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Publikationen »Cârciumaru, Radu«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cârciumaru, Radu

RI opac: 26 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2016)

2Monographie  Studii noi despre probleme vechi: din istoria Evului Mediu românesc
Matei, Mircea D.Cârciumaru, Radu. - Târgoviste (2004)

3Artikel  O ipoteza privind datarea primei fresce din Biserica Domneasca a Târgovistei în vremea lui Mihnea Turcitul [A hypothesis regarding the dating of the first painting in the Princely Church of Târgoviste in the reign of Mihnea Turcitul]
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2021) - In: Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi. Istorie Bd. 67 (2021) S. 17-25

4Artikel  A forgotten history. A communist horse and the last vandalization of the princely court of Targoviste
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2021) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 23 (2021) S. 31-42

5Artikel  Biserica Sfintii Atanasie si Chiril. Ultima constructie medievala a Târgovistei si drumul ei spre contemporaneitate [Church of Saints Athanasius and Cyril.The last medieval construction of Târgoviste and its road to contemporaneity]
Cârciumaru, MinodoraCârciumaru, Radu. (2021) - In: Arhivele Olteniei Bd. 36 (2022) S. 79-90

6Artikel  Historiographic Restitutions. Radu Gioglovan and His Studies on the Mediaeval City of Târgoviste
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2020) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 22 (2020) S. 77-84

7Artikel  Prince Negru Voda, a Mediaeval Figure as Mirrored by the Romanian Enlightenment and Romanticism
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2019) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 21 (2019) S. 117-121

8Artikel  Simion Florea Marian and the Legends about the Beginnings of Moldavia
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2019) - In: Codrul Cosminului Bd. 25 (2019) S. 31-44

9Artikel  Târgoviste and the metamorphoses brought by its decline at the end of the Mediaeval Age and the beginning of Modern Times
Cârciumaru, MinodoraCârciumaru, Radu. (2018) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 20 (2018) S. 71-79

10Artikel  I.D.Petrescu and the romantic historiographical perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages
Cârciumaru, MinodoraCârciumaru, Radu. (2017) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 19 (2017) S. 81-88

11Artikel  An Issue of the Middle Ages: The Moat and the Bulwark of the City of Târgoviste Between History and Patrimony
Cârciumaru, MinodoraCârciumaru, Radu. (2017) - In: Acta terrae septemcastrensis Bd. 16 (2017) S. 81ff.

12Artikel  Basarab I at the beginnings of Wallachia. An attempt to recompose the moment of his takeover of power
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2016) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 18, 1 (2016) S. 33-38

13Artikel  A l'ombre du Saint Empire. Quelques aspects de la politique de Michel Le Brave pendant ses derniers mois de vie
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2015) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 17, 1 (2015) S. 57-62

14Artikel  An assumption regarding the ownership of the Ring with Mongolian Inscription found in St. Nicholas Church of Radauti
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2014) - In: Brukenthal acta musei 1 Bd. 9 (2014) S. 95-102

15Artikel  Les prémisses de l'unification politique-territoriale dans l'aire roumaine située au sud et à l'est des Carpates après la grande invasion mongole des années 1240-1241. Brèves comparaisons théoriques
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2014) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 16, 1 (2014) S. 47-56

16Artikel  The Reign of Teodosie and the 1521 Fights for the Wallachian Throne Short Considerations
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2013) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 15, 1 (2013) S. 83-90

17Artikel  A candidate to the Walachian throne. Vlad Tepes and his exile in Moldavia (1449-1452)
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2012) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 14, 1 (2012) S. ??

18Buchbeitrag  Dragos - Sas - Balc. Variatii pe marginea unor probleme controversate
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2011) - In: Arheologie si istorie in spatiul Carpato-Balcanic S. 215-222

19Artikel  Of Mircea the Elder's Rule. Historiographic Views on the so-called Battle of "Rovine" and its Consequences
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2011) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 13, 2 (2011) S. 77-82

20Artikel  The relations between Hungary and the principality on the right side of the Olt River during the second half of the 13th century. Brief observations
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2011) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 13, 1 (2011) S. 63-72

21Artikel  Ungaria si Polonia la mijlocul secolului al xiv-lea. Coordonatele politicii rasaritene cu referiri asupra spa iului românesc
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2010) - In: Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Istorie Bd. 15, 1 (2010) S. 71-78

22Artikel  The Romanian extra-Carpathian area after the moment of the great Mongol invasion of 1241-1242. The premises of the politico-territorial unification
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2010) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 12, 2 (2010) S. 67-72

23Artikel  Concernant l'expédition hongroise au sud de la Moldavie (1345)
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2009) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 11, 1 (2009) S. 79-127

24Artikel  Formations in Maramures during the First Half of the 14th Century (A Few Considerations concerning the Status of the Romanian Nobility)
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2009) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 11, 2 (2009) S. 51-56

25Artikel  The Beginnings of the First Medieval Romanian State and the International Relations during the First Half of the 14th century
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2008) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 10, 1 (2008) S. 79-88

26Artikel  Vlad the Impaler at the Beginning of His Second Reign. Short Considerations on Some Aspects of External Politics
Cârciumaru, Radu. (2006 - 2007) - In: Annales d'Universitè "Valahia" Targoviste Bd. 8/9 (2006/07) S. 147-170

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