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Publikationen »Bennett, Adelaide Louise«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Bennett, Adelaide Louise

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Monographie  The place of Garrett 28 in thirteenth-century English illumination
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. - [Columbia University] (2008)

2Sammelwerk  Medieval mastery: book illumination from Charlemagne to Charles the Bold, 800-1475 ; [this book is published in conjuction with the Exhibition Medieval Mastery. Book Illumination from Charlemagne to Charles the Bold, 800 - 1475, Stedelijk Museum Vander Kelen-Mertens, Leuven, 21 September - 8 December 2002]
Bennett, Adelaide Louise [Hrsg.]. - Leuven (2002)

3Buchbeitrag  Leaves of a fourteenth-century Franco-Flemish Antiphonary owned by John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2007) - In: Tributes Lucy Freeman Sandler S. 235-251

4Buchbeitrag  Christ's five wounds in the Aves of the Vita Christi in a book of hours about 1300.
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2006) - In: Tributes James H. Marrow S. 75-84

5Buchbeitrag  David's Written and Pictorial Biography in a Thirteenth-Century French Psalter-Hours
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2005) - In: Between the picture and the word. Manuscript studies S. 122-140

6Buchbeitrag  The transformation of the Gothic psalter in thirteenth-century France
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2004) - In: The illuminated psalter. Studies in the content, purpose and placement of its images S. 211-221, 510-513

7Buchbeitrag  Commemoration of saints in suffrages: from public liturgy to private devotion
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2003) - In: Objects, images, and the word. Art in the service of the liturgy S. 54-78

8Buchbeitrag  Mary Magdalen's Seven Deadly Sins in a Thirteenth-Century Liege Psalter-Hours
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2002) - In: Insights and interpretations S. 17-34

9Buchbeitrag  Continuity and Change in the Religious Book Culture of the Lowlands in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (2002) - In: Medieval mastery. Book illumination S. 167-179

10Buchbeitrag  A woman's power of prayer versus the devil in a Book of Hours of ca. 1300
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1999) - In: Image and Belief. Studies in Celebration of the Eightieth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art S. 89-108

11Buchbeitrag  La Bibbia di Bagnoregio
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1994) - In: Il gotico europeo in Italia S. 403-414

12Buchbeitrag  A book designed for a noblewoman: an illustrated Manuel des péchés of the thirteenth century
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1990) - In: Medieval book production S. 163-181

13Buchbeitrag  Anthony Bek's copy of Statuta Angliae
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1986) - In: England in the Fourteenth Century (1986) S. 1-27

14Buchbeitrag  A late thirteenth century psalter-hours from London
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1985) - In: England in the Thirteenth Century (1985) S. 15-30

15Buchbeitrag  Art. Avila Bible, master of the
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1983) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 2 S. 16

16Artikel  The Windmill Psalter: the historiated letter E of Psalm One
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1980) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 43 (1980) S. 52-67

17Artikel  Additions to the William of Devon Group
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1972) - In: The Art bulletin Bd. 54 (1972) S. 31-40

18Artikel  The principle rhetorical conventions in the Renaissance personal elegy
Bennett, Adelaide Louise. (1954) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 51 (1954) S. 107-126

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