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Publikationen »Brown, Warren Curtis«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Brown, Warren Curtis

RI opac: 24 Einträge

1Monographie  Beyond the Monastery Walls: Lay Men and Women in Early Medieval Legal Formularies
Brown, Warren Curtis. - Cambridge (2023)

2Sammelwerk  Documentary culture and the laity in the early Middle Ages
Brown, Warren CurtisCostambeys, Marios J.Innes, Matthew J.Kosto, Adam J. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2013)

3Monographie  Violence in medieval Europe
Brown, Warren Curtis. - Harlow, Essex [u.a.] (2010)

4Sammelwerk  Conflict in Medieval Europe: Changing Perspectives on Society and Culture
Brown, Warren CurtisGórecki, Piotr [Hrsg.]. - Aldershot (2003)

5Monographie  Unjust seizure: conflict, interest, and authority in an early medieval society
Brown, Warren Curtis. - Ithaca, NY [u.a.] (2001)

6Monographie  Interest and authority: Disputing among the Bavarians, 740-900
Brown, Warren Curtis. - [University of California, Los Angeles] (1997)

7Buchbeitrag  The Criminalization of Violence in the Medieval West
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2023) - In: A companion to crime and deviance in the Middle Ages S. 326-341

8Buchbeitrag  Wergild in the Carolingian Formula Collections
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2021) - In: Wergild, Compensation and Penance. The Monetary Logic of Early Medieval Conflict Resolution S. 261-276

9Buchbeitrag  Konfliktführung unter Laien im Spiegel der karolingischen Formelsammlungen
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2019) - In: Kleine Welten. Ländliche Gesellschaften im Karolingerreich S. 101-120

10Artikel  Old Media Put to New Uses: Legal Form Books in Carolingian Europe
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2017) - In: The medieval globe Bd. 3, 1 (2017) S. 93-128

11Buchbeitrag  Violence and Central Authority in the Carolingian Empire
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2013) - In: Consensus or violence? Cohesive forces in early and high medieval societies (9th-14th c.) S. 27-38

12Buchbeitrag  Laypeople and documents in the Frankish formula collections
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2013) - In: Documentary culture and the laity in the early Middle Ages S. 125-151

13Buchbeitrag  The gesta municipalia and the public validation of documents in Frankish Europe
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2013) - In: Documentary culture and the laity in the early Middle Ages S. 95-124

14Artikel  On the Gesta municipalia and the Public Validation of Documents in Frankish Europe
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2012) - In: Speculum Bd. 87 (2012) S. 345-375

15Buchbeitrag  The legitimation of violence in early twelfth-century Flanders: Galbert of Bruges' Murder of Charles the Good
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2010) - In: Gallus Anonymous and his chronicle in the context of twelfth-century historiograpy S. 173-188

16Buchbeitrag  Die karolingischen Formelsammlungen - warum existieren sie?
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2009) - In: Die Privaturkunden der Karolingerzeit S. 95-102

17Buchbeitrag  Konfliktaustragung, Praxis der Schriftlichkeit und persönliche Beziehungen in den karolingischen Formelsammlungen.
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2007) - In: Rechtsverständnis und Konfliktbewältigung S. 31-54

18Artikel  Conflict, Letters, and Personal Relationships in the Carolingian Formula Collections
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2007) - In: Law and history review Bd. 25 (2007) S. 323-344

19Buchbeitrag  The idea of empire in Carolingian Bavaria
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2006) - In: Representations of power in medieval Germany 800 - 1500 S. 37-55

20Buchbeitrag  Where Conflict Leads: On the Present and Future of Medieval Conflict Studies in the United States.
Brown, Warren CurtisGórecki, Piotr. (2003) - In: Conflict in Medieval Europe. Changing Perspectives on Society and Culture S. 265-285

21Buchbeitrag  What Conflict Means: The Making of Medieval Conflict Studies in the United States, 1970-2000.
Brown, Warren CurtisGórecki, Piotr. (2003) - In: Conflict in Medieval Europe. Changing Perspectives on Society and Culture S. 1-35

22Artikel  Charters as weapons. On the role played by early medieval dispute records in the disputes they record
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2002) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 28 (2002) S. 227-248

23Artikel  When documents are destroyed or lost: lay people and archives in the early Middle Ages
Brown, Warren Curtis. (2002) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 11 (2002) S. 337-366

24Artikel  The Use of Norms in Disputes in Early Medieval Bavaria
Brown, Warren Curtis. (1999) - In: Viator Bd. 30 (1999) S. 15-40

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