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Publikationen »Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita

RI opac: 9 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The History of Jews in Lithuania: From the Middle Ages to the 1990s
Sirutavicius, VladasStaliunas, DariusŠiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2019)

2Buchbeitrag  The creation and administration of a multi-ethnic state: the case of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2020) - In: Memories in Multi-Ethnic Societies. Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present, I S. 211-235

3Buchbeitrag  The Status of the Jews: Social Segregation and Attempts at Integration
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 19-36

4Buchbeitrag  The Establishment of the Community and the Beginning of the Regulation of the Legal Status of the Jews
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 3-18

5Buchbeitrag  The Background for the Emergence of a Central Eastern European Jewish Spiritual Centre
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 104-117

6Buchbeitrag  How Jews were Seen by the Society of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 89-103

7Buchbeitrag  Relations between the Burghers and the Jews: Competition and the Search for Coexistence
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 70-88

8Buchbeitrag  Jewish Economic Activity
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 54-69

9Buchbeitrag  Jewish Self-Government in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Institutions and their Mode of Operation
Šiauciunaite-Verbickiene, Jurgita. (2019) - In: The History of Jews in Lithuania. From the Middle Ages to the 1990s S. 37-53

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