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Publikationen »Barr, Jessica«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Barr, Jessica

RI opac: 13 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Writing holiness: genre and reception across medieval hagiography
Barr, JessicaZimbalist, Barbara [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2023)

2Monographie  Intimate reading: textual encounters in medieval women's visions and vitae
Barr, Jessica. - Ann Arbor (2020)

3Monographie  Willing to know God: dreamers and visionaries in the later Middle Ages
Barr, Jessica. - Columbus (2010)

4Monographie  The limits of revelation: Visionary knowing and the medieval dream vision
Barr, Jessica. - [Brown University] (2007)

5Artikel  "The soul loves its own flesh": Death and Dying in the Helfta Literature and Bernard's Sermons on the Song of Songs
Barr, Jessica. (2021) - In: Viator Bd. 52, 1 (2021) S. 249-278

6Artikel  The Idea of the Wilderness: Gender and Resistance in Le Roman de Silence
Barr, Jessica. (2020) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 30, 1 (2020) S. 3-25

7Buchbeitrag  Read It and Weep: Affective and Literate Engagement in Richard Rolle's Meditations and The Book of Margery Kempe
Barr, Jessica. (2019) - In: Vernacular Aesthetics in the Later Middle Ages. Politics, Performativity, and Reception from Literature to Music S. 271-297

8Artikel  Imagined Bodies: Intimate Reading and Divine Union in Gertrude of Helfta's Legatus
Barr, Jessica. (2017) - In: Journal of medieval religious cultures Bd. 43 (2017) S. 186-208

9Artikel  Visionary "Staycations": Meeting God at Home in Medieval Women's Vision Literature
Barr, Jessica. (2017) - In: Medieval feminist forum Bd. 52, 2 (2017) S. 70-101

10Buchbeitrag  Modelling holiness: self-fashioning and sanctity in late medieval English mystical literature
Barr, Jessica. (2015) - In: Sanctity as literature in late medieval Britain S. 80-95

11Artikel  The Secret Chamber of Her Mind: Interpreting Inner Experience in the Vita of Beatrice of Nazareth
Barr, Jessica. (2011) - In: Exemplaria Bd. 23 (2011) S. 221-244

12Artikel  Creative Imagination and Didactic Intent in Medieval Visions of the Other World: A Response To Fritz Kemmler
Barr, Jessica. (2010 - 2011) - In: Connotations Bd. 20 (2010/11) S. 1-11

13Artikel  The meaning of the word: language and divine understanding in Marguerite d'Oingt
Barr, Jessica. (2007) - In: Mystics quarterly Bd. 33, 1/2 (2007) S. 27-52

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