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Publikationen »Brady, Niall«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Brady, Niall

RI opac: 25 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Settlement change across Medieval Europe: old paradigms and new vistas
Brady, NiallTheune, Claudia [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2019)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Brady, Niall. (2016)

3Monographie  The sacred barn. Barn-building in southern England, 1100-1550: A study of grain storage technology and its cultural context
Brady, Niall. - [Cornell University] (1996)

4Buchbeitrag  Rural settlement in later medieval Ireland through the lens of deserted settlements
Brady, Niall. (2019) - In: Settlement change across Medieval Europe. Old paradigms and new vistas S. 137-146

5Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Brady, NiallTheune, Claudia. (2019) - In: Settlement change across Medieval Europe. Old paradigms and new vistas S. 13-16

6Buchbeitrag  Agricultural buildings
Brady, Niall. (2018) - In: The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain S. 259-274

7Buchbeitrag  Early medieval Roscommon
Brady, Niall. (2018) - In: Roscommon history and society S. 87-104

8Artikel  Castles in communities: a successful field school and community collaboration in Roscommon
Brady, NiallConnell, SamuelMaurer, KathrynCearley, DanielGifford, ChadGonzález, Ana Lucia. (2018) - In: Archaeology Ireland Bd. 32, 4 (2018) S. 17-22

9Buchbeitrag  What the plough can reveal about the role of agrarian technology in the changing nature of early medieval Ireland
Brady, Niall. (2016) - In: Agrarian technology in the medieval landscape S. 143-155

10Buchbeitrag  Current research and future directions in medieval rural settlement in Ireland.
Brady, Niall. (2014) - In: Tradition - Umgestaltung - Innovation. Transformationsprozesse im hohen Mittelalter S. 297-308

11Buchbeitrag  Food production in medieval Ireland, aspects of arable husbandry
Brady, Niall. (2011) - In: Ruralia 8 S. 137-143

12Artikel  Unravelling Medieval Landscapes from the Air
Brady, NiallMcNeary, RoryShanahan, BrianShaw, Robert. (2011 - 2012) - In: Peritia Bd. 22/23 (2011/12) S. 295-316

13Buchbeitrag  The Rock of Lough Cé, Co. Roscommon
O'Conor, Kieran DenisBrady, NiallConnon, AnneFidalgo-Romo, Carlos. (2010) - In: Medieval Lough Cé. History, archaeology and landscape S. 15-40

14Buchbeitrag  Coastal and estuarine approaches to landscape studies in medieval Ireland
Brady, Niall. (2009) - In: Ruralia 7 S. 91-98

15Buchbeitrag  When mounds become castles: a case for the later usage of early medieval sites
Brady, Niall. (2009) - In: Rural settlement in medieval Ireland in the light of recent archaeological excavations S. 19-26

16Buchbeitrag  Dublin's maritime setting and the archaeology of its medieval harbours
Brady, Niall. (2009) - In: Studies Howard B. Clarke S. 295-315

17Buchbeitrag  Ethnicity and Archaeology in Later Medieval Ireland: The Challenge of the Gael
Brady, Niall. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 113-130

18Buchbeitrag  Just how far can you go with a pebble? Taking another look at ploughing in medieval Ireland
Brady, Niall. (2009) - In: Lost and found II. Rediscovering Ireland's past S. 61-70

19Buchbeitrag  Agricultural Tools and Agrarian Development in Early Medieval Ireland
Brady, Niall. (2007) - In: Ruralia 6 S. 245-250

20Buchbeitrag  Mills in medieval Ireland: looking beyond design
Brady, Niall. (2006) - In: Wind and water in the Middle Ages. Fluid technologies from antiquity to the Renaissance S. 39-68

21Artikel  Personifying the Gael: Something of a Challenge for Archaeologists
Brady, Niall. (2006) - In: Eolas Bd. 1 (2006) S. 8-26

22Buchbeitrag  The later medieval usage of crannogs in Ireland
Brady, NiallO'Connor, Kieran Denis. (2005) - In: Ruralia 5 S. 127-136

23Artikel  De oratorio: Hisperica famina and church building
Brady, Niall. (1997) - In: Peritia Bd. 11 (1997) S. 327-335

24Buchbeitrag  The Gothic barn of England: icon of prestige and authority
Brady, Niall. (1997) - In: Technology and resource use in medieval Europe S. 76-105

25Buchbeitrag  Labor and agriculture in early medieval Ireland: evidence from the sources.
Brady, Niall. (1994) - In: The Work of Work. Servitude, Slavery, and Labor in Medieval England S. 125-145

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