The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England Lapidge, Michael • Blair, John • Keynes, Simon • Scragg, Donald G. [Hrsg.]. |
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Autoren suchen: Lapidge, Michael • Blair, John • Keynes, Simon • Scragg, Donald G. |
Abingdon |
Abbo of Fleury |
Adelard of Utrecht |
Acrostics |
Adventus Saxonum |
Advent lyrics |
Adomnán |
Ædiluulf |
Ælfflæd of Whitby |
Ælberht |
Ælfheah (Alphege), St, archbishop of Canterbury |
Ælfric Bata |
Ælfhelm of Ely |
Ælfric of Eynsham |
Ælfwine, Prayerbook of |
Ælfthryth, queen |
Aerial reconnaissance |
Æthelbald, king of the Mercians |
Æthelberht, St, king of East Anglia |
Ætheling |
Æthelred and Æthelberht |
Æthelred the unready |
Æthelstan, king of the Anglo-Saxons |
Æthelstan psalter |
Æthelstan Ætheling |
Æthelstan Half-King |
Æthelthryth (= Etheldreda, Audrey) |
Æthelweard |
Æthelwold, benedictional of |
Æthilwald, bishop of Lindisfarne |
Æthilwald |
Agriculture |
Agilbert |
Aidan |
Albinus |
Alcuin of York |
Aldhelm |
Alexander the Great, Letter to Aristotle |
Alfred, king of Wessex |
Aldred |
Alfred jewel |
Alfredian texts |
Alphabet |
Alms (OE ælmesse) |
Amulets |
Amiatinus, Codex |
Andreas |
Anglo-Norman (in Pre-Conquest texts) |
Anglo-Saxon art, Chronology |
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle |
Anglo-Saxonism |
Anglo-Saxons, Kingdom of the |
Animal husbandry |
Annals |
Antiquaries |
Apocrypha, Biblical, in Old English |
Architectural stone sculpture |
Apollonius of Tyre |
Architecture, ecclesiastical |
Arms and armour |
Armes Prydein |
Army |
Asser |
Arthur |
Astronomy |
Augustine |
Barking |
Bakewell |
Bale, John |
Barberini Gospels |
Barton-Upon-Humber |
Battle of Brunanburh |
Bath |
Battle of Maldon |
Battle of Finnsburh |
Bayeux Tapestry |
Beasts of battle |
Bede |
Bells and bellringing |
Bede's death song |
Benedict Biscop |
Benedictine rule, OE |
Beorhtgyth |
Beornstan |
Beowulf |
Beowulf manuscript |
Berhtwald, abbot of Reculver and archbishop of Canterbury |
Bernicia |
Bernicia |
Bewcastle |
Bible |
Bible, illustrations |
Biblical translation: poems |
Boisil |
Birinus, St. |
Bone and ivory carving |
Bone working |
Boniface |
Bookbindings |
Bosa |
Bosworth, Joseph |
Brandon |
Bradford-On-Avon |
Botwulf, St. |
Bosham |
Breedon-On-The-Hill |
Breamore |
Brixworth, Northamptonshire, All Saints' Church |
Bridges |
Bretwalda or Brytenwalda |
Burghard or Burchard |
Bury St. Edmunds |
Burghal Hidage |
By-Names |
Byrhtferth |
Byzantium |
Cædmon |
Canon law |
Canals |
Cædwalla |
Canterbury |
Carlisle |
Carpet-Pages |
Cathedral clergy |
Celtic influences |
Celtic languages |
Celts |
Cemeteries, furnished |
Cemeteries, unfurnished |
Ceolnoth |
Ceolfrith |
Censers |
Cerne, Book of |
Cerdic |
Chancery, royal |
Chad, St. |
Chant |
Charms |
Charter bounds |
Charters and writs |
Cheddar |
Chertsey |
Chester |
Children |
Chi-Rho |
Chirograph |
Christ III |
Cirencester |
Christ and Satan |
Clergy |
Classical learning |
Clofesho |
Clothing |
Cnut |
Codicology |
Coenwulff |
Coinage |
Colloquies |
Colophons |
Coldingham |
Colour |
Columba |
Computus |
Comitatus |
Conversion |
Confession and penance |
Coronation |
Cornwall |
Cotton, Sir Robert |
Council, King's |
Councils, Church |
County Hidage |
Courts |
Creeds |
Crimes |
Cricklade |
Crosses, Stone |
Crypts |
Cuthbert, St. |
Cynethryth |
Cuthburg |
Cynewulf |
Danelaw |
Daniel |
Dating of vernacular texts |
Deerhurst |
Deor |
Deira |
Deusdedit |
Dialects |
Descent into Hell |
Diseases |
Dictionaries, Modern |
Domesday Book |
Diuma |
Dorchester-On-Thames |
Dorchester |
Dragons |
Dream of the Rood |
Dunstan |
Dunsæte |
Durrow, Book of |
Dynasties, Royal |
Eadgyth [Edith] |
Eadgifu |
Eadburg |
Eadred |
Eadgyth [Edith], St. |
Eadric Streona |
Eadwig |
Ealdorman |
Earconwald |
Eanflæd |
Ealdred |
East Anglia, Kingdom of |
Earls Barton |
Easter controversy |
Ecgberht |
Ecgberht |
Eata |
Ecgwine |
Edgar |
Edmund |
Echternach Gospels |
Edmund Ironside |
Edmund, St., King of East Anglia |
Edward the Confessor |
Edward the Elder |
Edward the Martyr |
Edwin, King of Northumbria |
Elegies |
Elmham, North |
Elmet |
Elstob, Elizabeth |
Ely Abbey |
Embroidery |
Emma of Normandy |
Encomium Emmae Reginae |
Enamel |
English people |
Enigmata |
Episcopal lists |
Entertainment |
Eosterwine |
Eric Bloodaxe |
Escomb |
Essex |
Estate management |
Excommunication |
Exegesis |
Exeter |
Exeter Book |
Exhortation to Christian living |
Exodus |
Exorcism |
Eynsham |
Felix |
Feorm |
Feuds |
Field systems |
Fishing |
Flanders |
Five Boroughs |
Fleury |
Florence |
Foederati |
Folcard of Saint-Bertin |
Folklore |
Food and drink |
Forts and fortifications |
Frankpledge |
Franks |
Franks Casket |
Frisians |
Fuller Brooch |
Frithegod |
Fursa |
Genealogies, Royal |
Gandersheim Casket |
Genesis |
Germanic languages |
Germanus |
Gewisse |
Germany |
Gifts of Men |
Giso |
Gildas |
Glass |
Glastonbury Abbey |
Glossaries |
Glosses |
Gloucester |
Gnomic poetry |
Gododdin |
Godiva |
Godeman |
Godwine |
Gosforth Cross |
Goltho |
Goscelin of Saint-Bertin |
Gospelbooks |
Gospel translation |
Grammar, Latin (study of) |
Grave goods |
Gregory the Great |
Grave-Markers |
Grimbald of Saint-Bertin |
Grimm's Law |
Guthlac, St. |
Guthrum |
Habitation names |
Hadrian |
Hagiography |
Hæddi |
Hanging-Bowls |
Harold II |
Harley Psalter |
Harold Harefoot |
Harthacnut |
Hastings, Battle of |
Hawking and wildfowling |
Hartlepool |
Hemming |
Hengest and Horsa |
Henry of Huntingdon |
Heptarchy |
Herbals |
Here |
Hereford |
Heregeld |
Heriot |
Heroic poetry |
Hewald |
Hexam |
Hickes, George |
Hide |
Hild or Hilda |
Hildelith |
Historia Brittonum |
Hoards |
Hogbacks |
Homilies |
Honorius |
Hostages |
Housecarls |
Hundreds |
Hunting |
Husband's Message |
Hwætberht |
Hymns |
Hwicce |
Hygeburg |
Iconography (use of symbolism) |
Illumination |
Indract, St. |
Ine |
-ingas, -inga names |
Inscriptions, Non-Runic |
Iona |
Ipswich |
Israel the Grammarian |
Iwig, St. |
Ithamar |
Jænberht |
James the Deacon |
Jewellery |
John, monk of Worcester |
Jews |
Judith |
John the Old Saxon |
Junius Manuscript |
Junius, Franciscus |
Judoc, St. |
Jurisdiction |
Justus, St. |
Jury |
Jutes |
Kent, Kingdom of |
Kenelm, St. |
Kemble, J. M. |
Kings and Kingship |
Kinship |
Kingston-Upon-Thames |
Koenwald |
Labour service |
Land tenure |
Lantfred |
Lapidaries |
Lastingham |
Laws |
Laurentius |
Leather-Work |
Leicester |
Leland, John |
Leofwine or Lebuin |
Leofric, earl of Mercia |
Leofric, bishop of Devon and Cornwall |
Leofgyth |
Letter Collections |
Liber Monstrorum |
Leuthere |
Libraries |
Lichfield |
Lindisfarne |
Lincoln |
Lindisfarne Gospels |
Lindsey |
Liturgical Books |
Liturgical Commemoration |
Liturgy |
Liudger |
Loan-Translations |
Loan-Words |
London |
Lull |
Lyminge |
Machutus, St. |
Magic |
Malnutrition |
Malmesbury |
Manors and manorial lordship |
Manumission |
Marriage and divorce |
Markets and fairs |
Martyrology, OE |
Marvels of the East |
Mellitus |
Melrose |
Mercia |
Metalworking |
Merewenna, St. |
Metre, OE |
Metre, Latin |
Metrical Calendar, Latin |
Middle Angles |
Metrical Calendar, OE |
Middle Saxons |
Mildburg, St |
Mills |
Millefiori |
Mildrith, St. |
Milred |
Mining and Quarrying |
Mints and minting |
Minster-In-Sheppey |
Minster-In-Thanet |
Missionaries |
Monasterialia Indicia |
Monasticism |
Monastic sites |
Moneyers |
Monkwearmouth (or Wearmouth) and Jarrow |
Mucking |
Music |
Musical instruments |
Navy |
Normandy |
Neot, St. |
Northampton |
Northern Annals |
Northumbria |
Nothhelm |
Norwich |
Nowell, Laurence |
Nunneries |
Oaths |
Octosyllables, Latin |
Oda |
Offa |
Offa's Dyke |
Ohthere |
Old English |
Old Norse |
Ordeal |
Oral-Formulaic theory |
Order of the World |
Orosius, OE Translation of |
Ormside Bowl |
Osgyth |
Oswald, king of Nothrumbria |
Oswald the Younger |
Oswald, bishop of Worcester |
Oswiu, king of Northumbria |
Otley |
Oxford |
Paganism |
Pallium |
Papacy |
Parasites |
Parker, Matthew |
Parochial organization |
Paulinus |
Peasants |
Pega, St. |
Penda |
Penitentials |
Personal Names, Celtic |
Personal names, Old English |
Personal Names, Scandinavian |
Picts |
Physiologus |
Phoenix |
Pilgrimage |
Place-Names, Celtic |
Place-Names, OE |
Place-Names, Scandinavian |
Plegmund |
Poetic technique, Latin |
Poetic technique, OE |
Pontifical ceremonies |
Pottery |
Prayer, Private |
Preaching |
Princely burials |
Prose style, Latin |
Prose style, Old English |
Prostitution |
Psalter Glosses |
Punctuation |
Queens |
Rædwald |
Ramsey |
Raunds |
Reeve |
Reculver |
Rawlinson, Richard |
Regalia |
Regnal lists |
Relics and Relic-Cults |
Regularis Concordia |
Repton |
Resignation |
Rhyming poem |
Riddles, Old English |
Ripon |
River names |
Roads |
Roman Remains |
Rochester |
Rome |
Royal sites |
Rumwold, St. |
Rune Poem |
Runes |
Ruthwell Cross |
Sandbach |
Sativola, St. (= St. Sidwell) |
St. Albans |
St. Augustine's Gospels (CCCC 286) |
Scandinavian, influence on English art |
Schools |
Script, Anglo-Saxon |
Sculpture, Stone |
Scriptorium |
Seals |
Seafarer |
Seasons for fasting |
Settlement, Anglo-Saxon |
Selsey |
Semantic change |
Settlement patterns |
Sherborne |
Shaftesbury |
Sexburg, St. |
Ships |
Shire |
Shrines and reliquaries |
Slavery |
Solomon and Saturn, Poetic |
Social Class |
Soul and body |
Solomon and Saturn, Prose |
Sound change |
Southampton |
Spelling and pronunciation, OE |
Stamford |
Stephen of Ripon |
Sunday Letter |
Steyning |
Sundials |
Surgery |
Sussex, Kingdom of |
Sutton Hoo |
Sweet, Henry |
Syllogae |
Swithun |
Swein Forkbeard |
Syntax |
Symeon of Durham |
Tamworth |
Tapestry |
Talbot, Robert |
Taplow burial |
Tatwine |
Taxation |
Textiles |
Thegn |
Theodore |
Thorkelin, Grimur Jonsson |
Theodulfi Capitula |
Thorpe, Benjamin |
Tiles |
Timber building |
Tituli |
Topographical names |
Towns |
Trade |
Transport and communication |
The tribal hidage |
'Tremulous hand' |
Trinoda Necessitas |
Turner, Sharon |
Utrecht Psalter |
Verner's Law |
Vainglory |
Vercelli Book |
Vikings |
Vespasian Psalter |
Cult of the Virgin |
Virgin, Cult of |
Visions |
Walburg, St. |
Wall-Painting |
Wallingford |
Waldere |
Waltheof, St. |
Wanderer |
Wanley, Humfrey |
Wareham |
Wansdyke |
Wapentakes |
Watling Street |
Wat's Dyke |
Wells |
Werburg, St. |
Werferth |
Wergild |
Wessex |
West Saxon Dialect |
Westminster |
Whitby |
Widsith |
Whithorn |
Widow |
Wif's Lament |
Wilfrid, St. |
William of Malmesbury |
Wilfrid II |
Willehad |
Willibald |
Wills |
Willibald of Mainz |
Willibrord |
Winchester |
Winchcombe |
Winchester School |
Wing |
Windsor |
Women |
Wistan, St. |
Woodland |
Worcester |
Wulf and Eadwacer |
Wulfhere |
Wulfred |
Wulfstan I |
Wulfsige |
Wulfstan II |
Wulfstan the Homilist |
Wulfstan Cantor |
Wynnebald |
Wyrd |
Yeavering |
York |
Rulers of the English, c.450-1066 |
Kings of Northumbria. |
Rulers of the English, c.450-1066 |
Archbishops and Bishops, 597-1066 |