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Publikationen »Bulgurlu, Vera«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Bulgurlu, Vera

RI opac: 13 Einträge

1Monographie  Les sceaux byzantins du Musée Archéologique d'Istanbul
Bulgurlu, Vera. - Istanbul (2013)

2Buchbeitrag  Seals from the Basilica of St John the Theologian in Ayasuluk
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2022) - In: Studies in Byzantine sigillography 14 S. 3-20

3Buchbeitrag  A Selection of Byzantine Lead Seals from the Adnan Aci Collection
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2021) - In: Space and Communities in Byzantine Anatolia S. 143-158

4Artikel  The Byzantine Lead Seals in the Balikesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum Collection
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2019) - In: Studies in Byzantine sigillography Bd. 13 (2019) S. 33-46

5Buchbeitrag  The Byzantine Lead Seals in the Balikesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum Collection
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2019) - In: Studies in Byzantine sigillography 13 S. 33-46

6Buchbeitrag  Yenikapi'daki Theodosius Limani Kazilanndan Bizans Kursun Mühürleri [Byzantine Lead Seals from the Theodosian Harbor Excavations at Yenrkapr]
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2016) - In: Trade in Byzantium. Papers S. 403-430

7Buchbeitrag  Byzantine Lead Seals Representing the Kanikleios of the Imperial Palace
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2013) - In: The Byzantine Court. Source of Power and Culture S. 227-240

8Buchbeitrag  Byzantine Lead Seals from the Kadikalesi/Anaia Excavations
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2012) - In: Byzantine small finds in archaeological contexts S. 233-240

9Buchbeitrag  Seals from the Kadikalesi/Anaia Excavation
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2011) - In: Epeironde. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium S. 277-292

10Buchbeitrag  Bizans kursun mühürleri isiginda on ikinci ve on üçüncü yüzyillarda yönetim / Administration during the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries in the Light of Byzantine Lead Seals
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2010) - In: Change in the Byzantine World in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries S. 480-485

11Buchbeitrag  Bizans kursun mühürleri isiginda on ikinci ve on üçüncü yüzyillarda yönetim
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2010) - In: On ikinci ve on üçüncü yüzyllarda Bizans dünyasinda degisim S. 480-485

12Buchbeitrag  Myra-Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kazisinda Bulunan Sikkeler Hakkinda Notla
Bulgurlu, Vera. (2006) - In: III. Uluslararasi Likya Sempozyumu. Sempozyum Bildiriler S. 121-128

13Artikel  Seals from the Museum of Afyon (Turkey)
Bulgurlu, VeraIlasli, Ahmet. (2003) - In: Studies in Byzantine sigillography Bd. 8 (2003) S. 131-150

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