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Publikationen »Bauer, Dominique«

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RI opac: 13 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Cum tanta sit in amicitia vera perfectio. Liber amicorum Raoul Bauer
Bauer, DominiqueBauer, MikaelDe Visscher, Jacques [Hrsg.]. - Kapellen (2009)

2Buchbeitrag  The Underlying Continuity of the Subsequent Legal and Political Orders. Looking from the Middle Ages into the Modern Times - Some Reflections
Bauer, Dominique. (2011) - In: Universality and Continuity in International Law S. 249-270

3Buchbeitrag  Custom in Canon Law and the Expansion of Legal Reality
Bauer, Dominique. (2009) - In: Custom. The development and use of a legal concept in the Middle Ages S. 107-122

4Buchbeitrag  Twelfth century views of power in Peter the Venerable's 'Contra Petrobrusianos' and in canon law
Bauer, Dominique. (2008) - In: Law and power in the Middle Ages. Proceedings S. 53-72

5Buchbeitrag  Canonical Collections and Historical Context: Proposal of Method and Example of' Juridisation'
Bauer, Dominique. (2008) - In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law S. 743-762

6Buchbeitrag  Canonical collections and historical context: Proposal of method and example of 'juridisation'
Bauer, Dominique. (2008) - In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law S. 743-762

7Buchbeitrag  From Ivo of Chartres to the Decretum Gratiani: the legal nature of a political theology revolution
Bauer, Dominique. (2007) - In: Law before Gratian. Law in Western Europe c. 500 - 1100 S. 123-139

8Artikel  Ivo of Chartres, the Gregorian Reform and the Formation of the Just War Doctrine
Bauer, Dominique. (2005) - In: Journal of the history of international law Bd. 7 (2005) S. 43-54

9Artikel  The twelfth century and the emergence of the juridical subject: some reflections
Bauer, Dominique. (2004) - In: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung Bd. 90 (2004) S. 207-227

10Artikel  The content of canonical collections. A method of historical interpretation
Bauer, Dominique. (2004) - In: Sacris erudiri Bd. 43 (2004) S. 235-260

11Buchbeitrag  The importance of medieval canon law and the scholastic tradition for the emergence of the early modern international legal order
Bauer, Dominique. (2004) - In: Peace Treaties and International Law in European History S. 198-221

12Buchbeitrag  Een cultuur-historische benadering van Ivo van Chartres' selectiecriteria
Bauer, Dominique. (1998) - In: Van oud en nieuw recht. Handelingen van het XVde Belgisch-Nederlands Rechtshistorisch Congres S. 273-282

13Artikel  Spiritualiteit als problematische band tussen hemel en aarde. Over de waarde van de wereld in haar contingentie
Bauer, Dominique. (1995 - 1996) - In: De uil van Minerva Bd. 12 (1995/96) S. 177-188

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