Publikationen »Cârciumaru, Radu«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cârciumaru, Radu
RI opac: 26 Einträge
1 | [Bibliographie] Cârciumaru, Radu. |
2 | Studii noi despre probleme vechi: din istoria Evului Mediu românesc Matei, Mircea D. • Cârciumaru, Radu. |
4 | A forgotten history. A communist horse and the last vandalization of the princely court of Targoviste Cârciumaru, Radu. |
6 | Historiographic Restitutions. Radu Gioglovan and His Studies on the Mediaeval City of Târgoviste Cârciumaru, Radu. |
7 | Prince Negru Voda, a Mediaeval Figure as Mirrored by the Romanian Enlightenment and Romanticism Cârciumaru, Radu. |
8 | Simion Florea Marian and the Legends about the Beginnings of Moldavia Cârciumaru, Radu. |
10 | I.D.Petrescu and the romantic historiographical perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages Cârciumaru, Minodora • Cârciumaru, Radu. |
11 | An Issue of the Middle Ages: The Moat and the Bulwark of the City of Târgoviste Between History and Patrimony Cârciumaru, Minodora • Cârciumaru, Radu. |
12 | Basarab I at the beginnings of Wallachia. An attempt to recompose the moment of his takeover of power Cârciumaru, Radu. |
13 | A l'ombre du Saint Empire. Quelques aspects de la politique de Michel Le Brave pendant ses derniers mois de vie Cârciumaru, Radu. |
14 | An assumption regarding the ownership of the Ring with Mongolian Inscription found in St. Nicholas Church of Radauti Cârciumaru, Radu. |
16 | The Reign of Teodosie and the 1521 Fights for the Wallachian Throne Short Considerations Cârciumaru, Radu. |
17 | A candidate to the Walachian throne. Vlad Tepes and his exile in Moldavia (1449-1452) Cârciumaru, Radu. |
18 | Dragos - Sas - Balc. Variatii pe marginea unor probleme controversate Cârciumaru, Radu. |
19 | Of Mircea the Elder's Rule. Historiographic Views on the so-called Battle of "Rovine" and its Consequences Cârciumaru, Radu. |
23 | Concernant l'expédition hongroise au sud de la Moldavie (1345) Cârciumaru, Radu. |
26 | Vlad the Impaler at the Beginning of His Second Reign. Short Considerations on Some Aspects of External Politics Cârciumaru, Radu. |
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