In Reihe: | Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung / 3 |
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Sprache: | Deutsch |
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Autoren suchen: Panhuysen, Titus A. S. M. • Ludowici, Babette |
Introduction: Transformations in North-Western Europe (AD 300-1000) |
House plots, pots and pins. Transformations in the Rhine estuary during the Early Middle Ages |
War and rituals. Changes in rituals and transformations of power |
Die Entwicklung der Gerberei am Übergang von der Spätantike zum Frühen Mittelalter |
Liège au Haut Moyen Âge: un état de la question |
Discontinuity in the Northern-Netherlands coastal area at the end of the Roman Period |
Wendepunkte in der Frühgeschichte der Maastrichter Servatiusabtei |
Die schwedischen Goldhalskragen. Germanische Bildersprache in antiker Techniktradition. Ein Vorbericht |
Die Anfänge des Kirchenbaus im Umfeld des fränkischen Fürstensitzes von Krefeld-Gellep |
Zur Siedlungskontinuität in Aachen zwischen römischer und karolingischer Zeit |
Changing urban topography in late Roman and early medieval Tongeren |
Sorte Muld, Bornholm, an example of transformation and regional contacts during the 5th to 7th centuries in the Baltic Sea area |
The archaeological evidence for state formation in southern England: a comparison of the early kingdoms of Kent, Sussex and Wessex |
Power by fire. Transitions and continuity during the Migration and Merovingian periods at Uppâkra, southernmost part of Sweden |
Central Places in South Scandinavia - A Transformation Twenty Years After |
Transformations in the elite settlements of Östergötland, Sweden, 375-1000 |
Ipswich - Transformations of Community and Settlement in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries |
The cremation graves at the Broechem cemetery (prov. of Antwerp, Belgium) |
The first early medieval cemeteries along the northern Dutch coasts and their significance for Anglo-Saxon migration |
Am Vorabend der Sachsenkriege: Aufkommen und Abbruch der sogenannten sächsischen Gräber in Westfalen am Beispiel von Soest |
Leichentücher und Federstreuungen. Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Dunum als Spiegel politisch-religiöser Wandlungen des 7.-10. Jahrhunderts im Küstenraum |
Changes in Burial Custom seen from Ostergârd, Southern Jutland in the period from the Early Roman Iron Age to the Late Roman/Early Germanic Iron Age |
The Merovingian cemetery of Bossut-Gottechain (Grez-Doiceau, Belgium) |
The Prittlewell (Essex) burial: a comparison with other Anglo-Saxon princely graves |