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Publikationen »Blake, Robert Pierpont«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Blake, Robert Pierpont

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Monographie  The old Georgian version of the gospel of John: from the Adysh gospels with the variants of the Opiza and Tbet' gospels
Lucas <Evangelista>. Blake, Robert PierpontBrière, Maurice [Hrsg.]. - Paris (1950)

2Monographie  The old Georgian version of the gospel of Matthew: from the Adysh gospels with the variants of the Opiza and Tbet' gospels
Matthäus <Evangelist>. Blake, Robert Pierpont [Hrsg.]. - Paris (1933)

3Monographie  The old Georgian version of the gospel of Mark: from the Adysh gospels with the variants of the Opiza and Tbet' gospels
Marcus <Evangelista>. Blake, Robert Pierpont [Hrsg.]. - Paris (1928)

4Buchbeitrag  Notes on the Risala of Ibn-Fadlan
Frye, Richard NelsonBlake, Robert Pierpont. (2007) - In: The Turks in the early Islamic world S. 229-260

5Artikel  La littérature grecque en Palestine au VIIIe siècle
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1965) - In: Le muséon Bd. 78 (1965) S. 367-380

6Artikel  Deux lacunes comblées dans la Passio XX monachorum Sabaitarum
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1950) - In: Analecta Bollandiana Bd. 68 (1950) S. 27-44

7Artikel  The Gospels of Bert'ay: an Old-Georgian Ms. of the Tenth Century
Blake, Robert PierpontDer Nersessian, Sirarpie. (1944) - In: Byzantion Bd. 16 (1944) S. 226-285

8Artikel  Some Byzantine accounting practices illustrated from Georgian sources
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1940) - In: Harvard studies in classical philology Bd. 51 (1940) S. 11-33

9Artikel  Catalogue of the Georgian Manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1932) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 25 (1932) S. 207-224

10Artikel  Khanmeti Palimpsest Fragments of the Old Georgian Version of Jeremiah
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1932) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 25 (1932) S. 225-272

11Artikel  The Georgian text of Fourth Esdras from the Athos manuscript
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1929) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 22 (1929) S. 57-105

12Artikel  The Athos codex of the Georgian Old Testament
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1929) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 22 (1929) S. 33-56

13Artikel  The Caesarean Text of the Gospel of Mark
Lake, KirsoppBlake, Robert PierpontNew, Silva. (1928) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 21 (1928) S. 207-404

14Artikel  Ancient Georgian versions of the Old Testament
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1926) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 19 (1926) S. 271-297

15Artikel  La Passion géorgienne des SS. Théodore, Julien, Eubulus, Malcamon, Mocimus et Salamanes
Blake, Robert PierpontPeeters, Paul. (1926) - In: Analecta Bollandiana Bd. 44 (1926) S. 70-102

16Artikel  The Georgian version of Fourth Esdras from the Jerusalem manuscript
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1926) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 19 (1926) S. 299-375

17Artikel  Georgian Theological Literature
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1924 - 1925) - In: The journal of theological studies Bd. 26 (1924-1925) S. 50-64

18Artikel  The Text of the Gospels and the Koridethi Codex
Lake, KirsoppBlake, Robert Pierpont. (1923) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 16 (1923) S. 267-286

19Artikel  Macler's Armenian gospels
Blake, Robert Pierpont. (1922) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 15 (1922) S. 294-303

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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