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Publikationen »Ailes, Marianne J.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ailes, Marianne J.

RI opac: 59 Einträge

1Monographie  The legend of Charlemagne in medieval England: the matter of France in Middle English and Anglo-Norman literature
Ailes, Marianne J.Hardman, Phillipa. - Woodbridge (2017)

2Sammelwerk  Rencontres épiques. Actes du XIXe congrès international de la Société Rencesvals
Ailes, Marianne J.Bennett, Philip E.Cobby, Anne Elizabeth [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2015)

3Sammelwerk  Epic connections: proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference of the Société Rencesvals, Oxford, 13 - 17 August 2012
Ailes, Marianne J.Bennett, Philip E.Cobby, Anne Elizabeth [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2015)

4Sammelwerk  The Chanson de Geste and its Reception: Essays Presented to Philip E. Bennett by Members of the Société Rencesvals,
Ailes, Marianne J.Cobby, Anne ElizabethNoble, Peter S. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2012)

5Sammelwerk  Medieval historical discourses: essays in honour of Professor Peter S. Noble
Ailes, Marianne J.Lawrence-Mathers, AnneLe Saux, Françoise Hazel Marie [Hrsg.]. - Reading (2008)

6Sammelwerk  The history of the Holy War: Ambroise's Estoire de la guerre sainte (Vol. 1-2)
Ailes, Marianne J.Barber, Malcolm C. [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge [u.a.] (2003)

7Sachtitel  The History of the Holy War: Ambroise's Estoire de la Guerre Sainte
Ailes, Marianne J.Barber, Malcolm C. [Bearb.]. - Woodbridge (2003)

8Monographie  The song of Roland, on absolutes and relative values
Ailes, Marianne J.. - Lewiston, NY [u.a.] (2002)

9Sammelwerk  Reading around the epic: a Festschrift in honour of Professor Wolfgang van Emden
Ailes, Marianne J.Bennett, Philip E.Pratt, Karen [Hrsg.]. - London (1998)

10Buchbeitrag  Charlemagne: A European Icon
Ailes, Marianne J.Bennett, Philip E.. (2023) - In: Charlemagne in the Norse and Celtic worlds S. X-xI

11Buchbeitrag  Le roi sacré ou la désacralisation du roi dans la chanson de geste en Angleterre?
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2022) - In: Oltre la mer salée. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of the Société Rencesvals S. 209-218

12Artikel  Desiring the Other: Subjugation and Resistance of the Female Saracen in the chanson de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2020) - In: French studies. A quarterly review Bd. 74 (2020) S. 173-188

13Buchbeitrag  Au carrefour des genres: chansons de geste historiques ou chroniques sous la forme de la chanson de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2019) - In: Etudes Dominique Boutet S. 448-457

14Buchbeitrag  The "Chanson de geste"
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2019) - In: The Cambridge companion to the literature of the Crusades S. 25-38

15Buchbeitrag  Les reliques dans les chansons de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2019) - In: La Chanson de geste et le sacré S. 19-30

16Buchbeitrag  Un récit, multiples textes: La Chronique du Pseudo-Turpin en Angleterre
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2019) - In: L'Historia Turpini in Europa. Ricerche e prospettive S. 49-61

17Artikel  The Deaths of Kings and Political Propaganda in the Bruts Epitome of British Library MS Egerton 3028
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2018) - In: Reading medieval studies Bd. 44 (2018) S. 41-58

18Buchbeitrag  Rome et Italie dans les chansons de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2017) - In: "Par deviers Rome m'en revenrai errant" S. 3-18

19Buchbeitrag  Deux manuscrits de la chanson de geste de l'automne du Moyen Âge: un renouvellement du genre ?
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2017) - In: Mélanges Claude Roussel S. 253-260

20Buchbeitrag  General preface Charlemagne: A European Icon
Ailes, Marianne J.Bennett, Philip E.. (2016) - In: The Charlemagne Legend in Medieval Latin Texts S. XII-XIV

21Buchbeitrag  Deux nouveaux fragments de poèmes sur Guillaume d'Orange
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2015) - In: Epic connections S. ??

22Buchbeitrag  Texts in Conversation: Charlemagne Epics and Romances in Insular Plural-text Codices
Ailes, Marianne J.Hardman, Phillipa. (2015) - In: Insular books. Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late Medieval Britain S. 31-47

23Artikel  Otinel: An Epic in Dialogue with the Tradition
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2015) - In: Olifant Bd. 27 (2015) S. 9-39

24Artikel  Literary responses to Agincourt the Allegories of Le Pastoralet and the Quadrologue Invectif
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2015) - In: Reading medieval studies Bd. 41 (2015) S. 1-26

25Buchbeitrag  Giving and Receiving. The Integrity of the Hero in the Earliest Chansons de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2014) - In: Narration and hero. Recounting the deeds of heroes in literature and art S. 241-258

26Buchbeitrag  The French of Medieval England
Ailes, Marianne J.Putter, Ad. (2014) - In: European francophonie S. 51-80

27Buchbeitrag  French in Medieval England
Putter, AdAiles, Marianne J.. (2014) - In: La Francophonie européenne S. 51-80

28Buchbeitrag  Le Pseudo-Turpin en Angleterre
Ailes, Marianne J.Leedham, Suzanne. (2013) - In: La réception de la Chronique du Pseudo-Turpin en Europe S. 495-517

29Buchbeitrag  Giants and Outsize Warriors: Difference and Assimilation in the Geste du roi
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2013) - In: Essays Philip E. Bennett S. 1-18

30Artikel  Otinel: An Epic in Dialogue with the Tradition
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2012) - In: Olifant Bd. 27 (2012) S. 9-40

31Buchbeitrag  Tolerated Otherness: The 'Unconverted' Saracen in the Chansons de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2012) - In: Languages of love and hate conflict S. 3-20

32Buchbeitrag  Charlemagne 'Father of Europe': A European Icon in the Making
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2012) - In: Legendary Rulers. Arthur and Charlemagne S. 59-76

33Buchbeitrag  L'importance des allusions aux chansons de geste dans l'Estoire de la guerre sainte
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2011) - In: Le Souffle épique. L'Esprit de la chanson de geste S. 383-388

34Buchbeitrag  What's in a Name? Anglo-Norman Romances or Chansons de geste?
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2011) - In: Medieval Romance, Medieval Contexts S. 61-76

35Buchbeitrag  Crusading, Chivalry and the Saracen World in Insular Romance
Hardman, PhillipaAiles, Marianne J.. (2010) - In: Christianity and romance in medieval England S. 45-65

36Buchbeitrag  Art. Pseudo-Turpin chronicle (Historia Karoli Magni et Rothlandi) (The history of Charlemagne and Roland)
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2010) - In: The Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Tl. 2 S. 1454-1455

37Buchbeitrag  Ambroise's Estoire de la Guerre Sainte and the development of a genre
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2008) - In: Essays Peter S. Noble S. 1-20

38Buchbeitrag  The Anglo-Norman Boeve de Haumtone as a Chanson de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2008) - In: "Sir Bevis of Hampton" in Literary Tradition S. 9-24

39Artikel  Fierabras and Anglo-Norman developments of the chanson de geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2008) - In: Olifant Bd. 25 (2008) S. 97-109

40Buchbeitrag  How English Are the English Charlemagne Romances?
Ailes, Marianne J.Hardman, Phillipa. (2008) - In: Boundaries in medieval romance S. 43-56

41Buchbeitrag  Gui de Warewic in its manuscript context
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2007) - In: Guy of Warwick. Icon and ancestor S. 12-26

42Buchbeitrag  The admirable enemy?: Saladin and Saphadin in Ambroise's "Estoire de la guerre sainte"
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2007) - In: Essays Malcolm Barber S. 51-64

43Artikel  Fierenbras, Anglo-Norman Developments of the Chanson de Geste
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2006) - In: Olifant Bd. 25 (2006) S. 97-110

44Buchbeitrag  Heroes of war: Ambroise's heroes of the third crusade
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2004) - In: Writing war. Medieval literary responses to warfare S. 29-48

45Buchbeitrag  La réception de Fierabras en Angleterre
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2003) - In: Le Rayonnement de Fierabras dans la littérature européenne S. 177-189

46Buchbeitrag  L'Elément comique dans les versions tardives de Fierabras
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2002) - In: L'épopée romane. Actes S. 227-236

47Buchbeitrag  Ganelon in the Middle English "Fierabras" romances
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2002) - In: The matter of identity in medieval romance S. 73-85

48Artikel  Fierabras and the Chanson de Roland: An Intertextual Dyptich
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2002) - In: Reading medieval studies Bd. 28 (2002) S. 3-22

49Artikel  Early French chronicle - history or literature?
Ailes, Marianne J.. (2000) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 26 (2000) S. 301-312

50Buchbeitrag  The medieval male couple and the language of homosociality
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1999) - In: Masculinity in Medieval Europe S. 214-237

51Artikel  Comprehension problems and their resolution in the Middle English verse translations of Fierabras.
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1999) - In: Forum for modern language studies Bd. 35 (1999) S. 396-407

52Buchbeitrag  Traitors and rebels: the "geste de Maience"
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1998) - In: FS Wolfgang van Emden S. 41-68

53Artikel  Deux fragments inconnus de "Maugis d'Aigremont"
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1998) - In: Romania Bd. 116 (1998) S. 415-430

54Artikel  Chivalry and conversion: the chivalrous Saracen in the Old French epics Fierabras and Otinel
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1996 - 1997) - In: Al-Masaq Bd. 9 (1996/97) S. 1-21

55Artikel  The Date of the Chanson de Geste Fierabras
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1995) - In: Olifant Bd. 19 (1995) S. 245-272

56Buchbeitrag  Faith in Fierabras
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1993) - In: Charlemagne in the North S. 125-133

57Artikel  Observations on the grouping of epics of revolt in manuscripts and compilations
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1984) - In: Reading medieval studies Bd. 10 (1984) S. 3-19

58Artikel  Doon de Nanteuil and the epic of revolt
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1983) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 52 (1983) S. 247-257

59Artikel  Romance and epic elements in the different French versions of the "Fierabras"
Ailes, Marianne J.. (1982 - 1983) - In: Olifant Bd. 10 (1982/83) S. 41-49

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