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Publikationen »Beuermann, Ian«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Beuermann, Ian

RI opac: 11 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Celtic-Norse relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages: 800 - 1200
Sigurðsson, Jón ViðarBeuermann, Ian [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2014)

2Sammelwerk  Ideology and power in the Viking and Middle Ages: Scandinavia, Iceland, Ireland, Orkney, and the Faeroes
Steinsland, GroBeuermann, IanSigurðsson, Jón Viðaru.a. [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2011)

3Monographie  Man amongst kings and bishops: what was the reason for Godred Olafsson's journey to Norway in 1152/53?
Beuermann, Ian. - Oslo (2002)

4Buchbeitrag  The low men on the totem pole: warriors and rulers in Old Norse texts from c-.1200
Beuermann, Ian. (2016) - In: Kings and warriors in early north-west Europe S. 310-344

5Buchbeitrag  No Soil for Saints: Why was There No Native Royal Martyr in Man and the Isles?
Beuermann, Ian. (2014) - In: Celtic-Norse relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800 - 1200 S. 81-96

6Buchbeitrag  Sodor, Nidaros, the Isles and 'Norgesveldet' - Diocese, province, kingdom and dominion in the making in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Beuermann, Ian. (2012) - In: "Ecclesia Nidrosiensis" and "Noregs veldi" S. 115-142

7Buchbeitrag  Jarla Sogur Orkneyja. Status and Power of the Earls of Orkney According to Their Sagas
Beuermann, Ian. (2011) - In: Ideology and power in the Viking and Middle Ages S. 109-162

8Buchbeitrag  Not Worth the King's While? Manx-Hebridean Payments to Norway and the Insular Economy
Beuermann, Ian. (2011) - In: Taxes, tributes and tributary lands in the making of Scandinavian kingdoms in the Middle Ages S. 77-102

9Buchbeitrag  'Norgesveldet' South of Cape Wrath? Political views, facts, and questions
Beuermann, Ian. (2010) - In: The Norwegian domination and the Norse world c.1100 - c.1400 S. 99-123

10Artikel  King John's Attack on Man in 1210
Beuermann, Ian. (2007) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 40 (2007) S. 23-50

11Artikel  Metropolitan ambitions and politics: Kells-Mellifont and Man and the Isles
Beuermann, Ian. (2002) - In: Peritia Bd. 16 (2002) S. 419-434

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