The Nordic Languages: An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages Bandle, Oskar [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / 22 |
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Sprache: | Englisch |
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MARC21 | BibTeX
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Autoren suchen: Bandle, Oskar |
Language Contacts outside Scandinavia II: with Celtic Languages |
The Nordic language area and the languages in the north of Europe |
The Nordic languages in a Germanic perspective . |
Diachrony and synchrony in Nordic language history |
Previous alicmpis at establishing periods in Nordic language history |
The data basis of a Nordic language history |
Previous attempts at writing a Nordic language history |
Outline of research on Nordic language history before 1800 |
Research in Danish language history 1850 1950. An overview |
Research in Swedish language history 1850-1950. An overview |
Research in Norwegian language history 1850- 1950. An overview |
Research in Icelandic language history 1850 1950. An overview |
Research in Farocse language history 1850 1950. An overview |
Nordic contributions to historical linguistics before 1800 |
Contributions to Nordic language history by non-Nordic linguists (until ca. 1980) |
The contribution of the Nordic countries to historical-comparative linguistics: Rasmus Rask and his followers |
The contribution of Scandinavian neogrammarians |
The Scandinavian contribution to structuralism (until 1950) |
Nordic language history and religion / ecclesiastical history I: The pre-Christian period |
Nordic language history and philology: Editing earlier texts. |
Nordic, Germanic, Indo-European and the structure of the Germanic language family |
Nordic-Gothic linguistic relations |
Nordic-West Germanic relations |
Nordic and North Sea Germanic Relations |
Contact with non-Germanic languages I: Relations to the West |
Contact with non-Germanic languages II: Relations to the East |
Scandinavia in the Light of Ancient Tradition |
The Ancient Nordic period. A historical survey |
Delimitation of Ancient Nordic from Common Germanic and Old Nordic |
A survey of ancient Nordic sources |
The Ancient Nordic period: An archaeological survey |
Knirk, Runes: Origins, development of the futhark, functions, applications, and methodological considerations |
The Ancient-Nordic linguistic system from a typological point of view: Phonology, graphemics, morphology, syntax and word order |
The development of Proto-Nordic lexicon |
The development of Proto-Nordic personal names |
The development of Proto-Nordic place-names |
Sociolinguistic perspectives and language contact in Proto-Nordic |
From Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic: Definition and delimitation of the period |
The sources of the transitional period between Ancient Nordic and Old Nordic |
Phonological and graphematic developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic |
Morphological developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic |
Syntactic developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic |
Lexical developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic |
Developments of personal names from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic |
The development of place-names from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic |
Sociolinguistic perspectives in the transitional period between Proto-Nordic and Old Nordic |
Language contact in the period between Ancient Nordic and Old Nordic |
Nordic history in the Middle Ages and the extension of Nordic: Cultural and historical preconditions of language |
A definition and delimitation of the period |
The history of Old Nordic manuscripts I: Old Icelandic |
The history of Old Nordic manuscripts II: Old Norwegian (incl. Faroese) |
The history of Old Nordic manuscripts III: Old Swedish |
The history of Old Nordic manuscripts IV: Old Danish |
The development of Latin script I: in Norway |
The development of Latin script II: in Iceland |
The development of Latin script III: in Sweden |
The development of Latin script IV: in Denmark |
History of Old Nordic metrics |
The various Old Nordic dialects, their systems and their typology: A general survey of the classical Old Nordic of the High Middle Ages |
The phonological systems of Old Nordic I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian |
Riad, The phonological systems of Old Nordic II: Old Swedish and Old Danish |
The morphology of Old Nordic I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian |
The morphology of Old Nordic II: Old Swedish and Old Danish |
The syntax of Old Nordic |
The Old Nordic lexicon |
The development of Old Nordic personal names |
The development of Old Nordic place-names |
Old Nordic types of texts I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian |
Old Nordic types of texts II: Old Swedish and Old Danish |
Translation and interference by translation in Old Nordic I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian |
Translation and interference by translation in Old Nordic II: Old Swedish and Old Danish |
Dialects and written language in Old Nordic I: Old Norwegian and Old Icelandic |
Dialects and written language in Old Nordic II: Old Danish and Old Swedish |
Language contact during the Old Nordic period I: with the British Isles. Frisia and the Hanseatic League |
Language contact during the Old Nordic period II: with Eastern Europe |
Language contact during the Old Nordic period III: The impact of Christianity on Old Nordic |
History and development of Old Nordic outside the Scandinavia of today |
History of Scandinavia and sociocultural developments in the Late Middle Ages and in Early Modern Times |
Manuscripts and bookprinting in Late Medieval Scandinavian and in Early Modern Times |
The development of metrics in Late Medieval and Early Modern Times |
Phonological developments from Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic 1: West Scandinavian |
Phonological developments from Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic II: Danish |
Phonological developments from Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic III: Swedish |
Phonological developments from Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic IV: A typological and constrastive survey |
Morphological developments from Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic: Inflexion and word formation |
Syntactic developments from Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic |
Lexical developments in the Late Middle Ages |
The development of personal names in the Late Middle Ages |
The development of place-names in the Late Middle Ages |
From Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic: The development of types of text |
From Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic: The language of the translations 1: Icelandic and Norwegian translations |
From Old Nordic to Marly Modern Nordic: The language of the translations II: Swedish and Danish translations |
From Old Nordic to Early Modern Nordic: The development of oral and literary styles |
Language contacts in the Late Middle Ages and in Early Modern Times |
Language loss and destandardization in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times |