Publikationen »Benati, Chiara«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Benati, Chiara
RI opac: 53 Einträge
1 | Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: tradition and innovation Seiler Rübekeil, Annina • Benati, Chiara • Pons-Sanz, Sara María [Hrsg.]. |
2 | From Glosses to Dictionaries: The Beginnings of Lexicography Benati, Chiara • Händl, Claudia [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Die niederdeutsche Fassung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney in Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663 4°: Edition und Kommentar Benati, Chiara. |
4 | Dat Boek der Wundenartzstedye und der niederdeutsche chirurgische Fachwortschatz Brunschwig, Hieronymus. Benati, Chiara [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Laurin e Walberan: introduzione, traduzione dall'alto tedesco medio e commento. Benati, Chiara [Hrsg.]. |
6 | L'influsso bassotedesco sulla fraseologia dello svedese tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna Benati, Chiara. |
8 | Glossaries from Britain and Ireland Seiler Rübekeil, Annina • Benati, Chiara • Pons-Sanz, Sara María. |
12 | Introduction Seiler Rübekeil, Annina • Benati, Chiara • Pons-Sanz, Sara María. |
14 | Cibo e salute nelle tradizioni germaniche medievali: un approccio filologico Benati, Chiara • Händl, Claudia. |
15 | The German Translations of Lanfranc of Milan's Chirurgia parva: from Latin to Vernacular or from One Vernacular to the Other? * Benati, Chiara • Caparrini, Marialuisa. |
18 | Open Access 'Only for Specialist' Medical Charms: Holistic Therapy in the German Medieval and Early Modern Tradition Benati, Chiara. |
22 | "Behüde mich vor vngerechtem gude". Were goods in game "unjustified"? Medieval gambling Benati, Chiara. |
25 | Swa bredel seo, swapystel-fiat tamquam pulviß ante faciem venti: Threat of Retribution for Thieves in the Germanic Tradition Benati, Chiara. |
28 | Charms and Blessings in the Middle Low German Medical Tradition Benati, Chiara. |
31 | A la guerre comme a la guerre but with caution: Protection charms and blessings in the Germanic tradition Benati, Chiara. |
32 | Dat Kinder bock: A Low German Pediatric Medical Book in Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663,4to. Benati, Chiara. |
33 | An Old Norse Manuscript to Die and Kill for: Viktor Arnar Ingolfssons Flateyjargata Benati, Chiara. |
35 | Eine neue niederdeutsche Fassung des Longinussegens. Zur Blutstillung Benati, Chiara. |
36 | Additions and Interpolations in the Low German Version of Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney Benati, Chiara. |
40 | The Faroese Oral Tradition on Charlemagne and its Relation to European Literature Benati, Chiara. |
41 | "Stephan von Dorpat and His Low German Translation of the Disticha Catonis." Benati, Chiara. |
43 | Voremunde hebben: children, elderly and impaired people in Eike von Repgow's Sachsenspiegel Benati, Chiara. |
44 | Dietrich in the Faroes: Echoes of the German Dietrichepik in the Faroese Oral Tradition Benati, Chiara. |
45 | Physical Impairment in the First Surgical Handbooks Printed in Germany Benati, Chiara. |
46 | The Beginnings of Till Eulenspiegel's Reception in Scandinavia Benati, Chiara. |
47 | Faroese Oral Tradition and Icelandic Saga: The case of Ásmund Cycle Benati, Chiara. |
49 | I nomi degli animali nell'epica teodoriciana medio altotedesca Benati, Chiara. |
50 | La ballata faroese di Olaf il Santo: tra agiografia e leggenda Benati, Chiara. |
51 | The Fantastic and the Supernatural in the Saga Osvalds konungs hins helga Benati, Chiara. |
53 | La materia teodoriciana al di fuori dell'area tedesca: il Laurin in Scandinavia Benati, Chiara. |
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