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Publikationen »Boudalis, Georgios«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Boudalis, Georgios

RI opac: 9 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The codex and crafts in late Antiquity: [exhibition, New York, Bard graduate center gallery, from February 23 through July 8, 2018]
Boudalis, Georgios [Bearb.]. - New York, NY (2018)

2Monographie  The codex and crafts in late antiquity
Boudalis, Georgios. - New York, NY (2018)

3Buchbeitrag  Chains, links, and loops: towards a deeper understanding of the sewing structure in eastern Mediterranean bookbinding
Boudalis, Georgios. (2023) - In: Tied and Bound. A Comparative View on Manuscript Binding S. 73-120

4Artikel  One Binding, Two Binders? A Greek-Style Binding Made in Italy: The Case of Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium, MS 11344
Boudalis, GeorgiosGialdini, Anna. (2022) - In: Manuscript studies Bd. 7 (2022) S. 270-292

5Buchbeitrag  El códice y la artesanía en la Antigüedad tardía
Boudalis, Georgios. (2019) - In: La fisionomía del libro medieval y moderno S. 23-38

6Buchbeitrag  El códice y la artesanía en la Antigüedad tardía
Boudalis, Georgios. (2019) - In: La fisonomía del libro medieval y moderno S. 23-38

7Buchbeitrag  The bindings of the early Christian codex: clarifying the Coptic contribution to bookbinding structures.
Boudalis, Georgios. (2017) - In: Bookbindings. Theoretical approaches and practical solutions S. 67-81

8Buchbeitrag  Clarifying the structure, appearance and use of the early codex book around the Mediterranean basin: The use of iconographical evidence
Boudalis, Georgios. (2016) - In: Care and conservation of manuscripts 15 S. 287-304

9Buchbeitrag  Surveying Bindings from the Late 15th to the Early 18th Century in the Libraries of the Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos and St. Catherine's Monastery on Sinai
Boudalis, Georgios. (2008) - In: La reliure médiévale, pour une description normalisée S. 117-132

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