stelai from Smyrna |
Karian theories: seeking the origins of ancient Greece |
The Greek "oikos": a space for interaction, revisited and reconsidered |
Was anything measured? |
Why it should be obvious that Euhemerus did not write his "Sacred History" to bolster ruler cult |
A marble head from Alabanda |
Culti orientali a Iasos: ipotesi interpretativa di un edificio di eta romana |
A monumental tomb complex from Thera in Karia |
A Lelegian house or a honey-tower |
The triad from Ephesos: The Mother Goddess and her two companions |
Iasos e i Mentese |
Gladiators in ancient Halikarnassos |
The desire for things and great tales |
Dining rooms in the sanctuary: old and new epigraphic evidence from Halikarnassos |
Tra natura e cultura: rocce-altari in ambiente 'lelego'? |
A pilgrim flask from Halikarnassos |
Auf der Suche nach der diple stoa - nicht nur in Priene |