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Publikationen »Alexander, Jonathan James Graham«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Alexander, Jonathan James Graham

RI opac: 125 Einträge

1Monographie  The Painted Book in Renaissance Italy, 1450-1600
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] (2016)

2Monographie  The splendor of the word: medieval and Renaissance illuminated manuscripts at the New York Public Library ; [published on the occassion of the exhibition ... presented at the New York Public Library, ... October 21, 2005 through February 12, 2006]
Alexander, Jonathan James GrahamMarrow, James H.Sandler, Lucy Freeman. - New York, NY (2005)

3Sammelwerk  The splendor of the word: medieval and Renaissance illuminated manuscripts at the New York Public Library
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (2005)

4Monographie  I miniatori medievali e il loro metodo di lavoro
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - Modena (2003)

5Sammelwerk  Studies in Italian manuscript illumination
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - London (2002)

6Sammelwerk  The Painted Page. Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. - München (1994)

7Monographie  Medieval illuminators and their methods of work
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] (1992)

8Sammelwerk  Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400
Alexander, Jonathan James GrahamBinski, Paul [Hrsg.]. - London (1987)

9Monographie  Illuminated manuscripts in Oxford College libraries, the University archives and the Taylor Institution: [catalogue]
Alexander, Jonathan James GrahamTemple, Elzbieta. - Oxford (1985)

10Sammelwerk  Collected writings. 1. Studies in medieval art from the sixth to the twelfth centuries
Wormald, Francis. Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. - London (1984)

11Monographie  Book of Kells ; Kommentar,[Beih.] ; Die künstlerische Ausstattung des Book of Kells: Beschreibung der Bild- und Zierseiten ; Vorabdruck aus dem Kommentarbd.
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - Luzern (1980)

12Monographie  Initialen aus großen Handschriften
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - München (1978)

13Monographie  The Decorated Letter
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - London (1978)

14Monographie  Insular manuscripts 6th to the 9th century
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - London (1978)

15Monographie  Buchmalerei der italienischen Renaissance im 15. Jahrhundert
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - München (1977)

16Sammelwerk  Medieval Learning and Literature. Essays presented to Richard William Hunt
Alexander, Jonathan James GrahamGibson, Margaret Templeton [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1976)

17Sammelwerk  A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles (Vol. 1-6)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham [Hrsg.]. - London (1975 - 1996)

18Monographie  Norman illumination at Mont St Michel 966 - 1100
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - Oxford (1970)

19Monographie  Anglo-Saxon Illumination in Oxford Libraries
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - Oxford (1970)

20Monographie  Norman illumination at Mont St Michel: 966 - 1100
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - Oxford (1970)

21Monographie  The master of Mary of Burgundy: a book of hours for Engelbert of Nassau, the Bodleian Library, Oxford ; introduction and legends
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - New York, NY (1970)

22Monographie  The Italian Manuscripts in the library of Major J. R. Abbey
Alexander, Jonathan James GrahamDe la Mare, Albinia C.. - London (1969)

23Monographie  Illuminated manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford. Bd. 1: German, Dutch, Flemish, French, and Spanish Schools. Bd. 2: Italian school (Vol. 1-2)
Pächt, OttoAlexander, Jonathan James Graham. - Oxford (1966 - 1970)

24Monographie  Norman illumination at Mont St. Michel in the 10th and 11th centuries.
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. - [University of Oxford] (1964)

25Buchbeitrag  The St. Albans psalter monograph of 1960: fifty years later
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2017) - In: St. Albans and the Markyate psalter S. ??

26Buchbeitrag  Scribes and Illuminators in Italian Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts: Cooperation and Overlaps
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2016) - In: Studies A. C. de la Mare S. 281-296

27Buchbeitrag  Mantegna and the illuminators
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2012) - In: Studi Giordana Mariani Canova S. 257-261

28Buchbeitrag  Portraiture and artistic interchange between Italy and France: a case study in the illumination of a printed copy of Pliny the Elder's 'Natural History'.
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2012) - In: Mélanges Xavier Barral i Altet S. 218-223

29Buchbeitrag  Women and the Italian Renaissance illuminated manuscript
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2012) - In: Thresholds of medieval visual culture S. 159-175

30Artikel  A Copy of Orosius, Historiae adversus paganos, Printed by Hermann Lichtenstein in Vicenza ca. 1475 with Illumination Attributable to Giovanni Vendramin
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2012) - In: Viator Bd. 43, 1 (2012) S. 289-300

31Buchbeitrag  Homeless and Marginalised: A Leaf from the Ghistelles Hours
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2011) - In: Liber Amicorum Paul Crossley 2 S. 69-75

32Buchbeitrag  Francesco da Castello in Lombardy and Hungary
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2011) - In: Italy and Hungary. Humanism and art in the early Renaissance S. 267-291

33Buchbeitrag  On catalogues and cataloguing
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2010) - In: La catalogazione dei manoscritti miniati come strumento di conoscenza S. 261-263

34Buchbeitrag  An English twelfth-century manuscript of Hugh of St Victor and examples of Italian fifteenth-century illumination in the Lilly Library, Bloomington, Indiana
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2010) - In: Tributes Nigel Morgan S. 95-107

35Buchbeitrag  The city gates of Perugia and Umbrian manuscript illumination of the fifteenth century
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2010) - In: Glosses Christopher de Hamel S. 109-116

36Buchbeitrag  Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2009) - In: Tributes Kathleen L. Scott S. 11-20

37Artikel  A Book of Hours from Ferrara Now in the Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery, England
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2008) - In: Rivista di storia della miniatura Bd. 12 (2008) S. 17-22

38Buchbeitrag  The Study of Medieval Art. 1950-2000
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2008) - In: A century of British medieval studies S. 654-676

39Buchbeitrag  "Perfection of illustration and ornament"
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2007) - In: Federico da Montefeltro and his library S. 15-17

40Buchbeitrag  "Mansueta asinella": an unusual image of a book ; presentation to Marguerite de France, Duchesse de Savoie (1523 - 74)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2007) - In: Tributes Lucy Freeman Sandler S. 387-395

41Artikel  Facing the (European) Middle Ages
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2007) - In: Gesta Bd. 46 (2007) S. 193-197

42Buchbeitrag  A newly discovered manuscript illuminated by Giulio Clovio
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2007) - In: Mélanges François Avril S. 25-33

43Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of J.J.G. Alexander
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2006) - In: Tributes Jonathan J. G. Alexander S. 509-516

44Buchbeitrag  Otto Pächt 1902 - 1988: ein Nachruf ; Wiederabdruck des Nachrufs auf Otto Pächt, erschienen in den "Proceedings of the British Academy", 80.1993.
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2006) - In: "am Anfang war das Auge" S. 115-133

45Buchbeitrag  Otto Pächt and the history of art in England 1938 - 1963
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2006) - In: "am Anfang war das Auge" S. 39-48

46Buchbeitrag  One hundred years of the study of Netherlandish manuscripts
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2006) - In: Flemish manuscript painting in context. Recent research S. 177-181

47Buchbeitrag  The Humanistic Manuscript
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2005) - In: The Cambridge illuminations. Ten centuries of book production in the Medieval West S. 327-362

48Buchbeitrag  Abell, William (d. 1474)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2004) - In: Oxford dictionary of national biography

49Buchbeitrag  Giovan Pietro da Birago, illuminator of Milan: some initials cut from choir books
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2004) - In: Essays Sandra Hindman S. 225-246

50Buchbeitrag  Chastity, love and marriage in the margins of the Wharncliffe Hours
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2002) - In: Essays Margaret M. Manion S. 201-220

51Buchbeitrag  Thomas Julian Brown: 1923-1987
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2002) - In: Interpreters of early medieval Britain S. 532-551

52Buchbeitrag  "The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker": images of urban labor, manufacture and shopkeeping from the Middle Ages
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (2001) - In: Material culture and cultural materialism in the Middle Ages and Renaissance S. 89-110

53Buchbeitrag  The last things: representing the unrepresentable: the medieval tradition
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1999) - In: The Apocalypse and the shape of things to come S. 43-98

54Buchbeitrag  Foreign illuminators and illuminated manuscripts
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1999) - In: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Tl. 3 S. 47-64

55Buchbeitrag  Art. Illumination
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 3 S. 248-254

56Buchbeitrag  Medieval art and modern nationalism
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1998) - In: Tribute C. R. Dodwell S. 206-223

57Buchbeitrag  La miniatura da Ercole I ad Alfonso I
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1998) - In: La Miniatura a Ferrara S. 295-321

58Buchbeitrag  "Jerusalem the Golden": image and myth in the Middle Ages in Western Europe
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1998) - In: Studies Bezalel Narkiss S. 254-264

59Buchbeitrag  Illumination for Cardinal Antoniotto Pallavicini (1442-1507)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1998) - In: Essays Janet Backhouse S. 190-208

60Buchbeitrag  The portrait of Richard II in Westminster Abbey
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1997) - In: The regal image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych S. 196-206

61Artikel  Art history, literary history, and the study of medieval illuminated manuscripts
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1997) - In: Studies in iconography Bd. 18 (1997) S. 51-66

62Artikel  Dancing in the streets
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1996) - In: The journal of the Walters Art Gallery Bd. 54 (1996) S. 147-162

63Buchbeitrag  Patrons, libraries and illuminators in the Italian Renaissance
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1994) - In: The Painted Page. Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550 S. 11-20

64Buchbeitrag  The Pulpit with the Four Doctors at St James's Castle Acre, Norfolk
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1994) - In: England in the fifteenth century (1994) S. 198-206

65Artikel  Iconography and social ideology: uncovering social meanings in Western medieval Christian art
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1993) - In: Studies in iconography Bd. 15 (1993) S. 1-44

66Buchbeitrag  Ideological representation of military combat in Anglo-Norman art
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1993) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 15 S. 1-24

67Artikel  A metalwork triptych of the passion of christ in the metropolitan museum, New York
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1993 - 1994) - In: Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte Bd. 46/47 (1993/94) S. 27-37

68Artikel  Matteo da Milano, Illuminator
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1992) - In: Pantheon Bd. 50 (1992) S. 32-45

69Buchbeitrag  The Livy (MS 1) illuminated for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio by the Milanese artist "B. F."
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1991) - In: Beinecke studies in early manuscripts S. 219-234

70Artikel  The Livy (MS 1) illuminated for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio by the Milanese artist "B. F.".
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1991) - In: The Yale University Library gazette Bd. 66, Suppl. (1991) S. 219-234

71Buchbeitrag  Art. Anglosassoni, Arte degli. Miniatura
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1991) - In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale Tl. 1

72Artikel  Illuminations by Matteo da Milano in the Fitzwilliam Museum
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1991) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 133 (1991) S. 686-690

73Buchbeitrag  Art. Anglonormanna, Arte. Miniatura
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1991) - In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale Tl. 1

74Buchbeitrag  The Illumination
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1990) - In: Book of Kells. Ms. 58 Trinity college Library Dublin, Kommentar S. 265-303

75Artikel  Labeur and paresse: ideological representations of medieval peasant labour.
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1990) - In: The Art bulletin Bd. 72 (1990) S. 436-452

76Buchbeitrag  Preliminary marginal drawings in medieval manuscripts
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1990) - In: Artistes, artisans et production artistique au Moyen Âge 3 S. 307-319

77Buchbeitrag  The Canon Tables
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1990) - In: Book of Kells. Ms. 58 Trinity college Library Dublin, Kommentar S. 268-273

78Artikel  Katherine Bray's Flemish Book of Hours
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1989) - In: The Ricardian Bd. 8, 107 (1989) S. 308-317

79Artikel  Constraints on pictorial invention in Renaissance illumination: the role of copying North and South of the Alps in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1988) - In: Miniatura Bd. 1 (1988) S. 123-135

80Buchbeitrag  Initials in Renaissance illuminated manuscripts: the problem of the so-called 'litera Mantiniana'
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1988) - In: Renaissance- und Humanistenhandschriften S. 145-156

81Buchbeitrag  Three fourteenth-century patrons
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 463-488

82Buchbeitrag  Medieval artists and their techniques
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 382-409

83Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 12-13

84Buchbeitrag  The decorated style and the figurative arts
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 443-462

85Buchbeitrag  Nobility and knights
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 246-267

86Buchbeitrag  Towns and merchants
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 268-284

87Buchbeitrag  Sigmund or the king of the Garamantes?
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Essays George Zarnecki S. 1-6

88Buchbeitrag  Edward III (1327-77)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 489-504

89Buchbeitrag  Peasants
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 285-288

90Buchbeitrag  Kingship
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 194-204

91Buchbeitrag  Edward II (1307-27)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 410-442

92Buchbeitrag  Henry III (1215-72)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 310-333

93Buchbeitrag  Lords lying on high on the their graves
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 289-296

94Buchbeitrag  Edward I (1272-1307)
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 334-366

95Buchbeitrag  The heavenly Jerusalem
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 527-540

96Buchbeitrag  The English Church
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 226-245

97Buchbeitrag  A twelfth-century Augustine on the Psalms, perhaps from the area of Soissons, containing an unpublished library catalogue
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Florilegium Carl Nordenfalk S. 13-22

98Buchbeitrag  Pilgrimage: the devotion ot the saints
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 205-225

99Buchbeitrag  The appreciation of Gothic art and architecture
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 367-381

100Buchbeitrag  The cathedrals and the beginnings of Gothic style
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 297-309

101Buchbeitrag  La résistance à la domination culturelle Carolingienne dans l'art breton du IXe siècle: le témoignage de l'enluminure des manuscrits
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1986) - In: Landevennec et le monachisme breton dans le haut Moyen Âge S. 269-280

102Buchbeitrag  A manuscript of the Gospels from Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1985) - In: FS Florentine Mütherich S. 193-206

103Buchbeitrag  Italian illuminated manuscripts in British collections
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1985) - In: La miniatura italiana tra Gotico e Rinascimento. Atti S. 99-126

104Buchbeitrag  Painting and manuscript illumination for royal patrons in the later Middle Ages
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1983) - In: English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages S. 141-162

105Artikel  The Limbourg brothers and Italian art: a new source
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1983) - In: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Bd. 46 (1983) S. 425-435

106Artikel  Fragments of an illuminated missal of Pope Innocent VIII
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1980) - In: Pantheon Bd. 38 (1980) S. 377-382

107Buchbeitrag  English or French? Thirteenth-Century Bibles
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1980) - In: Manuscripts at Oxford. An exhibition in memory of Richard William Hunt S. 69-71

108Buchbeitrag  An English illuminator's work in some fourteenth-century Italian law books at Durham
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1980) - In: Medieval Art and Architecture at Durham Cathedral S. 149-153

109Artikel  A Virgil illuminated by Marco Zoppo
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1979) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 121 (1979) S. 514-517

110Buchbeitrag  The illustrations of the Anonymus de rebus bellicis
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1979) - In: De rebus bellicis: Part 1. Aspects of the De rebus bellicis S. 11-15

111Buchbeitrag  Scribes as artists: the arabesque initial in twelfth-century English manuscripts
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1978) - In: Essays N. R. Ker S. 87-116

112Buchbeitrag  A book of hours made for King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1977) - In: Studies Millard Meiss S. I:28-31, II:3-4

113Buchbeitrag  The illustrated manuscripts of the Notitia dignitatum
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1976) - In: Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum S. 11-49

114Buchbeitrag  The Benedictional of St Aethelwold and Anglo-Saxon illumination on the reform period
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1975) - In: Tenth-Century Studies. Essays in Commemoration of the Millennium of the Council of Winchester S. 169-183, 241-245

115Artikel  Some aesthetic principles in the use of colour in Anglo-Saxon moneyers: from Cnut to Edward the Confessor
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1975) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 4 (1975) S. 145-154

116Artikel  English early fourteenth-century illumination: recent acquisitions
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1973 - 1978) - In: The Bodleian Library record Bd. 9 (1973/78) S. 72-80

117Buchbeitrag  William Abell "lymnour" and 15th Century English Illumination
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1972) - In: FS Otto Pächt S. 166-170

118Artikel  A manuscript of Petrarch's Rime and Trionfi
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1970) - In: Yearbook. Victoria and Albert Museum Bd. 2 (1970) S. 27-40

119Artikel  Venetian illumination in the fifteenth century
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1970) - In: Arte veneta. Rivista di storia dell'arte Bd. 24 (1970) S. 272-275

120Artikel  Notes on some Veneto-Paduan illuminated books on the Renaissance
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1969) - In: Arte veneta. Rivista di storia dell'arte Bd. 23 (1969) S. 9-20

121Artikel  The provenance of the Brooke Antiphonal
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1969) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 49 (1969) S. 385-387

122Artikel  A lost leaf from a Bodleian book of hours
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1968 - 1971) - In: The Bodleian Library record Bd. 8 (1968/71) S. 248-251

123Buchbeitrag  A romanesque copy from Mont Saint-Michel of an initial in the Corbie Psalter
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1967) - In: Millénaire monastique du Mont Saint Michel 2 S. 239-244

124Artikel  A little-known gospel book of the later eleventh century from Exeter
Alexander, Jonathan James Graham. (1966) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 108 (1966) S. 6-16

125Artikel  An Eleventh Century Gospel Book from Le Cateau
Alexander, Jonathan James GrahamCahn, Walter. (1966) - In: Scriptorium Bd. 20 (1966) S. 248-264

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