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Publikationen »Ólason, Vésteinn«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ólason, Vésteinn

RI opac: 47 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Nordic civilisation in the medieval world
Ólason, Vésteinn [Hrsg.]. - Reykjavík (2009)

2Sammelwerk  The manuscripts of Iceland: [accompanying an exhibition by the Arni Magnusson Institute in Iceland, which opened in the Culture House, Reykjavik, October 5, 2002]
Sigurðsson, GísliÓlason, Vésteinn [Hrsg.]. - Reykjavík (2004)

3Monographie  Dialogues with the Viking Age: narration and representation in the Sagas of the Icelanders
Ólason, Vésteinn. - Reykjavík (1998)

4Sammelwerk  Íslensk bókmenntasaga (Vol. 1-)
Ólason, Vésteinn [Hrsg.]. - Reykjavík (1993)

5Sachtitel  Saga af Tristram og Ísönd
Ólason, Vésteinn [Hrsg.]. - Reykjavik (1987)

6Buchbeitrag  Dialogues with the Past
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 489-494

7Buchbeitrag  The Saga Heroes - Where do they come from?
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2015) - In: Medieval Nordic literature in its European context S. 175-197

8Buchbeitrag  Voluspá and Time
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2013) - In: The Nordic Apocalypse. Approaches to Voluspá and Nordic Days of Judgement S. 25-44

9Buchbeitrag  Die Vokalität der isländischen Volksballaden
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2012) - In: Balladen-Stimmen. Vokalität als theoretisches und historisches Phänomen S. 75-92

10Buchbeitrag  The Poetic Edda: Literature or Folklore?
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2010) - In: Along the oral-written continuum. Types of texts, relations and their implications S. 227-252

11Buchbeitrag  Scenes from Daily Life in the Sagas of Icelanders: Narrative Function
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2009) - In: Approaching the Viking age S. 179-196

12Buchbeitrag  Benedikt Gröndal som norroenfilolog
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2008) - In: Studier Kristinn Jóhannesson S. 319-334

13Buchbeitrag  The Icelandic Saga as a Kind of Literature with Special Reference to its Representation of Reality
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2007) - In: Essays Margaret Clunies Ross S. 27-48

14Artikel  Maddaman með kýrhausinn og Völuspá
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2007) - In: Timarit máls og menningar Bd. 68, 1 (2007) S. 47-57

15Artikel  The fantastic element in fourteenth century Íslendingasögur a survey
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2007) - In: Gripla Bd. 18 (2007) S. 7-22

16Buchbeitrag  The Fantastic Element in the Islendingasogur (Abstract of Plenary paper)
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 2 S. 998

17Buchbeitrag  The Middle Ages. Old Icelandic poetry
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2006) - In: A history of Icelandic literature

18Artikel  Grottasöngur
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2005) - In: Gripla Bd. 16 (2005) S. 115-135

19Buchbeitrag  Family sagas
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2005) - In: A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture S. 101-118

20Buchbeitrag  Society and Literature
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2004) - In: The manuscripts of Iceland S. 25-41

21Buchbeitrag  Icelandic Sagas and European Literature. A Survey
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2004) - In: Nord ed Europa. Identità scandinava e rapporti culturali con il continente nel corso dei secoli S. 27-50

22Buchbeitrag  The Un/Grateful Dead-From Baldr to Bægifótr
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2003) - In: Old Norse Myths, Literature and Society S. 153-171

23Buchbeitrag  þjóðvísur Hermanns
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2001) - In: Studies Hermann Pálsson (2001) S. 277-286

24Artikel  Les sagas islandaises, genre littéraire à la croisée de deux univers
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2000) - In: Proxima Thulé Bd. 4 (2000) S. 45-68

25Buchbeitrag  Setbergs kveða sitja
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2000) - In: Studies Gerd Wolfgang Weber S. 483-487

26Buchbeitrag  Topography and world view in Njdls saga. With special reference to the function of the Thing
Ólason, Vésteinn. (2000) - In: FS Lars Lönnroth S. 131-141

27Buchbeitrag  Gísli Súrsson - a flawless or flawed hero?
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1999) - In: FS Hans Schottmann S. 163-175

28Artikel  Emosjon og aksjon i Njáls saga
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1994) - In: Nordica Bergensia Bd. 3, 3 (1994) S. 157-172

29Buchbeitrag  The Marvellous North and Authorial Presence in the Icelandic Fornaldarsaga
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1994) - In: Contexts of Pre-Novel Narrative. The European Tradition S. 101-134

30Buchbeitrag  Art. "Vatnsdla saga" (the saga of the people of Vatnsdalr)
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 689

31Buchbeitrag  Art. "Íslendingas§gur" (sagas of Icelanders)
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 333-336

32Buchbeitrag  The sagas of Icelanders
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1993) - In: Viking Revaluations S. 26-42

33Buchbeitrag  Art. "Njáls saga" (the saga of Njáall)
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 432-434

34Buchbeitrag  "Fýrirlát mér jungfrúin hreina". Et norsk religiøst dikt fra senmiddelalderen
Jørgensen, Jon GunnarÓlason, Vésteinn. (1992) - In: FS Eyvind Fjeld Halvorsen S. 169-188

35Buchbeitrag  Literary Backgrounds of the Scandinavian Ballad
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1991) - In: The Ballad and Oral Literature S. 116-138

36Buchbeitrag  The West-Nordic Hero in Saga and Ballad. Marginal Notes
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1990) - In: FS Bengt R. Jonsson S. 275-286

37Artikel  Jorvik revisited - with Egil Skalla-Grimsson
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1990) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 27 (1990) S. 64-76

38Buchbeitrag  Kali - en skald fra Agder
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1989) - In: FS Finn Hødnebø S. 224-238

39Buchbeitrag  "Máhlíðingamál": authorship and tradition in a part of Eyrbyggja saga
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1989) - In: Guðbrandur Vigfússon Centenary Essays S. 187-203

40Artikel  Kveðið um Ólaf helga
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1983) - In: Skírnir Bd. 157 (1983) S. 48-63

41Artikel  Soltinn varth Sigurthr
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1980) - In: Gripla Bd. 4 (1980) S. 166-171

42Artikel  Frásagnarlíst i fornum sögum.
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1978) - In: Skírnir Bd. 152 (1978) S. 166-202

43Buchbeitrag  The Icelandic Ballad as a Medieval Genre
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1978) - In: The European Medieval Ballad. A Symposium S. 67-74

44Buchbeitrag  Ballad and Romance in Medieval Iceland
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1978) - In: Ballads and Ballad Research S. 26-36

45Artikel  Nýmæli í íslenskum bókmenntum á miðöld.
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1976) - In: Skírnir Bd. 150 (1976) S. 68-87

46Artikel  Nokkrar athugasemdir um Eyrbyggja sögu.
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1971) - In: Skírnir Bd. 145 (1971) S. 5-25

47Artikel  Er Snorri Höfundur Egils sögu.
Ólason, Vésteinn. (1968) - In: Skírnir Bd. 142 (1968) S. 48-67

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