Vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident: regards croisés sur les dynamiques et les transferts culturels des Vikings à la Rous ancienne Bauduin, Pierre • Musin, Aleksandr E. [Hrsg.]. |
In Reihe: | Publications du CRAHAM |
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Sprache: | Französisch |
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MARC21 | BibTeX
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Autoren suchen: Bauduin, Pierre • Musin, Aleksandr E. |
Introduction |
Les Occidentaux dans l'espace scandinave et baltique aux VIIIe-IXe siècles: qui? pourquoi? comment? |
Danish Fleet-Operations at the Southern Shores of the Baltic Sea and along the Elbe River during the 9th Century |
Icelandic Skalds and Gardar |
Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th Century |
Early Medieval Richly Furnished Burials in the South of the Baltic - Symbols of Ethnic Identity or Expressions of Social Elites under Pressure? |
Creating Identity in Viking-Age England: Archaeological Perspectives on Funerary Practices |
De l'art de paraître: costume et identité entre Scandinavie et ancienne Rous |
Female Costume from Early Novgorod and its Ethno-Cultural Background: an Essay on Reconstruction |
Byzantine and Scandinavian Elements in Christian Devotional Metalwork Objects of Early Rus' of the 10th-11th Centuries |
Les Rous d'Ibn Fadlân: Slaves ou Scandinaves? Une approche critique |
Scandinavian Seulement South of the Baltic Sea |
Les échanges entre la Normandie et la Baltique aux Xe-XIe siècles - la documentation numismatique et ses limites |
Dans quel contexte les Scandinaves se sont-ils implantés en Normandie ? Ce que nous dit l'archéologie de l'habitat rural en Neustrie, du VIIIe au Xe siècle |
Early Ladoga during the Viking Age in the Light of the International Cultural Transfer |
New Archaeological Discoveries at Ryurikovo Gorodishche |
Scandinavian Objects from the Excavations of Novgorod |
Stray Finds of Scandinavian Origin and Viking Hoards in the Lake Ilmen' Area near Novgorod the Great: Topography and Composition |
Staraya Russa at the End of the Viking Age and Later: a Review of Archaeological Research |
The Region South of Lake Ladoga during the Viking Age (8th-11th Centuries AD) |
Les Scandinaves en Rous entre paganisme et christianisme |
The Conversion of Scandinavian in Britain and Ireland: an Overview |
National Identity and Memory of the Origins: the Example of Norway |
Langues et identités dans les établissements vikings d'Europe de l'Ouest |
The Acculturation of Scandinavian in Early Rus' as Reflected by Language and Literacy |
What's in a Name? Dynastic Power and Anthroponymics in Medieval Scandinavia and Rus' (the Case of Svyatoslav and Svyatoslava) |
A Scandinavian Trace in the History of the Novgorod Boyardom |
Appendix - Hypothetical Genealogical Stemma of the Rogvolodovichi of Novgorod |
"Invitation of the Varangians" and "Invitation of the Swedes" in Russian History: Ideas of Early Historiography in Late Russian Medieval Society |
Normanism and Antinormanism in Russia: an Eyewitness Account |
Affrontement, accommodation, médiation: mémoire des Vikings et construction des identités à l'Est et à l'Ouest de l'Europe. Conclusions de la session française |
L'adieu aux mythes, ou quelques réflexions sur les voyages vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident à l'époque viking et aujourd'hui. Conclusions de la session russe |