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Publikationen »Adkin, Neil«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Adkin, Neil

RI opac: 99 Einträge

1Monographie  Jerome on Virginity: A Commentary on the Libellus de virginitate servanda
Adkin, Neil. - Leeds (2003)

2Artikel  A Crux in the Proem of Henry of Avranches' Bordo-Siler (R 129-144,17-18)
Adkin, Neil. (2022) - In: Acta classica Universitatis scientiarum Debreceniensis Bd. 58 (2022) S. 155-159

3Artikel  A note on a poem of Henry of Avranches to Emperor Frederick II (R 12,22).
Adkin, Neil. (2022) - In: Eikasmos Bd. 33 (2022) S. 291-294

4Artikel  A Note on a Poem of Henry of Avranches to Archbishop Engelbert of Cologne (R 45.15-19): The Poet as Proteus
Adkin, Neil. (2022) - In: Euphrosyne Bd. 50 (2022) S. 283-286

5Artikel  A Note on the Proem of Henry of Avranches' Bordo-Siler (R 129-144,11-13)
Adkin, Neil. (2022) - In: Giornale italiano di filologia Bd. 74 (2022) S. 415-420

6Artikel  Inclementi secare ferro? (Jerome, Epist. 40,1,1)
Adkin, Neil. (2015) - In: Vigiliae christianae Bd. 69 (2015) S. 305-311

7Artikel  Sur une page de Jonas d'Orléans (De instituione laicali, 1, 1)
Adkin, Neil. (2015) - In: Helmantica Bd. 66 (2015) S. 249ff.

8Artikel  Catullus in Jerome? Notes on the Cohortatoria de paenitentia ad Sabinianum (Epist. 147)
Adkin, Neil. (2011) - In: Vigiliae christianae Bd. 65 (2011) S. 408-424

9Artikel  "Labor tam utilis": Sallust in Augustine on the Vulgate
Adkin, Neil. (2011) - In: Augustiniana Bd. 61 (2011) S. 49-53

10Artikel  Cicero or Cyprian in Hieronymian Hoodoo? (Vita Hilarionis 12,3)
Adkin, Neil. (2010) - In: Helmantica Bd. 61 (2010) S. 229-234

11Artikel  Some Jeromian gingerbread? (Epist. 31)
Adkin, Neil. (2010) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 120 (2010) S. 5-11

12Artikel  Textual notes on a newly published work: Liber prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie
Adkin, Neil. (2010) - In: Giornale italiano di filologia Bd. 62 (2010) S. 253-266

13Buchbeitrag  Further Supplements to Marangoni's "Supplementum Etymologicum": Servius and Sevius Auctus on Virgil
Adkin, Neil. (2010) - In: Studies in Latin literature and Roman history 15 S. 473-491

14Artikel  Unidentified echoes of the Bible and the Fathers in Raban Maur's commentary on Judith
Adkin, Neil. (2010) - In: Sacris erudiri Bd. 49 (2010) S. 249-260

15Artikel  "Excussaque pectore Iuno est": Aen. 5,679 in Cyprian
Adkin, Neil. (2009) - In: Vetera Christianorum Bd. 46 (2009) S. 315-318

16Buchbeitrag  Tertullian in Jerome's consolation to Heliodorus (Ep. 60)
Adkin, Neil. (2009) - In: Jerome of Stridon. His life, writings, and legacy S. 41-45

17Artikel  'Rufinus Sallustianus'
Adkin, Neil. (2008 - 2009) - In: Orpheus Bd. 29/30 (2008/09) S. 11-16

18Artikel  The Date of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis Once Again
Adkin, Neil. (2008) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 59 (2008) S. 201-212

19Artikel  Echoes of the classics and the Bible in two newly published works: "Liber prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie" and "Liber de gratia Novi Testamenti"
Adkin, Neil. (2008) - In: Res publica litterarum Bd. 31 (2008) S. 68-87

20Artikel  Juvenal 14 and the end of Walter of Châtillon's "Alexandreis"
Adkin, Neil. (2008) - In: Aevum Bd. 82 (2008) S. 313-318

21Artikel  Juvenal's fourteenth satire in Walter of Chatillon's "Vita sancti Alexii"
Adkin, Neil. (2007) - In: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Bd. 42 (2007) S. 207-210

22Artikel  Rufinus Terentianus
Adkin, Neil. (2006) - In: Res publica litterarum Bd. 29 (2006) S. 142-144

23Buchbeitrag  Further Additions to Maltby's Lexicon of Ancient Latin Etymologies: Priscian
Adkin, Neil. (2006) - In: Studies in Latin literature and Roman history 13 S. 462-478

24Artikel  Rufinus' 'Apologia contra Hieronymum' I 33: 'Quo rursum evaditur?'
Adkin, Neil. (2006) - In: Maia Bd. 58 (2006) S. 504-505

25Artikel  Rufinus Vergilianus
Adkin, Neil. (2006) - In: Orpheus Bd. 27 (2006) S. 1-4

26Artikel  Jerome on Ambrose: the preface to the translation of Origen's homilies on Luke again
Adkin, Neil. (2006) - In: Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa Bd. 42 (2006) S. 341-343

27Artikel  Tertullian's de spectaculis and Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (2006) - In: Augustinianum Bd. 46 (2006) S. 89-94

28Artikel  Potamius of Lisbon, "De Martyrio Isaiae Prophetae" again
Adkin, Neil. (2005) - In: Helmantica Bd. 56 (2005) S. 99-103

29Artikel  Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon (Anticlaudianus 1.167-70): A 'Silvenzitat'?
Adkin, Neil. (2004) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 55 (2004) S. 279-284

30Artikel  "Ad fontem sermonis recurramus Hebraei": Jerome, Marcella and Hebrew (Epist. 34)
Adkin, Neil. (2004) - In: Euphrosyne Ser. NS, Bd. 32 (2004) S. 215-222

31Artikel  Carmen contra paganos 63
Adkin, Neil. (2004) - In: Wiener Studien Bd. 117 (2004) S. 219-224

32Artikel  A Hieronymian Crux: Epist. XXXI, 3, 2
Adkin, Neil. (2004) - In: Latomus Bd. 63 (2004) S. 689-692

33Artikel  Is the Historia Augusta Really Indebted to Jerome?
Adkin, Neil. (2003) - In: Klio. Beiträge zur alten Geschichte Bd. 85 (2003) S. 436-441

34Artikel  A further misunderstood passage in Jerome's eulogy of Lea (Epist. 23,1,2)
Adkin, Neil. (2003) - In: Eranos Bd. 101 (2003) S. 1-5

35Artikel  Three unidentified citations in "Un ancien florilège hiéronymien"
Adkin, Neil. (2002) - In: Sacris erudiri Bd. 41 (2002) S. 81-85

36Artikel  Tertullian, De anima 27,6 and Ierome, Epist. 54,10,5
Adkin, Neil. (2002) - In: Hermes Bd. 130 (2002) S. 126-130

37Artikel  Redeam (Jerome, epist. 22, 36, 3): A Solecism?
Adkin, Neil. (2002) - In: Helmantica Bd. 53 (2002) S. 243-248

38Artikel  Julian of Eclanum on Psalm 103:2
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: The journal of theological studies Ser. NS, Bd. 51 (2000) S. 161-163

39Artikel  Biblia Pagana: Classical Echoes in the Vulgate
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: Augustinianum Bd. 40 (2000) S. 77-88

40Artikel  Potamius of Lisbon, "De Martyrio Isaiae Prophetae" 1: "Per iugerum fidiculae"
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: Euphrosyne Ser. NS, Bd. 28 (2000) S. 369-373

41Artikel  Two unidentified citations in the "De voluntate Dei" of Rupert of Deutz
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: Res publica litterarum Bd. 23 (2000) S. 207-210

42Artikel  Jerome, Seneca, Juvenal
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire Bd. 78 (2000) S. 119-128

43Artikel  Vergilian Etymologizing: the case of Acestes
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: L'antiquité classique Bd. 69 (2000) S. 205-208

44Artikel  Apollonius of Tyana in Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (2000) - In: Sacris erudiri Bd. 39 (2000) S. 67-79

45Artikel  Sallust, Hist.frg. II, 64 and Jerome's Commentary on Zechariah
Adkin, Neil. (1999) - In: Latomus Bd. 58 (1999) S. 635-639

46Artikel  Jerome on Marcella, Epist. 127, 10, 4
Adkin, Neil. (1999) - In: Bollettino di studi Latini Bd. 29 (1999) S. 564-570

47Artikel  Jerome's vow "never to reread the classics": some observations
Adkin, Neil. (1999) - In: Revue des études anciennes Bd. 101 (1999) S. 161-167

48Artikel  Jerome on Tertullian: Epist. LVIII 10,1
Adkin, Neil. (1999) - In: Athenaeum (Pavia) Ser. NS, Bd. 87 (1999) S. 383-394

49Artikel  Horace in Hugh of St. Victor's Didascalicon
Adkin, Neil. (1998) - In: Euphrosyne Ser. NS, Bd. 26 (1998) S. 109-120

50Artikel  Some unidentified citations in the "De omnipotentia Dei" of Rupert of Deutz
Adkin, Neil. (1998) - In: Acta classica. Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Bd. 41 (1998) S. 131-135

51Artikel  The Occasion of Venantius Fortunatus, Carmen 7, 7
Adkin, Neil. (1998 - 1999) - In: Orpheus Ser. NS, Bd. 19/20 (1998/99) S. 1-2

52Artikel  Horace's Ars poetica and the Commentaria in Evangelium Ioannis of Rupert of Deutz: an addendum
Adkin, Neil. (1998) - In: Eos Bd. 85 (1998) S. 221-228

53Artikel  Some Alleged Echoes of Cyprian in Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1997) - In: Wiener Studien Bd. 110 (1997) S. 151-170

54Artikel  Walter of Châtillon: Alexandreis IV 206-207
Adkin, Neil. (1997) - In: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Bd. 32, 1 (1997) S. 29-36

55Artikel  Cicero's "Orator" and Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1997) - In: Vigiliae christianae Bd. 51 (1997) S. 25-39

56Artikel  Augustine, sermon 80,7: "Quando dormitat oratio?"
Adkin, Neil. (1996) - In: Augustiniana Bd. 46 (1996) S. 61-66

57Artikel  Walter of Châtillon, Alexandreis 4, 176-274
Adkin, Neil. (1996) - In: Acta classica Universitatis scientiarum Debreceniensis Bd. 32 (1996) S. 13-21

58Artikel  Walter of Châtillon, "St. Omer 30, 5, 3: Patres cum filiis, genus egregium"
Adkin, Neil. (1996) - In: Invigilata lucernis Bd. 18/19 (1996) S. 3-14

59Artikel  Pope Siricius' "Simplicity" (Jerome, epis. 127, 9, 3)
Adkin, Neil. (1996) - In: Vetera Christianorum Bd. 33 (1996) S. 25-28

60Artikel  Walter of Chatillon, Alexandreis 4, 254-255: preter quos nullus regnavit ... a crimine mundus
Adkin, Neil. (1996) - In: Aevum Bd. 70 (1996) S. 257-261

61Artikel  Who is "accusator meus" at the start of Jerome's "Liber de optimo genere interpretandi" ("Epist." 57)?
Adkin, Neil. (1996) - In: Latomus Bd. 55 (1996) S. 875-877

62Artikel  Cyprian's "De habitu virginum" and Jerome's "Libellus de virginitate servanda" ("epist." 22)
Adkin, Neil. (1995) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 46 (1995) S. 237-254

63Artikel  A note on the dedicatory epistle to Erasmus' edition of Cyprian: non minus cordatissimi quam maximi titulo clarus
Adkin, Neil. (1995) - In: Archivum latinitatis medii aevi Bd. 53 (1995) S. 207-210

64Artikel  Is the Marcellina of Jerome "Ep." 45.7 Ambrose's Sister?
Adkin, Neil. (1995) - In: Phoenix. The journal of the Classical Association of Canada Bd. 49 (1995) S. 68-70

65Artikel  Alan of Lille, Walter of Châtillon and Jerome: the prose preface of the Anticlaudianus
Adkin, Neil. (1995) - In: Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale Bd. 37 (1995) S. 141-151

66Artikel  A Note on the Date of Pacian of Barcelona's 'Paraenesis ad paenitentiam'
Adkin, Neil. (1994) - In: Prometheus. Rivista quadrimestrale di studi classici Bd. 20 (1994) S. 73-76

67Artikel  The Date of John Chrysostom's "De virginitate"
Adkin, Neil. (1994) - In: Orientalia christiana periodica Bd. 60 (1994) S. 611-618

68Artikel  The Preface of Walter of Chatillon's Alexandreis Again
Adkin, Neil. (1994) - In: Maia Bd. 46 (1994) S. 215-220

69Artikel  Orientius and Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1994) - In: Sacris erudiri Bd. 34 (1994) S. 165-174

70Artikel  'Alii discunt - pro pudor! - a feminis': Jerome, "Epist". 53.7.1
Adkin, Neil. (1994) - In: The classical quarterly Ser. NS, Bd. 44 (1994) S. 559-561

71Artikel  "Heri catechumenus, hodie pontifex" (Jerome, Epist. 69.9.4)
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Acta classica. Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Bd. 36 (1993) S. 113- 118

72Artikel  Heretics and Manichees
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Orpheus Ser. NS, Bd. 14 (1993) S. 135-140

73Artikel  The date of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis again
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Bollettino di studi Latini Bd. 23 (1993) S. 359-364

74Artikel  Tertullian's "De idololatria" and Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Augustinianum Bd. 33 (1993) S. 11-30

75Artikel  Ambrose and Jerome: The Opening Shot
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Mnemosyne (Leiden) Bd. 46 (1993) S. 364-376

76Artikel  Walter of Châtillon: St. Omer 30
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Aevum Bd. 67 (1993) S. 369-375

77Artikel  The proem of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis: "Funde sacros fontes"
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Bd. 28, 1 (1993) S. 61-66

78Artikel  The Date of the Dream of Saint Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Studi classici e orientali Bd. 43 (1993) S. 263-358

79Artikel  A Note on the Date of Ambrose's "De Virginitate"
Adkin, Neil. (1993) - In: Athenaeum (Pavia) Bd. 81 (1993) S. 644-647

80Artikel  "Hieronymus Ciceronianus": the "Catilinarians" in Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Latomus Bd. 51 (1992) S. 408-420

81Artikel  "Taceo de meis similibus", (Jerome, epist. 53,7)
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Vetera Christianorum Bd. 29 (1992) S. 261-268

82Artikel  Ambrose, "De Virginibus" 2, 2, 10f. and the "Gnomes of the Council of Nicaea"
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Revue des études augustiniennes Bd. 38 (1992) S. 261-270

83Artikel  'Oras: loqueris ad sponsum; legis: ille tibi loquitur'
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Vigiliae christianae Bd. 46 (1992) S. 141-150

84Artikel  The date of Ambrose's 'De virginitate'
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft Ser. NF, Bd. 18 (1992) S. 237-244

85Artikel  'Istae sunt, quae solent dicere'. Three Roman Vignettes in Jerome's 'Libellus de virginitate servanda' (Epist. 22)
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Museum Helveticum Bd. 49 (1992) S. 131-140

86Artikel  Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon: Anticlaudianus I, 167-170
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 43 (1992) S. 287-315

87Artikel  The date of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Bollettino di studi Latini Bd. 22 (1992) S. 282-288

88Artikel  The Date of St. John Chrysostom's Treatises on "Subintroductae"
Adkin, Neil. (1992) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 102 (1992) S. 255-266

89Artikel  The proem of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis: "Si ... nostros uixisset in annos"
Adkin, Neil. (1991) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 60 (1991) S. 207-221

90Artikel  The Preface of Walter of Châtillon's "Alexandreis" and Saint Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1991) - In: Maia Bd. 43 (1991) S. 225-232

91Artikel  The proem of Henry of Avranches' Vita S. Guthlaci
Adkin, Neil. (1990) - In: Analecta Bollandiana Bd. 108 (1990) S. 349-355

92Artikel  A Problem in the Early Church: Noise during Sermon and Lesson
Adkin, Neil. (1985) - In: Mnemosyne (Leiden) Ser. 4, Bd. 38 (1985) S. 161-163

93Artikel  A problem in the early church: noise during sermon and lesson
Adkin, Neil. (1985) - In: Mnemosyne (Leiden) Ser. 4, Bd. 38 (1985) S. 161-163

94Artikel  The Fathers on Laughter
Adkin, Neil. (1985) - In: Orpheus Ser. NS, Bd. 6 (1985) S. 149-152

95Artikel  Pride or envy? Some notes on the reason the Fathers give for the devil's fall
Adkin, Neil. (1984) - In: Augustiniana Bd. 34 (1984) S. 349-351

96Artikel  Some Notes on the Dream of Saint Jerome
Adkin, Neil. (1984) - In: Philologus Bd. 128 (1984) S. 119-126

97Artikel  A Common Patristic Paradox Based on Isaiah 40,12
Adkin, Neil. (1984) - In: Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses Bd. 40 (1984) S. 386-388

98Artikel  The teaching of the Fathers concerning footwear and gait
Adkin, Neil. (1983) - In: Latomus Bd. 42 (1983) S. 885-886

99Artikel  On Some Figurative Expressions in Jerome's 22nd Letter.
Adkin, Neil. (1983) - In: Vigiliae christianae Bd. 37 (1983) S. 36-40

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