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Publikationen »Benati, Chiara«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Benati, Chiara

RI opac: 53 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: tradition and innovation
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2023)

2Sammelwerk  From Glosses to Dictionaries: The Beginnings of Lexicography
Benati, ChiaraHändl, Claudia [Hrsg.]. - Newcastle upon Tyne (2019)

3Monographie  Die niederdeutsche Fassung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney in Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663 4°: Edition und Kommentar
Benati, Chiara. - Göppingen (2017)

4Monographie  Dat Boek der Wundenartzstedye und der niederdeutsche chirurgische Fachwortschatz
Brunschwig, Hieronymus. Benati, Chiara [Hrsg.]. - Göppingen (2012)

5Sachtitel  Laurin e Walberan: introduzione, traduzione dall'alto tedesco medio e commento.
Benati, Chiara [Hrsg.]. - Pisa (2007)

6Monographie  L'influsso bassotedesco sulla fraseologia dello svedese tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna
Benati, Chiara. - Göppingen (2006)

7Buchbeitrag  Cultural, Intellectual and Textual Contexts
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María. (2023) - In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe. Tradition and innovation S. 51-191

8Buchbeitrag  Glossaries from Britain and Ireland
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María. (2023) - In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe. Tradition and innovation S. 193-371

9Buchbeitrag  From Medieval to Renaissance Lexicography
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María. (2023) - In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe. Tradition and innovation S. 585-623

10Buchbeitrag  The Germanic Translations of Lanfranc's Surgical Works as Example of Global Circulation of Knowledge
Benati, ChiaraCaparrini, Marialuisa. (2023) - In: Globalism in the Middle Ages and the early modern age. Innovative approaches and perspectives S. 407-444

11Buchbeitrag  Continental Germanic and Scandinavian Glossaries
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María. (2023) - In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe. Tradition and innovation S. 373-584

12Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María. (2023) - In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe. Tradition and innovation S. 23-49

13Buchbeitrag  Die handschriftliche Ùberlieferung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney: Luzem, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek, Pp 27 4°
Benati, Chiara. (2022) - In: Cibo e salute nelle tradizioni germaniche medievali S. 53-72

14Buchbeitrag  Cibo e salute nelle tradizioni germaniche medievali: un approccio filologico
Benati, ChiaraHändl, Claudia. (2022) - In: Cibo e salute nelle tradizioni germaniche medievali S. 1-10

15Artikel  The German Translations of Lanfranc of Milan's Chirurgia parva: from Latin to Vernacular or from One Vernacular to the Other? *
Benati, ChiaraCaparrini, Marialuisa. (2022) - In: Mediaevistik Bd. 35 (2022) S. 265-286

16Buchbeitrag  Preventing Miscommunication: Early Modern German Surgeons as Specialized Translators
Benati, Chiara. (2022) - In: Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period S. 393-414

17Buchbeitrag  Crittografia magica: l'esempio di un inedito incantesimo d'amore tedesco del XV secolo
Benati, Chiara. (2022) - In: Incantesimi e formule magiche nella tradizione manoscritta germanica medievale S. 1-20

18Artikel  Open Access 'Only for Specialist' Medical Charms: Holistic Therapy in the German Medieval and Early Modern Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2021) - In: Mediaevistik Bd. 34 (2021) S. 49-62

19Buchbeitrag  Insprinc haptbandun, inuar uigandun: Magical (?) Remedies to Escape from Imprisonment in the Germanic Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2021) - In: Incarceration and slavery in the middle ages and the early modern age: a cultural-historical investigation of the dark side in the pre-modern world S. 89-108

20Buchbeitrag  The Translations of Brunschwig's Cirurgia and von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney into Low German: Reception and Transmission of Scientific Texts in 16th-century Germany
Benati, Chiara. (2020) - In: Literature, Science & Religion. Textual Transmission and Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe S. 23-42

21Buchbeitrag  Imaginary creatures causing real diseases: projective etiology in medieval and early modern medicine
Benati, Chiara. (2020) - In: Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time S. 253-273

22Buchbeitrag  "Behüde mich vor vngerechtem gude". Were goods in game "unjustified"? Medieval gambling
Benati, Chiara. (2019) - In: Pleasure and Leisure in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age S. 225-240

23Artikel  The conflation between conservation and innovation in an inedited fifteenth-century courtroom blessing provided in München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 351
Benati, Chiara. (2019) - In: Filologia germanica Bd. 11 (2019) S. 1-16

24Buchbeitrag  The conflation between conservation and innovation in an inedited fifiteenth-century courtroom blessing preserved in Miinchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 351
Benati, Chiara. (2019) - In: Testi tedeschi dalla metà del XIV sec. alla Riforma S. 1-16

25Artikel  Swa bredel seo, swapystel-fiat tamquam pulviß ante faciem venti: Threat of Retribution for Thieves in the Germanic Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2018) - In: Mediaevistik Bd. 31 (2018) S. 11-20

26Buchbeitrag  Against the Dangers of Travel: Journey Blessings and Amulets in the Medieval and Early Modern Germanic Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2018) - In: Travel, time, and space in the middle ages and early modern time S. 120-164

27Buchbeitrag  Un Beowulf per bambini nel ventunesimo secolo. La serie a fumetti Kid Beowulf di Alexis E. Fajardo
Benati, Chiara. (2017) - In: Riscrittura e attualizzazione dei testi germanici medievali S. 215-236

28Buchbeitrag  Charms and Blessings in the Middle Low German Medical Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2017) - In: Medieval German Tristan and Trojan War stories S. 115-144

29Buchbeitrag  Painted Eyes, Magical Sieves and Carved Runes: Charms for Catching and Punishing Thieves in the Medieval and Early Modern Germanic Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2017) - In: Magic and magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time S. 149-218

30Buchbeitrag  The Field Surgery Manual Which Became a Medical Commonplace Book: Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney (1517) Translated into Low German
Benati, Chiara. (2017) - In: Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature S. 501-527

31Artikel  A la guerre comme a la guerre but with caution: Protection charms and blessings in the Germanic tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2017) - In: Brathair Bd. 17, 1 (2017) S. 155-

32Buchbeitrag  Dat Kinder bock: A Low German Pediatric Medical Book in Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663,4to.
Benati, Chiara. (2017) - In: Medieval German Tristan and Trojan War stories S. 273-307

33Buchbeitrag  An Old Norse Manuscript to Die and Kill for: Viktor Arnar Ingolfssons Flateyjargata
Benati, Chiara. (2016) - In: Studies in the Transmission and Reception of Old Norse Literature S. 295-310

34Artikel  Klassische und volkssprachige Terminologie in der englischen Fassung von 1525 von Hieronymus Brunschwigs Buch der Cirurgie
Benati, Chiara. (2016) - In: Brathair Bd. 16, 1 (2016) S. 163-188

35Artikel  Eine neue niederdeutsche Fassung des Longinussegens. Zur Blutstillung
Benati, Chiara. (2016) - In: Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur Bd. 45 (2016) S. 89-97

36Buchbeitrag  Additions and Interpolations in the Low German Version of Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney
Benati, Chiara. (2015) - In: Studies and new texts of the Nibelungenlied (2015) S. 411-452

37Artikel  Zur Überlieferung von Hans von Gersdorffs Feldtbuch der Wundarzney: Die Handschrift Kopenhagen GKS 1663 4to und ihr Verhältnis zu den Druckfassungen
Benati, Chiara. (2014) - In: Filologia germanica Bd. 6 (2014) S. 1-19

38Buchbeitrag  The manuscript version of Hans von Gersdorffs' "Feldtbuch der Wundarzney" in Copenhagen GKS 1663 4° and its relation to the printed tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2013) - In: FS Joachim Bumke (2013) S. 291-334

39Artikel  The ever-lasting rules of death? The reception and adaptation of the pseudo-hippocratic 'capsula eburnea' in german medical literature
Benati, Chiara. (2013) - In: Brathair Bd. 13, 1 (2013)

40Buchbeitrag  The Faroese Oral Tradition on Charlemagne and its Relation to European Literature
Benati, Chiara. (2013) - In: FS Joachim Bumke (2013) S. 1-42

41Buchbeitrag  "Stephan von Dorpat and His Low German Translation of the Disticha Catonis."
Benati, Chiara. (2012) - In: Medieval German textrelations. Translations, editions, and studies S. 15-40

42Buchbeitrag  The 1518 Low German Edition of Hieronymus Brunschwig's Buch der Cirurgia and Its Terminology
Benati, Chiara. (2012) - In: Medieval German textrelations. Translations, editions, and studies S. 189-254

43Buchbeitrag  Voremunde hebben: children, elderly and impaired people in Eike von Repgow's Sachsenspiegel
Benati, Chiara. (2011) - In: Law and private life in the Middle Ages S. 205-218

44Buchbeitrag  Dietrich in the Faroes: Echoes of the German Dietrichepik in the Faroese Oral Tradition
Benati, Chiara. (2010) - In: Intertextuality, reception, and performance S. 123-156

45Artikel  Physical Impairment in the First Surgical Handbooks Printed in Germany
Benati, Chiara. (2010) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 35 (2010) S. 12-22

46Buchbeitrag  The Beginnings of Till Eulenspiegel's Reception in Scandinavia
Benati, Chiara. (2010) - In: Intertextuality, reception, and performance S. 15-34

47Artikel  Faroese Oral Tradition and Icelandic Saga: The case of Ásmund Cycle
Benati, Chiara. (2009) - In: Brathair Bd. 9, 1 (2009) S. 3-21

48Buchbeitrag  Tra esperienza diretta e tradizione classica: la terminologia di due manuali chirurgici tedeschi protomoderni
Benati, Chiara. (2009) - In: La letteratura tecnico-scientifica nel Medioevo germanico. Fachliteratur e Gebrauchstexte S. 25-42

49Artikel  I nomi degli animali nell'epica teodoriciana medio altotedesca
Benati, Chiara. (2006) - In: Il nome nel testo Bd. 8 (2006) S. 215-227

50Buchbeitrag  La ballata faroese di Olaf il Santo: tra agiografia e leggenda
Benati, Chiara. (2006) - In: Testi agiografici e omiletici del medioevo germanico S. 311-333

51Buchbeitrag  The Fantastic and the Supernatural in the Saga Osvalds konungs hins helga
Benati, Chiara. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 1 S. 130-139

52Buchbeitrag  La figura dell'interprete nella Lega Anseatica: 'Wer he erst unrecht getolket, men solde den tolke den tunge mit der wortelen afsniden'.
Benati, Chiara. (2004) - In: I germani e gli altri Tl. 2 S. 193-203

53Artikel  La materia teodoriciana al di fuori dell'area tedesca: il Laurin in Scandinavia
Benati, Chiara. (2003) - In: Quaderni di lingue e letterature straniere Bd. 12 (2003) S. 209-222

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