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Publikationen »Bolton, Brenda M.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Bolton, Brenda M.

RI opac: 105 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Papacy, crusade and Christian-Muslim relations
Bird, Jessalynn LeaBolton, Brenda M.Duggan, Anne J.Smith, Damian J. [Hrsg.]. - Amsterdam (2018)

2Sammelwerk  Aspects of Power and Authority in the Middle Ages
Bolton, Brenda M.Meek, Christine E. [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2007)

3Sammelwerk  Omnia disce - Medieval Studies in Memory of Leonard Boyle, O.P.
Duggan, Anne J.Greatrex, Joan G.Bolton, Brenda M. [Hrsg.]. - Aldershot (2005)

4Sammelwerk  Adrian IV, the English Pope (1154-1159): studies and texts
Bolton, Brenda M.Duggan, Anne J. [Hrsg.]. - Aldershot (2002)

5Sammelwerk  Pope Innocent III and his World
Moore, John ClareBolton, Brenda M.Powell, James MatthewRousseau, Constance M. [Hrsg.]. - Aldershot (1999)

6Sammelwerk  Innocent III. Studies on papal authority and pastoral care
Bolton, Brenda M.. - Aldershot (1995)

7Monographie  Lo spirito di riforma nel Medioevo
Bolton, Brenda M.. - Napoli (1988)

8Monographie  The Eperqueries of the Channel Islands and their analogues
Bolton, Brenda M.. - [University of Leeds] (1962)

9Buchbeitrag  ‘Our Lord Hugo': Gregory IX Before the Pontificate
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2023) - In: Pope Gregory IX (1227-41) S. 23-70

10Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241)
Smith, Damian J.Bolton, Brenda M.. (2023) - In: Pope Gregory IX (1227-41) S. 15-22

11Buchbeitrag  Eugenius III Reclaims the Patrimony of St Peter
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2018) - In: Pope Eugenius III (1145-1153). The first Cistercian pope S. 271-304

12Buchbeitrag  From Frontier to Mission: Networking by Unlikely Allies in the Church International, 1198-1216
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2012) - In: International religious networks S. 67-82

13Buchbeitrag  The Absentee Lord? Alexander III and the Patrimony
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2012) - In: Pope Alexander III (1159-81). The art of survival S. 153-180

14Buchbeitrag  Pilgrimage with Added Benefits: Pilgrims and Politics in the Rome of Innocent III
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2012) - In: Pilgrims and politics. Rediscovering the power of the pilgrimage S. 83-102

15Buchbeitrag  A new Rome in a small place? Imitation and re-creation in the Patrimony of St Peter
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2011) - In: Rome across time and space S. 305-322

16Buchbeitrag  Setting the prisoners free: Innocent III's papal leadership in action
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2010) - In: Essays Christine Meek S. 73-85

17Buchbeitrag  Subiaco - Innocent Ill's Version of Elijah's Cave
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2010) - In: God's bounty? The churches of the natural world S. 111-123

18Buchbeitrag  Mission or Crusade? Sicard of Cremona in the Holy Land
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2010) - In: Studi Anna Maria Luiselli Fadda S. 53-68

19Buchbeitrag  Innocent III to the Hospital of Santo Spirito in Sassia (1208) translated from Latin
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2009) - In: Medieval Italy. Texts in translation S. 281-282

20Buchbeitrag  A Dispute with Pope Innocent III over Customary Rights in Alatri (1212) translated from Latin
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2009) - In: Medieval Italy. Texts in translation S. 283-285

21Buchbeitrag  Celestine III and the Defence of the Patrimony
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2008) - In: Pope Celestine III, 1191-1198. Diplomat and pastor S. 317-354

22Buchbeitrag  A matter of great confusion: king Richard I and Syria's Vetus de Monte
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2008) - In: Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1000 - 1500 S. 171-206

23Buchbeitrag  Orta est nova lux in orbe Romano'. Innocent Ill's Coronation of Otto IV
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2007) - In: FS Urszula Borkowska S. 315-328

24Buchbeitrag  Mary of Oignies: A Friend to the Saints
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2006) - In: Mary of Oignies. Mother of salvation S. 199-220

25Buchbeitrag  Bringing the Pope to the People: Validity in the Use of Language
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2005) - In: Vom Nutzen des Edierens S. 369-382

26Buchbeitrag  Signs, wonders, miracles: supporting the faith in medieval Rome
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2005) - In: Signs, wonders, miracles. Representations of divine power in the life of the church S. 157-178

27Buchbeitrag  'The caravan rests': Innocent III's use of itineration
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2005) - In: Studies Leonard Boyle (2005) S. 41-60

28Buchbeitrag  Papal Italy
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2004) - In: Italy in the central middle ages, 1000-1300 S. 82-103

29Artikel  Pastor Bonus: Matthew Paris's Life of Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury (1207-28)
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2004) - In: Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis Bd. 84 (2004) S. 57-70

30Buchbeitrag  The relations of Richard I and John Lackland with the Papacy
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2004) - In: Richard Coeur de Lion, roi d'Angleterre, duc de Normandie S. 123-131

31Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of the writings of Brenda M. Bolton
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2004) - In: Essays Brenda M. Bolton S. XXXI-XXXVII

32Buchbeitrag  St Albans' loyal son.
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2003) - In: Adrian IV, the English Pope (1154-1159) S. 75-103

33Buchbeitrag  Nova familia beati Petri. Adrian IV and the patrimony
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2003) - In: Adrian IV, the English Pope (1154-1159) S. 157-179

34Buchbeitrag  Carthusians at San Bartolomeo di Trisulti: Innocent III's troublesome gift
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2003) - In: L'ordine certosino e il papato dalla fondazione allo scisma d'Occidente S. 71-94

35Buchbeitrag  Boniface VIII and the Kingdom of England
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2003) - In: Bonifacio VIII. Atti del XXXIX Convegno Storico Internazionale S. 329-353

36Buchbeitrag  Signposts from the Past: Reflections on Innocent IIIs Providential Path.
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2003) - In: Innocenzo III. Urbs et orbis Tl. 1 S. 21-55

37Buchbeitrag  Palmerius of Picciati: Innocent III meets his 'Martin Guerre'
Bolton, Brenda M.Rousseau, Constance M.. (2001) - In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law Syracuse S. 361-386

38Buchbeitrag  The jubilee of Canterbury
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2001) - In: I Giubilei nella storia della chiesa S. 148-163

39Artikel  "Serpent in the dust: sparrow on the housetop": attitudes to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the circle of Pope Innocent III
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2000) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 36 (2000) S. 154-180

40Buchbeitrag  Perhaps you do not know?: Innocent III's approach to the release of captives.
Bolton, Brenda M.. (2000) - In: La Liberazione dei "captivi" tra Cristianità e Islam S. 457-464

41Artikel  Leonard Eugene Boyle O.P.
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1999) - In: Bulletin of international medieval research Bd. 5 (1999) S. 39-42

42Buchbeitrag  Qui fidelis est in minimo: the importance of Innocent III's gift list
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1999) - In: Pope Innocent III and his World S. 113-140

43Artikel  Gerald of Casamari between Joachim of Fiore and Innocent III
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1999 - 2000) - In: Florensia Bd. 13/14 (1999/2000) S. 31-44

44Artikel  Message, celebration, offering: the place of twelfth- and early thirteenth-century liturgical drama as "missionary theatre"
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1999) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 35 (1999) S. 89-103

45Buchbeitrag  Thirteenth-century religious women: further reflections on the Low Countries "special case"
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1999) - In: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality. The Holy Women of Liège and their Impact S. 129-157

46Artikel  Faithful to whom? Jacques de Vitry and the French bishops
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1998) - In: Revue Mabillon Ser. NS, Bd. 9 (1998) S. 53-72

47Buchbeitrag  Art. Nuns and nunneries
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 553-555

48Buchbeitrag  Art. Friars, Mendicant
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 304-306

49Buchbeitrag  Poverty as protest: some inspirational groups at the turn of the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 1-11

50Buchbeitrag  The poverty of the Humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 52-59

51Buchbeitrag  "Received in his name": Rome's busy baby box
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 153-167

52Buchbeitrag  Fulk of Toulouse: the escape that failed
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 83-93

53Buchbeitrag  Tradition and temerity: papal attitudes to deviants, 1159-1216
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 79-91

54Buchbeitrag  Sources for the early history of the Humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 125-133

55Buchbeitrag  Rome as a setting for God's grace
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 1-17

56Buchbeitrag  Hearts not purses? Pope Innocent III's attitude to social welfare
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 123-145

57Buchbeitrag  Too important to neglect: the Gesta Innocentii PP III
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 87-99

58Buchbeitrag  A mission to the orthodox? The Cistercians in Romania
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 169-181

59Buchbeitrag  The Cistercians and leadership in the Second Crusade: St Bernard's "chose pour rire"
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 1-14

60Buchbeitrag  Via Ascetica: a papal quandary
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 162-191

61Buchbeitrag  A show with a meaning: Innocent III's approach to the Fourth Lateran Council, 1215
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 53-67

62Buchbeitrag  Philip Augustus and John: two sons in Innocent III's vineyard?
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 113-134

63Buchbeitrag  Non Ordo Sed Horror: Innocent III's Burgundian dilemma
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 645-652

64Buchbeitrag  Advertise the message: images in Rome at the turn of the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 117-130

65Buchbeitrag  Daughters of Rome: all one in Christ Jesus
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 101-115

66Buchbeitrag  For the see of Simon Peter: the Cistercians at Innocent III's nearest frontier
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 1-20

67Buchbeitrag  "Except the Lord keep the city": towns in the papal states at the turn of the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1995) - In: Bolton, Innocent III. Studies S. 199-218

68Buchbeitrag  "Received in his Name": Rome's Busy Baby Box
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1994) - In: The church and childhood S. 153-167

69Buchbeitrag  Non ordo sed horror: Innocent III's Burgundian dilemma
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1994) - In: Études Marcel Pacaut Tl. 2 S. 645-652

70Buchbeitrag  Hearts not purses, Innocent III's attitude to social welfare
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1994) - In: Through the Eye of a Needle. Judeo-Christian Roots of Social Welfare S. 1123-1145

71Artikel  "Receive in his name": Rome's busy baby box
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1994) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 31 (1994) S. 153-167

72Buchbeitrag  Innocent III and the Humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1994) - In: Innocent III. Vicar of Christ or Lord of the World? S. 114-120

73Buchbeitrag  Spiegels van vroomheid: relieken van Maria van Oignies
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1993) - In: De Dynamiek van religie en cultuur. Geschiedenis van het Nederlands katholicisme S. 124-137

74Artikel  Advertise the message: images in Rome at the turn of the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1992) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 28 (1992) S. 117-130

75Buchbeitrag  "Except the Lord keep the city": towns in the papal states at the turn of the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1992) - In: Essays Christopher Brooke (1992) S. 199-218

76Buchbeitrag  The Cistercians and the aftermath of the Second Crusade
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1992) - In: The Second Crusade and the Cistercians S. 131-140

77Artikel  A show with a meaning: Innocent III's approach to the Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1991) - In: Medieval history Bd. 1, 1 (1991) S. 53-67

78Buchbeitrag  Too important to neglect: the Gesta Innocentii PP. III
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1991) - In: Essays John Taylor S. 87-99

79Buchbeitrag  Philip Augustus and John. Two sons in Innocent III's vineyard?
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1991) - In: Essays Michael Wilks S. 113-134

80Buchbeitrag  Daughters of Rome: All One in Christ Jesus!
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1990) - In: Women in the church S. 101-116

81Artikel  Daughters of Rome: all one in Jesus Christ!
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1990) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 27 (1990) S. 101-115

82Artikel  Via ascetica: a papal quandary
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1985) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 22 (1985) S. 161-191

83Buchbeitrag  Via Ascetica: a Papal Quandary
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1985) - In: Monks, hermits and the ascetic tradition S. 161-191

84Artikel  Some thirteenth century women in the Low Countries. A special case?
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1981) - In: Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis Ser. NS, Bd. 61 (1981) S. 7-29

85Buchbeitrag  Le donne nella vita religiosa
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1981) - In: Né Eva né Maria. Condizione femminile e immagine della donna nel Medioevo S. 71-82

86Buchbeitrag  Vitae Matrum: a further aspect of the Frauenfrage
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1978) - In: FS Rosalind M. T. Hill S. 253-273

87Buchbeitrag  Paupertas Christi: old wealth and new poverty in the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1977) - In: Renaissance and renewal in Christian history S. 95-103

88Artikel  Poverty as protest: some inspirational groups at the turn of the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1977) - In: Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift Bd. 77 (1977) S. 28-32

89Buchbeitrag  Mulieres sanctae
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1977) - In: Women in Medieval Society S. 141-158

90Artikel  Paupertas Christi: old wealth and new poverty in the twelfth century
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1977) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 14 (1977) S. 95-103

91Buchbeitrag  A mission to the Orthodox?. Cistercians in Romania
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1976) - In: The Orthodox Churches and the West S. 169-181

92Artikel  A mission to the Orthodox? The Cistercians in Romania
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1976) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 13 (1976) S. 169-181

93Artikel  Sources for the early history of the humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1975) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 11 (1975) S. 125-133

94Buchbeitrag  The Poverty of the Humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1975) - In: Poverty in the middle ages S. 52-59

95Buchbeitrag  Sources for the early history of the humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1975) - In: The materials, sources and methods of ecclesiastical history S. 125-134

96Artikel  Fulk of Toulouse: the escape that failed
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1975) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 12 (1975) S. 83-93

97Buchbeitrag  Fulk of Toulouse: the escape that failed
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1975) - In: Church, society and politics S. 83-94

98Buchbeitrag  Mulieres sanctae
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1973) - In: Sanctity and Secularity. The Church and the World S. 77-95

99Artikel  Mulieres sanctae
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1973) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 10 (1973) S. 77-96

100Buchbeitrag  Tradition and temerity: papal attitudes to deviants, 1159-1216
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1972) - In: Schism, heresy and religious protest S. 79-91

101Artikel  Innocent III's treatment of the "Humiliati"
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1972) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 8 (1972) S. 73-82

102Buchbeitrag  Innocent III's treatment of the Humiliati
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1972) - In: Popular Belief and Practice S. 73-82

103Artikel  Tradition and temerity: papal attitudes to deviants, 1159-1216
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1972) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 9 (1972) S. 79-92

104Buchbeitrag  The Council of London of 1342
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1971) - In: Councils and assemblies S. 147-160

105Artikel  The Council of London of 1342
Bolton, Brenda M.. (1971) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 7 (1971) S. 147-160

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