Publikationen »Alexander, Jonathan James Graham«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Alexander, Jonathan James Graham
RI opac: 125 Einträge
1 | The Painted Book in Renaissance Italy, 1450-1600 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
3 | The splendor of the word: medieval and Renaissance illuminated manuscripts at the New York Public Library Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. |
4 | I miniatori medievali e il loro metodo di lavoro Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
5 | Studies in Italian manuscript illumination Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
6 | The Painted Page. Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. |
7 | Medieval illuminators and their methods of work Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
8 | Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham • Binski, Paul [Hrsg.]. |
9 | Illuminated manuscripts in Oxford College libraries, the University archives and the Taylor Institution: [catalogue] Alexander, Jonathan James Graham • Temple, Elzbieta. |
10 | Collected writings. 1. Studies in medieval art from the sixth to the twelfth centuries Wormald, Francis. Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. |
12 | Initialen aus großen Handschriften Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
13 | The Decorated Letter Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
14 | Insular manuscripts 6th to the 9th century Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
15 | Buchmalerei der italienischen Renaissance im 15. Jahrhundert Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
16 | Medieval Learning and Literature. Essays presented to Richard William Hunt Alexander, Jonathan James Graham • Gibson, Margaret Templeton [Hrsg.]. |
17 | A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. |
18 | Norman illumination at Mont St Michel 966 - 1100 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
19 | Anglo-Saxon Illumination in Oxford Libraries Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
20 | Norman illumination at Mont St Michel: 966 - 1100 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
21 | The master of Mary of Burgundy: a book of hours for Engelbert of Nassau, the Bodleian Library, Oxford ; introduction and legends Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
22 | The Italian Manuscripts in the library of Major J. R. Abbey Alexander, Jonathan James Graham • De la Mare, Albinia C.. |
24 | Norman illumination at Mont St. Michel in the 10th and 11th centuries. Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
25 | The St. Albans psalter monograph of 1960: fifty years later Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
26 | Scribes and Illuminators in Italian Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts: Cooperation and Overlaps Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
27 | Mantegna and the illuminators Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
29 | Women and the Italian Renaissance illuminated manuscript Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
31 | Homeless and Marginalised: A Leaf from the Ghistelles Hours Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
32 | Francesco da Castello in Lombardy and Hungary Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
33 | On catalogues and cataloguing Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
35 | The city gates of Perugia and Umbrian manuscript illumination of the fifteenth century Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
37 | A Book of Hours from Ferrara Now in the Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery, England Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
38 | The Study of Medieval Art. 1950-2000 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
39 | "Perfection of illustration and ornament" Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
41 | Facing the (European) Middle Ages Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
42 | A newly discovered manuscript illuminated by Giulio Clovio Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
43 | Bibliography of J.J.G. Alexander Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
45 | Otto Pächt and the history of art in England 1938 - 1963 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
46 | One hundred years of the study of Netherlandish manuscripts Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
47 | The Humanistic Manuscript Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
48 | Abell, William (d. 1474) Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
49 | Giovan Pietro da Birago, illuminator of Milan: some initials cut from choir books Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
50 | Chastity, love and marriage in the margins of the Wharncliffe Hours Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
51 | Thomas Julian Brown: 1923-1987 Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
53 | The last things: representing the unrepresentable: the medieval tradition Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
54 | Foreign illuminators and illuminated manuscripts Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
55 | Art. Illumination Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
56 | Medieval art and modern nationalism Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
57 | La miniatura da Ercole I ad Alfonso I Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
58 | "Jerusalem the Golden": image and myth in the Middle Ages in Western Europe Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
59 | Illumination for Cardinal Antoniotto Pallavicini (1442-1507) Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
60 | The portrait of Richard II in Westminster Abbey Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
61 | Art history, literary history, and the study of medieval illuminated manuscripts Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
62 | Dancing in the streets Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
63 | Patrons, libraries and illuminators in the Italian Renaissance Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
64 | The Pulpit with the Four Doctors at St James's Castle Acre, Norfolk Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
65 | Iconography and social ideology: uncovering social meanings in Western medieval Christian art Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
66 | Ideological representation of military combat in Anglo-Norman art Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
67 | A metalwork triptych of the passion of christ in the metropolitan museum, New York Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
68 | Matteo da Milano, Illuminator Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
69 | The Livy (MS 1) illuminated for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio by the Milanese artist "B. F." Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
70 | The Livy (MS 1) illuminated for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio by the Milanese artist "B. F.". Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
72 | Illuminations by Matteo da Milano in the Fitzwilliam Museum Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
74 | The Illumination Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
75 | Labeur and paresse: ideological representations of medieval peasant labour. Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
76 | Preliminary marginal drawings in medieval manuscripts Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
77 | The Canon Tables Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
78 | Katherine Bray's Flemish Book of Hours Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
80 | Initials in Renaissance illuminated manuscripts: the problem of the so-called 'litera Mantiniana' Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
81 | Three fourteenth-century patrons Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
82 | Medieval artists and their techniques Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
83 | Introduction Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
84 | The decorated style and the figurative arts Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
85 | Nobility and knights Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
86 | Towns and merchants Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
87 | Sigmund or the king of the Garamantes? Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
88 | Edward III (1327-77) Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
89 | Peasants Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
90 | Kingship Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
91 | Edward II (1307-27) Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
92 | Henry III (1215-72) Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
93 | Lords lying on high on the their graves Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
94 | Edward I (1272-1307) Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
95 | The heavenly Jerusalem Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
96 | The English Church Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
98 | Pilgrimage: the devotion ot the saints Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
99 | The appreciation of Gothic art and architecture Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
100 | The cathedrals and the beginnings of Gothic style Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
102 | A manuscript of the Gospels from Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
103 | Italian illuminated manuscripts in British collections Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
104 | Painting and manuscript illumination for royal patrons in the later Middle Ages Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
105 | The Limbourg brothers and Italian art: a new source Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
106 | Fragments of an illuminated missal of Pope Innocent VIII Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
107 | English or French? Thirteenth-Century Bibles Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
108 | An English illuminator's work in some fourteenth-century Italian law books at Durham Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
109 | A Virgil illuminated by Marco Zoppo Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
110 | The illustrations of the Anonymus de rebus bellicis Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
111 | Scribes as artists: the arabesque initial in twelfth-century English manuscripts Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
112 | A book of hours made for King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
113 | The illustrated manuscripts of the Notitia dignitatum Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
115 | Some aesthetic principles in the use of colour in Anglo-Saxon moneyers: from Cnut to Edward the Confessor Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
116 | English early fourteenth-century illumination: recent acquisitions Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
117 | William Abell "lymnour" and 15th Century English Illumination Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
118 | A manuscript of Petrarch's Rime and Trionfi Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
119 | Venetian illumination in the fifteenth century Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
120 | Notes on some Veneto-Paduan illuminated books on the Renaissance Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
121 | The provenance of the Brooke Antiphonal Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
122 | A lost leaf from a Bodleian book of hours Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
123 | A romanesque copy from Mont Saint-Michel of an initial in the Corbie Psalter Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
124 | A little-known gospel book of the later eleventh century from Exeter Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. |
125 | An Eleventh Century Gospel Book from Le Cateau Alexander, Jonathan James Graham • Cahn, Walter. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a
Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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