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Publikationen »Arblaster, John«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Arblaster, John

RI opac: 20 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Medieval Mystical Women in the West: Growing in the Height of Love
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob [Hrsg.]. - London (2024)

2Sammelwerk  Mystical doctrines of deification: case studies in the Christian tradition
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (2019)

3Sammelwerk  Mystical anthropology: authors from the low countries
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob [Hrsg.]. - London (2017)

4Sammelwerk  A companion to John of Ruusbroec
Arblaster, John [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2014)

5Artikel  Lionizing Jan van Leeuwen († 1378): The ‘Good Cook' of Groenendaal in Iconography and Hagiography
Arblaster, John. (2021) - In: Ikon Bd. 14 (2021) S. 141-152

6Artikel  Iste liber aliter intitulatur Russhbroke: Unanswered Questions Concerning Marguerite Porete and John of Ruusbroec in England
Arblaster, John. (2019 - 2020) - In: Ons geestelijk erf Bd. 90 (2019/20) S. 258-278

7Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2019) - In: Mystical doctrines of deification. Case studies in the Christian tradition S. 1-4

8Buchbeitrag  L'influence de Guillaume de Saint-Thierry sur Hadewijch et Marguerite Porete
Arblaster, John. (2019) - In: Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, de Liège au Mont-Dieu S. 313-323

9Artikel  L'influence de Guillaume de Saint-Thierry sur Hadewijch et Marguerite Perete
Arblaster, John. (2018) - In: Citeaux Bd. 69 (2018) S. 313-324

10Artikel  "Flowing from the Wild Sea and Back to the Sea": Water Metaphors and Mystical Union in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Arblaster, John. (2018) - In: Journal of religion Bd. 98 (2018) S. 169-191

11Artikel  The Mystical Fulfilment of a Spiritual Ideal: Common Love in Baldwin of Forde, Beatrice of Nazareth and the Vita Beatricis
Arblaster, John. (2018) - In: Ons geestelijk erf Bd. 89 (2018) S. 295-316

12Buchbeitrag  The Blessed and the Burned: Thirteenth-Century Female Discourse on Deification
Arblaster, John. (2017) - In: Commitments to medieval mysticism within contemporary contexts S. 273-291

13Artikel  The reciprocity of spiritual love in William of Saint-Thierry and Hadewijch
Arblaster, JohnVerdeyen, Paul. (2017) - In: Bijdragen. International journal in philosophy and theology Bd. 78 (2017) S. 39-54

14Buchbeitrag  Middle Dutch Texts Related to Ruusbroec
Arblaster, John [Bearb.]. (2014) - In: A companion to John of Ruusbroec S. 339-392

15Buchbeitrag  Mysticism in the Low Countries before Ruusbroec
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2014) - In: A companion to John of Ruusbroec S. 5-46

16Buchbeitrag  John of Ruusbroec's Life and Works
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2014) - In: A companion to John of Ruusbroec S. 47-80

17Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2014) - In: A companion to John of Ruusbroec S. 1-4

18Artikel  The influence of Beatrice of Nazareth on Marguerite Porete: The seven manners of love revised
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2013) - In: Citeaux Bd. 64, 1/2 (2013) S. 41-88

19Artikel  Mysticism with or Without the Church? John of Ruusbroec's Conflict with the Clergy?
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2013) - In: International journal of philosophy and theology Bd. 74 (2013) S. 18-32

20Artikel  Commune a tous par largesse de pure charité. Common Love in Beatrice of Nazareth and Marguerite Porete
Arblaster, JohnFaesen, Rob. (2012) - In: Ons geestelijk erf Bd. 83 (2012) S. 297-323

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