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Publikationen »Almqvist, Bo«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Almqvist, Bo

RI opac: 22 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Atlantic currents: essays on lore, literature and language. Essays in honour of Séamas Ó Catháin on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 31.12.2012 = Sruthanna an Aigéin Thiar: aistí ar sheanchas, ar litríocht agus ar theanga. Aistí in onóir do Shéamas Ó Catháin in aois a 70 bliain dó 31.12.2012
Almqvist, BoMac Cárthaigh, CrístóirMac Mathúna, LiamMac Mathúna, SéamusWatson, Seosamh [Hrsg.]. - Dublin (2012)

2Sammelwerk  The Heroic Process. Form, Function and Fantasy in Folk Epic
Almqvist, BoÓ Catháin, SéamasÓ Héalaí, Pádraig [Hrsg.]. - Dún Laoghaire (1987)

3Sammelwerk  Proceedings of the Seventh Viking Congress, Dublin, 15-21 August 1973
Almqvist, BoGreene, David [Hrsg.]. - Dublin (1976)

4Sammelwerk  Hereditas: essays and studies presented to Professor Séamus Ó Duilearga, former honorary director of the Irish Folklore Commission, editor of Béaloideas, 1927-1973, patron of the Folklore of Ireland Society
Almqvist, BoMac Aodha, Breandán S.Mac Eoin, Gearóid S. [Hrsg.]. - Dublin (1975)

5Buchbeitrag  Arastotail ar an mBlascaod
Almqvist, Bo. (2013) - In: FS Gearóid Mac Eoin S. 6-16

6Buchbeitrag  Is Búkolla a Celtic cow?
Almqvist, Bo. (2001) - In: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica S. 100-116

7Artikel  The Mélusine Legend in the Context of Irish Folk Tradition
Almqvist, Bo. (1999) - In: Béaloideas Bd. 67 (1999) S. 13-69

8Buchbeitrag  The Melusine Legend in Irish Folk Tradition
Almqvist, Bo. (1999) - In: Mélusines continentales et insulaires S. 263-279

9Buchbeitrag  Before Columbus: some Irish folklore motifs in the Old Icelandic traditions about Wineland.
Almqvist, Bo. (1997) - In: Celts and Vikings. Proceedings S. 225-252

10Buchbeitrag  Gaelic/Norse folklore contracts. Some reflections on their scope and character
Almqvist, Bo. (1996) - In: Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter. Bildung und Literatur S. 139-172

11Buchbeitrag  Fylgjor, livsfjärilar och livstiskar: Några bidrag till isländsk-ìrìs själstro
Almqvist, Bo. (1994) - In: Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica Held in Oslo 1-2 November 1991 S. 115-143

12Artikel  Irish Migratory Legends on the Supernatural. Sources, studies and problems
Almqvist, Bo. (1991) - In: Béaloideas Bd. 59 (1991) S. 1-12

13Artikel  Waterhorse Legends (MLSIT 4086 & 4086B). The case for and against a connection between Irish and Nordic tradition
Almqvist, Bo. (1991) - In: Béaloideas Bd. 59 (1991) S. 107-120

14Artikel  "The Mysterious Mícheál Ó Gaoithín, Boccaccio and the Blasket Tradition. Reflections occasioned by James Stewart's" Boccaccio in the Blaskets
Almqvist, Bo. (1990) - In: Béaloideas Bd. 58 (1990) S. 75-140

15Artikel  Of Mermaids and Marriages. Séamus Heaney's 'Maighdean Mara' and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill's 'An Mhaighdean Mhara' in the light of folk tradition
Almqvist, Bo. (1990) - In: Béaloideas Bd. 58 (1990) S. 1-74

16Artikel  Scandinavian and Celtic Folklore Contacts in the Earldom of Orkney
Almqvist, Bo. (1978) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 20 (1978) S. 80-105

17Buchbeitrag  Norska utburdsägner i västerled
Almqvist, Bo. (1978) - In: FS Olav Bø S. 109-119

18Artikel  Nida(n)grísur
Almqvist, Bo. (1971) - In: Arv. Nordic yearbook of folklore Bd. 27 (1971) S. 97-120

19Artikel  Folk Beliefs and Philology
Almqvist, Bo. (1971) - In: Arv. Nordic yearbook of folklore Bd. 27 (1971) S. 69-95

20Artikel  Midfjordingamärren. En folklig satir från sturlungatiden och dess bakgrund.
Almqvist, Bo. (1969) - In: Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok (1969) S. 5-20

21Buchbeitrag  The Viking Beer
Almqvist, Bo. (1968) - In: The Fifth Viking Congress. Torshavn, July 1965 S. 96

22Artikel  The Viking ale and the Rhine gold. Some notes on an Irish-Scottish folk-legend and a Germanic hero-tale motif
Almqvist, Bo. (1965) - In: Arv. Nordic yearbook of folklore Bd. 21 (1965) S. 115-135

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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