The legendary sagas: origins and development Lassen, Annette • Ney, Agneta • Jakobsson, Ármann [Hrsg.]. |
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Autoren suchen: Lassen, Annette • Ney, Agneta • Jakobsson, Ármann |
The Earliest Legendary Saga Manuscripts |
Origines Gentium and the Learned Origin of Fornaldarsdgur Nordurlanda |
The Origin and Development of the Fornaldarsogur as Illustrated by Völsunga Saga |
Edda Snorra Sturlusonar och Sigurdstraditionen |
Iarpskammr: Tribal Taxonomy and Transgressive Exogamy in the Fornaldarsögur |
Poetry in Fornaldarsögur: Origins, Nature and Purpose |
Poetic Voices in the Fornaldarsögur |
The Organization of Poetic Quotations in Hervarar Saga ok Heidreks |
Lygisogur, skroksogur and stjupmoedrasggur |
The Development of the Fornaldarsögur as a Genre: a Polysystemic Approach |
Textual Instability, Generic Hybridity, and the Development of Some Fornaldarsögur |
From Heroic Legend to 'Medieval Screwball Comedy'? The Origins, Development and Interpretation of the Maiden-King Narrative |
Völsunga Saga, Ragnars Saga and Romance in Old Norse: Revisiting Relationships |
Possible Worlds of Sagas: The Intermingling of Different Fictional Universes in the Development of the Fornaldarsögur as a Genre |
Qrvar-Oddr og senmiddelalderens adelskultur |
Fornaldarsagan och den "efterklassiska" islänningasagans uppkomst |
Narratives and Narrators on the Move: Some Examples of Change and Continuity in the Tradition of Fantastic Fiction |
The Place of Porsteins saga Vikingssonar in Eggertsbök, a Late Medieval Icelandic Saga-Book |
Einn Fagur Aldingardur - The manuscript transmission of "Hrólfs saga kraka" |
Sorla saga sterka in its Final Phase of Manuscript Transmission |