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Publikationen »Bevington, David M.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Bevington, David M.

RI opac: 32 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Homo, memento finis: the iconography of just judgment in medieval art and drama
Bevington, David M.u.a. [Bearb.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (1985)

2Sammelwerk  Medieval drama
Bevington, David M. [Hrsg.]. - Boston, Mass. (1975)

3Sachtitel  Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance, Wisdom, Mankind. A Facsimile Edition with Facing Transcriptions
Bevington, David M. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1972)

4Buchbeitrag  Performing the Afterlife: Dante's Divine Comedy and the Drama of the Medieval Church
Bevington, David M.. (2024) - In: Essays Ronald B. Herzman S. 183-200

5Buchbeitrag  The Tegernsee Play of Antichrist
Bevington, David M.. (2021) - In: Tributes Richard K. Emmerson S. 195-209

6Buchbeitrag  Conclusion. The evil of 'medieval'
Bevington, David M.. (2013) - In: Medieval Shakespeare S. 223-237

7Buchbeitrag  Marlowe and God
Bevington, David M.. (2011) - In: Christopher Marlowe (2011) S. 289-328

8Buchbeitrag  Marlowe, Christopher
Bevington, David M.. (2010) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

9Buchbeitrag  Drama, English Renaissance
Bevington, David M.. (2010) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

10Buchbeitrag  Dream and Vision in Shakespeare's Plays
Bevington, David M.. (2010) - In: Dreams and visions. An interdisciplinary enquiry S. 259-280

11Buchbeitrag  Juvenile Servants on the Medieval and Renaissance Stage
Bevington, David M.. (2001) - In: Essays V. A. Kolve S. 577-594

12Buchbeitrag  Art. Shakespeare, William
Bevington, David M.. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 6 S. 1-14

13Artikel  Context and performance: The York Plays at Toronto
Bevington, David M.. (1998) - In: Early theatre Bd. 1 (1998) S. 143-149

14Buchbeitrag  Asleep on stage
Bevington, David M.. (1995) - In: From page to performance. Essays in early English drama S. 51-83

15Artikel  Visual contrasts in the N-town Passion plays
Bevington, David M.. (1992) - In: Mediaevalia Bd. 18 (1992) S. 407-426

16Buchbeitrag  Castles in the air: the morality plays
Bevington, David M.. (1991) - In: The Theatre of Medieval Europe. New Research in Early Drama S. 97-116

17Buchbeitrag  Why teach medieval drama?
Bevington, David M.. (1990) - In: Approaches to Teaching Medieval English Drama S. 151-155

18Buchbeitrag  The Nature of the Moral Play
Bevington, David M.. (1989) - In: Everyman and Company S. 1-5

19Buchbeitrag  Drama editing and its relation to recent trends in literary criticism
Bevington, David M.. (1987) - In: Editing Early English Drama S. 17-32

20Buchbeitrag  'Blake and Wyght, Fowll and Fayer': Stage Picture in Wisdom
Bevington, David M.. (1986) - In: The Wisdom Symposium. Papers from the Trinity College Medieval Festival S. 18-38

21Buchbeitrag  The Staging of Twelfth-Century Liturgical Drama in the Fleury Playbook
Bevington, David M.. (1985) - In: The Fleury Playbook. Essays and Studies S. 62-81

22Artikel  "Blake and wyght, fowll and fayer": stage picture in "Wisdom who is Christ"
Bevington, David M.. (1985) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 19 (1985) S. 136-150

23Buchbeitrag  'Man Thinke on Thine Endinge Day': Stage Pictures of Just Judgment in The Castle of Perseverance
Bevington, David M.. (1985) - In: Homo, memento finis. The iconography of just judgment in medieval art and drama S. 147-177

24Artikel  The staging of twelfth-century liturgical drama in the Fleury "Playbook"
Bevington, David M.. (1984) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 18 (1984) S. 97-117

25Buchbeitrag  'The popular troupe'
Bevington, David M.. (1984) - In: Medieval English drama. A casebook S. 162-171

26Buchbeitrag  The obtuse narrator in Chaucer's "House of fame "
Bevington, David M.. (1983) - In: Geoffrey Chaucer (Wege der Forschung) S. 55-69

27Artikel  Teaching texts for renaissance drama
Bevington, David M.. (1977) - In: Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Bd. 20 (1977) S. 7-21

28Buchbeitrag  The Service for Representing Adam (Ordo repraesentationis Adae)
Bevington, David M. [Bearb.]. (1975) - In: Medieval drama (1975) S. 78-121

29Artikel  "But we are spirits of another sort": the dark side of love and magic in "A midsummer night's dream"
Bevington, David M.. (1975) - In: Medieval and Renaissance studies Bd. 7 (1975) S. 80-92

30Artikel  "Misogonus" and Laurentius Bari[o]na"
Bevington, David M.. (1964) - In: English language notes Bd. 2, 1 (1964) S. 9-10

31Artikel  The Obtuse Narrator in Chaucer's "House of Fame"
Bevington, David M.. (1961) - In: Speculum Bd. 36 (1961) S. 288-298

32Artikel  On Translating Ovid in Chaucer's "House of Fame"
Bevington, David M.. (1960) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 7 (1960) S. 206-207

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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