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Publikationen »Boffey, Julia«

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RI opac: 106 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Oxford history of poetry in English. 3. Poetry in English: 1400-1500
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2023)

2Sammelwerk  Medieval poetry: 1400-1500
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2023)

3Sammelwerk  Performance, ceremony and display in late medieval England: proceedings of the 2018 Harlaxton Symposium
Boffey, Julia [Hrsg.]. - Donington (2020)

4Monographie  Henry VII's London in The Great Chronicle
Boffey, Julia. - Kalamazoo (2019)

5Sammelwerk  Middle English Lyrics: New Readings of Short Poems,
Boffey, JuliaWhitehead, Christiania [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2018)

6Sammelwerk  A Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry.
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield [Hrsg.]. - Suffolk (2013)

7Monographie  Manuscript and Print in London c. 1475-1530
Boffey, Julia. - London (2012)

8Sammelwerk  Recording medieval lives: proceedings of the 2005 Harlaxton Symposium
Boffey, JuliaDavis, Virginia [Hrsg.]. - Donington (Lincolnshire) (2009)

9Sachtitel  A New Index of Middle English Verse
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield [Hrsg.]. - London (2005)

10Monographie  A New Index to Middle English Verse
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. - London (2005)

11Sammelwerk  Fifteenth-century English dream visions: an anthology
Boffey, Julia [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2003)

12Sachtitel  Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of the Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield [Hrsg.]. - Binghamton, NY (2002)

13Sammelwerk  Texts and their Contexts. Papers from the Early Book Society
Scattergood, Vincent JohnBoffey, Julia [Hrsg.]. - Dublin (1997)

14Sammelwerk  London and Europe in the later Middle Ages
Boffey, JuliaKing, Pamela M. [Hrsg.]. - London (1995)

15Sammelwerk  Chaucer and Fifteenth-Century Poetry
Boffey, JuliaCowen, Janet M. [Hrsg.]. - London (1991)

16Monographie  Manuscripts of English Courtly Love Lyrics in the Later Middle Ages
Boffey, Julia. - Woodbridge (1985)

17Monographie  The manuscript context of English courtly love lyrics, c. 1450-1530
Boffey, Julia. - [University of York] (1983)

18Buchbeitrag  The New Chronicles of England and France in New England
Boffey, Julia. (2024) - In: Essays Barbara A. Shailor S. 67-78

19Buchbeitrag  Making Sense of Anelida's Complaint: The Fifteenth-Century Reception of Anelida and Arcite and its Stanza Forms
Boffey, Julia. (2023) - In: Essays Susanna Fein S. 113-132

20Buchbeitrag  Reception of the Middle English Poetic Tradition
Boffey, Julia. (2023) - In: The Oxford history of poetry in English 2. Medieval poetry 1100-1400 S. 457-469

21Buchbeitrag  Travel in Richard Arnold's Book: People, Places, Texts (Pamela Tudor-Craig Memorial Lecture)
Boffey, Julia. (2023) - In: Medieval travel. Proceedings of the 2021 Harlaxton Symposium S. 269-285

22Artikel  The Context of Sir Orfeo in a Miniature Library, Harley 3810, Section I
Boffey, Julia. (2023) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 58 (2023) S. 311-322

23Buchbeitrag  Morton's Feast and the Transmission of Bills of Fare in Late Medieval English Manuscripts and Printed Books
Boffey, Julia. (2022) - In: Essays David R. Carlson S. 284-296

24Buchbeitrag  Chaucer in Small Parcels: Odd Texts of Chaucer's Short Poems, and their Manuscript Contexts
Boffey, Julia. (2021) - In: Essays A. I. Doyle (2021) S. 55-68

25Buchbeitrag  Foreword: Performance, Ceremony and Display
Boffey, Julia. (2020) - In: Performance, ceremony and display in late medieval England S. 1-7

26Buchbeitrag  English poets in print: advertising authorship from Caxton to Berthelette
Boffey, Julia. (2020) - In: John Gower in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books S. 219-230

27Buchbeitrag  The printing of English narratives in Wynkyn de Worde's later career
Boffey, Julia. (2019) - In: Early Printed Narrative Literature in Western Europe S. 125-142

28Buchbeitrag  Julia Boffey: A Bibliography
Boffey, Julia. (2019) - In: Essays Julia Boffey S. 265-275

29Buchbeitrag  Household reading for Londoners? Huntington Library MS. HM 140
Boffey, Julia. (2019) - In: Essays Caroline M. Barron (2019) S. 55-70

30Buchbeitrag  The Squire of Low Degree and the Penumbra of Romance Narrative in the Early Sixteenth Century
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2018) - In: Tribute Helen Cooper (2018) S. 229-240

31Buchbeitrag  Lyrics and short poems
Boffey, Julia. (2018) - In: A Critical Companion to John Skelton S. 102-113

32Buchbeitrag  Poems that speak volumes: Lydgate's Thoroughfare of Woe, and lyric as epitome
Boffey, Julia. (2018) - In: Middle English Lyrics. New Readings of Short Poems S. 189-200

33Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Boffey, JuliaWhitehead, Christiania. (2018) - In: Middle English Lyrics. New Readings of Short Poems S. 1-11

34Buchbeitrag  Robert Fabyan's Two Hats: Compiling The Great Chronicle of London and The New Chronicles of England and France
Boffey, Julia. (2018) - In: Essays William Marx S. 173-189

35Artikel  Context, Form, and Text in Lack of Steadfastness
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2018) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 53 (2018) S. 235-246

36Buchbeitrag  Codicology, Text, and the Book of the Duchess
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2018) - In: Chaucer's Book of the duchess. Contexts and interpretations S. 11-28

37Buchbeitrag  'Stories of Divers Regions and Provinces': Some Digests of History and Geography for Late-Medieval English Readers
Boffey, Julia. (2017) - In: Writing, records and rhetoric S. ??

38Artikel  A Middle English Poem on a Binding Fragment: an Early Valentine?
Boffey, JuliaSimpson, Paula. (2016) - In: The review of English studies Bd. 67 (2016) S. 844-854

39Buchbeitrag  Reading in London in 1501: A Micro-Study
Boffey, Julia. (2016) - In: Spaces for Reading in Later Medieval England S. 51-61

40Artikel  Shirley, Trinity College Cambridge MS R.3.20, and the Circumstances of Lydgate's Temple of Glass: Coterie Verse over Time
Boffey, Julia. (2016) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 38 (2016) S. 265-273

41Buchbeitrag  Middle English Prose and Verse: Contexts and Conjunctions
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2015) - In: Rencontres du vers et de la prose. Conscience théorique et mise en page S. 201-212

42Buchbeitrag  Towards a Taxonomy of Middle English Manuscript Assemblages
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2015) - In: Insular books. Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late Medieval Britain S. 263-280

43Buchbeitrag  From Manuscript to Print: Continuity and Change
Boffey, Julia. (2014) - In: A companion to the early printed book in Britain 1476 - 1558 S. 13-26

44Buchbeitrag  Prospecting in (he Archives: Middle English Verse in Record Repositories
Boffey, Julia. (2014) - In: New directions in medieval manuscript studies and reading practices S. 41-52

45Buchbeitrag  A Merchant, Reader and Translator
Boffey, JuliaFabyan, Robert. (2014) - In: The medieval merchant (2014) S. 284-298

46Buchbeitrag  Assessing Manuscript Context: Visible and Invisible Evidence in a Copy of the Middle English Brut
Boffey, Julia. (2014) - In: Essays Derek Pearsall (2014) S. 165-176

47Buchbeitrag  Banking on translation: English printers and continental texts
Boffey, Julia. (2013) - In: In principio fuit interpres S. 317-329

48Buchbeitrag  Some Middle English Sermon Verse and its Transmission in Manuscript and Print
Boffey, Julia. (2013) - In: Essays Susan Powell S. 259-276

49Buchbeitrag  Popular Verse Tales
Boffey, Julia. (2013) - In: A Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry S. 213-224

50Buchbeitrag  Scattered Verse in British Library, Additional MS 18752
Boffey, Julia. (2011) - In: Manuscript miscellanies c. 1450 - 1700 S. 30-47

51Buchbeitrag  London books and London readers
Boffey, Julia. (2010) - In: Cultural reformations. Medieval and renaissance in literary history S. 420-437

52Buchbeitrag  Manuscript and Print: Books, Readers and Writers
Boffey, Julia. (2010) - In: A companion to medieval poetry S. 538-554

53Artikel  Verse and Worse in Middle English: Defining Doggerel
Boffey, Julia. (2010) - In: Leeds studies in English Bd. 41 (2010) S. 33-44

54Buchbeitrag  Audelay's carol collection
Boffey, Julia. (2009) - In: My wyl and my wrytyng. Essays on John the Blind Audelay S. 218-229

55Buchbeitrag  Writing English in a French Penumbra: The Middle English 'Tree of Love' in MS Longleat 253
Boffey, Julia. (2009) - In: Language and culture in medieval Britain. The French of England S. 386-396

56Buchbeitrag  'Cy ensuent trois chaunceons': groups and sequences of Middle English lyrics
Boffey, Julia. (2008) - In: Medieval texts in context S. 85-95

57Buchbeitrag  The Early Reception of Chartier's Works in England and Scotland
Boffey, Julia. (2008) - In: Chartier in Europe S. 105-118

58Buchbeitrag  From manuscript to modern text
Boffey, Julia. (2007) - In: A companion to medieval English literature and culture, c.1350 - c.1500 S. 107-122

59Buchbeitrag  Troilus and Criseyde and Chaucer's Shorter Poems: Paleography and Codicology
Boffey, Julia. (2007) - In: Approaches to teaching Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and the shorter poems S. 56-60

60Buchbeitrag  Forms of Standardization in Terms for Middle English Lyrics in the Fourteenth Century
Boffey, Julia. (2006) - In: The beginnings of standardization. Language and culture in Fourteenth-Century England S. 61-70

61Buchbeitrag  Elizabeth Salter (1925-1980): Teacher and Scholar of Middle English Literature
Boffey, Julia. (2005) - In: Women Medievalists and the Academy S. 814-824

62Buchbeitrag  Manuscripts and audience
Boffey, Julia. (2005) - In: A Concise Companion to Chaucer S. 34-50

63Buchbeitrag  Middle English Lyrics and Manuscripts
Boffey, Julia. (2005) - In: A Companion to the Middle English Lyric S. 1-18

64Buchbeitrag  Bodleian MS Arch. Selden. B. 24: The Genesis and Evolution of a Scottish Poetical Anthology
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2005) - In: Older Scots literature S. 14-29

65Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's Fortune in the 1530s: Some Sixteenth-Century Recycling
Boffey, Julia. (2005) - In: Studies John Scattergood S. 53-64

66Artikel  What to call a lyric? Middle english lyrics and their manuscript titles
Boffey, Julia. (2005) - In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire Bd. 83 (2005) S. 671-684

67Buchbeitrag  Conflations of the "Abbey of the holy ghost" and the "Charter of the abbey of the holy ghost" in manuscript and print
Boffey, Julia. (2004) - In: Essays Toshiyuki Takamiya S. 245-254

68Artikel  John Mychell and the Printing of Lydgate in the 1530s
Boffey, Julia. (2004) - In: The Huntington Library quarterly Bd. 67 (2004) S. 251-259

69Buchbeitrag  The Legend of Good Women
Boffey, Julia. (2003) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer (2) S. 112-126

70Artikel  The Charter of the Abbey of the Holy Ghost and its role in manuscript anthologies.
Boffey, Julia. (2003) - In: The yearbook of English studies Bd. 33 (2003) S. 120-130

71Artikel  Bodleian MS Arch. Selden. B. 24: The Genesis and Evolution of a Scottish Poetical Anthology
Boffey, Julia. (2003) - In: Poetica (Tokyo) Bd. 60 (2003) S. 31-46

72Artikel  Unrecorded Middle English verse texts in a Canterbury Cathedral Library manuscript
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2003) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 72 (2003) S. 49-62

73Artikel  Books and readers in Calais: some notes
Boffey, Julia. (2003) - In: The Ricardian Bd. 13 (2003) S. 67-74

74Buchbeitrag  "Forto compleyne she had gret desire": the Grievances of Fifteenth-Century Dream Visions'
Boffey, Julia. (2001) - In: Nation, court and culture. New essays on fifteenth-century English poetry S. 116-128

75Buchbeitrag  "Twenty thousand more": some fifteenth- and sixteenth-century responses to The Legend of Good Women
Boffey, Julia. (2001) - In: Essays Derek Pearsall (2001) S. 279-296

76Buchbeitrag  The Maitland Folio MS as a Verse Anthology
Boffey, Julia. (2001) - In: Essays Priscilla Bawcutt S. 40-50

77Buchbeitrag  Middle English Verse in Chronicles
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (2000) - In: FS R. A. Waldron S. 119-128

78Buchbeitrag  Wynkyn de Worde, Richard Pynson, and the English printing of texts translated from French
Boffey, Julia. (2000) - In: Vernacular literature and current affairs in the early sixteenth century S. 171-183

79Buchbeitrag  "Many grete myraclys ... in divers contreys of the eest": the reading and circulation of the Middle English prose Three Kings of Cologne
Boffey, Julia. (2000) - In: Essays Felicity Riddy S. 35-47

80Buchbeitrag  Bodleian Library, MS Arch. Selden. B. 24 and definitions of the "Household Book"
Boffey, Julia. (2000) - In: Studies Jeremy Griffiths S. 125-134

81Buchbeitrag  Prospecting in the archives: Middle English verse in record repositories
Boffey, Julia. (2000) - In: New Directions in Later Medieval Manuscript Studies S. 41-51

82Buchbeitrag  Wynkyn de Worde and misogyny in print
Boffey, Julia. (1999) - In: Essays Norman Blake S. 236-251

83Buchbeitrag  Literary texts
Boffey, Julia. (1999) - In: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Tl. 3 S. 555-575

84Buchbeitrag  Bodleian MS Arch. Selden. B.24 and the "Scotticization" of Middle English verse
Boffey, JuliaEdwards, Anthony Stockwell Garfield. (1999) - In: Rewriting Chaucer. Culture, Authority, and the Idea of the Authentic Text S. 166-185

85Buchbeitrag  Middle English lives
Boffey, Julia. (1999) - In: The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature S. 610-634

86Artikel  "Chaucer's Chronicle," John Shirley, and the canon of Chaucer's shorter poems
Boffey, Julia. (1998) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 20 (1998) S. 201-218

87Buchbeitrag  Art. Beaufort, Margaret (1443-1509)
Boffey, Julia. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 112

88Buchbeitrag  'Loke on Þis wrytyng, man, for Þi devocion!': focal texts in some later Middle English religious lyrics
Boffey, Julia. (1997) - In: Individuality and achievement in Middle English poetry S. 129-145

89Buchbeitrag  Short texts in manuscript anthologies: the minor poems of John Lydgate in two fifteenth-century collections.
Boffey, Julia. (1996) - In: The Whole Book. Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval Miscellany S. 69-82

90Artikel  Proverbial Chaucer and the Chaucer canon
Boffey, Julia. (1996) - In: The Huntington Library quarterly Bd. 58 (1996) S. 37-47

91Artikel  Some London women readers and a text of The Three Kings of Cologne
Boffey, Julia. (1996) - In: The Ricardian Bd. 10, 132 (1996) S. 387-396

92Buchbeitrag  Charles of Orleans reading Chaucer's dream visions
Boffey, Julia. (1996) - In: Mediaevalitas. Reading the Middle Ages S. 43-62

93Buchbeitrag  Lydgate's lyrics and women readers
Boffey, Julia. (1995) - In: Women, the Book and the Worldly S. 139-149

94Artikel  Annotation in some manuscripts of Troilus and Criseyde
Boffey, Julia. (1995) - In: English manuscript studies 1100-1700 Bd. 5 (1995) S. 1-17

95Buchbeitrag  English dream poems of the fifteenth century and their French connections
Boffey, Julia. (1994) - In: Literary Aspects of Courtly Culture S. 113-121

96Buchbeitrag  Women authors and women's literacy in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century England
Boffey, Julia. (1993) - In: Women and Literature in Britain S. 159-182

97Artikel  The reputation and circulation of Chaucer's lyrics in the fifteenth century.
Boffey, Julia. (1993) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 28 (1993) S. 23-40

98Artikel  The lyrics in Chaucer's longer poems.
Boffey, Julia. (1993) - In: Poetica (Tokyo) Bd. 37 (1993) S. 15-37

99Artikel  Lydgate, Henryson, and the literary testament.
Boffey, Julia. (1992) - In: Modern language quarterly Bd. 53 (1992) S. 41-56

100Buchbeitrag  Chaucerian prisoners: the context of The Kingis Quair
Boffey, Julia. (1991) - In: Chaucer and Fifteenth-Century Poetry S. 84-102

101Buchbeitrag  Middle English lyrics: texts and interpretation
Boffey, Julia. (1991) - In: Medieval Literature. Texts and Interpretation S. 121-138

102Buchbeitrag  Selecting the text: Rawlinson C.86 and some other books for London readers
Boffey, JuliaMeale, Carol M.. (1991) - In: Regionalism in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts S. 143-169

103Buchbeitrag  Anthologies and miscellanies: production and choice of texts
Boffey, JuliaThompson, John Jay. (1989) - In: Book production and publishing in Britain S. 279-315

104Buchbeitrag  The reputation and circulation of Chaucer's lyrics in the fifteenth century.
Boffey, Julia. (1988) - In: Writing After Chaucer. Essential Readings in Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century S. 127-144

105Artikel  French lyrics and English manuscripts: the transmission of some poems in Trinity College, Cambridge MS. R.3.20, and British Library MS. Harley 7333
Boffey, Julia. (1988) - In: Text. An interdisciplinary annual of textual studies Bd. 4 (1988) S. 135-146

106Buchbeitrag  The manuscripts of English courtly love lyrics in the fifteenth century
Boffey, Julia. (1983) - In: Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England S. 3-14

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