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Publikationen »Barnes, Geraldine«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Barnes, Geraldine

RI opac: 51 Einträge

1Monographie  The bookish riddarasögur: writing romance in late mediaeval Iceland
Barnes, Geraldine. - Odense (2014)

2Sammelwerk  Travel and Travellers from Bede to Dampier Papers from the University of Sydney Centre for Medieval Studies Workshop 22-23 August 2001
Barnes, Geraldine [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2005)

3Monographie  Viking America: The First Millenium
Barnes, Geraldine. - Cambridge (2001)

4Sammelwerk  Old Norse myths, literature and society: proceedings of the 11th International Saga Conference, 2-7 July 2000, University of Sydney
Barnes, GeraldineClunies Ross, Margaret [Hrsg.]. - Sidney (2000)

5Sammelwerk  Old Norse Studies in the New World: A Collection of Essays to Celebrate the Jubilee of the Teaching of Old Norse at the University of Sydney 1943-93
Barnes, GeraldineClunies Ross, MargaretQuinn, Judy [Hrsg.]. - Sydney (1994)

6Monographie  Counsel and Strategy in Middle English Romance
Barnes, Geraldine. - Cambridge (1993)

7Sammelwerk  Words and Wordsmiths. A Volume for H.L. Rogers
Barnes, Geraldineu.a. [Hrsg.]. - Sydney (1989)

8Buchbeitrag  Reisen und Translatio studii in den isländischen Riddarasögur
Barnes, Geraldine. (2014) - In: Rittersagas. Übersetzung, Überlieferung, Transmission S. 203-218

9Artikel  Rémundar saga keisarasonar: Romance, Epic, and the Legend of Prester John
Barnes, Geraldine. (2012) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 111 (2012) S. 208-223

10Artikel  Cognitive Dysfunction in Dínus saga drambláta and Le Roman de Perceval
Barnes, Geraldine. (2012) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 22, 1 (2012) S. 53-63

11Artikel  Nostalgia, medievalism and the Vínland voyages
Barnes, Geraldine. (2011) - In: Postmedieval Bd. 2 (2011) S. 141-154

12Buchbeitrag  The Tristan Legend
Barnes, Geraldine. (2011) - In: The Arthur of the North. The Arthurian legend in the Norse and Rus' realms S. 61-76

13Buchbeitrag  Nostalgia, medievalism and the Vinland voyages
Barnes, Geraldine. (2011) - In: The medievalism of nostalgia S. 141-154

14Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian Versions of Arthurian Romance
Barnes, Geraldine. (2009) - In: A companion to Arthurian literature S. 189-201

15Buchbeitrag  The 'Discourse of Counsel' and the 'Translated' Riddarasg'gur
Barnes, Geraldine. (2007) - In: Essays Margaret Clunies Ross S. 375-398

16Artikel  Meeting the Medieval Monstrous: An Australian Perspective
Barnes, Geraldine. (2007) - In: Arts. The journal of the Sydney University Arts Association Bd. 29 (2007) S. ??

17Buchbeitrag  Travel and "translatio studii" in the Icelandic riddarasögur
Barnes, Geraldine. (2007) - In: Übersetzen im skandinavischen Mittelalter S. 123-140

18Buchbeitrag  Medieval Murder - Modern Crime Fiction
Barnes, Geraldine. (2006) - In: Essays Stephen Knight S. 241-254

19Artikel  Curiosity, Wonder, and William Dampier's Painted Prince
Barnes, Geraldine. (2006) - In: Journal for early modern cultural studies Bd. 6, 1 (2006) S. 31-50

20Buchbeitrag  Margin vs. centre: geopolitics in Nitida Saga (a cosmographical comedy?)
Barnes, Geraldine. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 1 S. 104-112

21Buchbeitrag  William Dampier's Itinerarium
Barnes, GeraldineMitchell, Adrian. (2005) - In: Travel and Travellers from Bede to Dampier. Papers. S. 207-230

22Buchbeitrag  Passing Through Customs: William Dampier's medieval baggage
Barnes, GeraldineMitchell, Adrian. (2005) - In: Medievalism and the Gothic in Australian culture S. 131-145

23Buchbeitrag  The drama of faith West of Iceland
Barnes, Geraldine. (2005) - In: Scandinavian and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages S. 20-25

24Artikel  The Norse discovery of America and the American discovery of Norse (1828-1892).
Barnes, Geraldine. (2001) - In: Studies in medievalism Bd. 11 (2001) S. 167-188

25Buchbeitrag  Funding the Chair of Australian Literature: a brief history of the public record
Barnes, Geraldine. (2001) - In: Essays Leonie Kramer S. 113-128

26Buchbeitrag  Romance in Iceland
Barnes, Geraldine. (2000) - In: Old Icelandic literature and society S. 266-286

27Buchbeitrag  The Vínland voyages: records of discovery and loss
Barnes, Geraldine. (2000) - In: Beschreibung der Welt. Zur Poetik der Reise- und Länderberichte S. 97-117

28Buchbeitrag  Tristan in late medieval Norse literature: saga and ballad
Barnes, Geraldine. (1999) - In: Tristan und Isolt im Spätmittelalter S. 373-396

29Buchbeitrag  The age of innocence: childhood and chastity in some Middle English Romances
Barnes, Geraldine. (1998) - In: FS Xenja von Ertzdorff S. 293-315

30Buchbeitrag  The fireside Vikings and the "Boy's Own" Vinland: Vinland in popular English and American literature (1841-1926)
Barnes, Geraldine. (1998) - In: Reinventing the Middle Ages and the Renaissance S. 147-165

31Artikel  Vínland the Good: Paradise Lost?
Barnes, Geraldine. (1995) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 12, 2 (1995) S. 75-96

32Buchbeitrag  The cloister and the text: some alternative lifestyles in medieval narrative
Barnes, Geraldine. (1994) - In: Studies Keith Val Sinclair S. 206-213

33Buchbeitrag  The Lion-Knight legend in Old Norse romance
Barnes, Geraldine. (1994) - In: Die Romane von dem Ritter mit dem Löwen S. 383-399

34Buchbeitrag  Reinventing paradise: Vinland 1000-1992
Barnes, Geraldine. (1994) - In: Old Norse Studies in the New World S. 19-32

35Buchbeitrag  Art. "Elis saga ok Rósamundu" (the saga of Elis and Rósamunda)
Barnes, Geraldine. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 162-163

36Buchbeitrag  Art. "Ívens saga" (Íven's saga)
Barnes, Geraldine. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 337-338

37Buchbeitrag  Art. "Erex saga" (Erex's saga)
Barnes, Geraldine. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 170-171

38Buchbeitrag  Art. "Parcevals saga" (Parceval's saga)
Barnes, Geraldine. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 496-497

39Artikel  The medieval Anglophile: England and its rulers in Old Norse history and saga
Barnes, Geraldine. (1992) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 10, 2 (1992) S. 11-25

40Artikel  Authors, dead and alive, in Old Norse fiction.
Barnes, Geraldine. (1990) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 8, 2 (1990) S. 5-22

41Artikel  Some current issues in "riddarasögur" research
Barnes, Geraldine. (1989) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 104 (1989) S. 73-88

42Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's double telling of the Knight's Tale.
Barnes, Geraldine. (1989) - In: FS H. L. Rogers S. 4-12

43Buchbeitrag  Arthurian chivalry in Old Norse
Barnes, Geraldine. (1987) - In: Arthurian Literature 7 S. 50-102

44Artikel  Arthurian chivalry in Old Norse
Barnes, Geraldine. (1987) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 7 (1987) S. 50-102

45Artikel  On the Ending of Flóres saga ok blankiflúr
Barnes, Geraldine. (1986) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 22 (1986) S. 69-72

46Artikel  Parcevals Saga: Riddara Skuggsjá?
Barnes, Geraldine. (1984) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 99 (1984) S. 49-62

47Artikel  Deception and Game in "The Earl of Toulouse"
Barnes, Geraldine. (1984) - In: Poetica (Tokyo) Bd. 17 (1984) S. 31-42

48Artikel  Cunning and ingenuity in the Middle English Floris and Blauncheflur
Barnes, Geraldine. (1984) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 53 (1984) S. 10-25

49Artikel  Some observations on Flóres saga ok Blankiflúr
Barnes, Geraldine. (1977) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 49 (1977) S. 48-66

50Artikel  The riddarasögur and mediæval European literature
Barnes, Geraldine. (1975) - In: Mediaeval Scandinavia Bd. 8 (1975) S. 140-158

51Artikel  The Riddarasögur: A Medieval Exercise in Translation
Barnes, Geraldine. (1974) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 19 (1974) S. 403-441

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