The Fourth Viking congress, York, August 1961 Small, Alan [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Aberdeen University studies series / 149 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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Autoren suchen: Small, Alan |
Two Medieval Farm Sites in Iceland and Some Remarks on Tephrochronology |
Excavations at Birsay, Orkney |
Some decorated Anglo-Saxon and Irish metalwork found in Norwegian Viking graves |
Characteristics and Dating of Anglo-Saxon Churches. |
Anglo-Saxon Churches in Yorkshire |
Early territorial organization in northern England and its bearing on the Scandinavian settlement |
The Green Village in Its European Setting |
An eleventh century farmhouse in the Norse colonies in Greenland. |
Eysteinn Haraldsson in the West, c. 1151. Oral Traditions and Written Record. |
A survey of the archaeological investigations in the Faroes. |
Christianity as a political force in Northumbria in the Danish and Norse periods |
The Development of Helmsley Castle |
Trelleborg Problems |
The York Viking kingdom; relations between Old England and Old Norse culture |
The York Viking Kingdom ; Relations between Old English and Old Norse Culture. |
Eastern Yorkshire: The Geographical Background to Early Seulement |
Late Saxon Pottery. |
The Ecclesiastical Character of the St. Ninian's Isle Treasure |
Shetland farm names |