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Publikationen »Callahan, Thomas«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Callahan, Thomas

RI opac: 10 Einträge

1Monographie  The black monks and 'the anarchy', 1135-1154
Callahan, Thomas. - [University of Connecticut] (1971)

2Artikel  The Arrest of the Bishops at Stephen's Court: A Reassessment
Callahan, Thomas. (1992) - In: The Haskins Society journal Bd. 4 (1992) S. 97-108

3Buchbeitrag  The making of a monster: the historical image of William Rufus.
Callahan, Thomas. (1991) - In: Essays Richard William Southern S. ??

4Artikel  Ecclesiastical Reparations and the Soldiers of "The Anarchy"
Callahan, Thomas. (1978) - In: Albion Bd. 10 (1978) S. 300-318

5Artikel  The notion of anarchy in England, 1135-1154: a bibliographical survey
Callahan, Thomas. (1976) - In: British studies monitor Bd. 6, 2 (1976) S. 23-35

6Artikel  Sinners and saintly retribution: the timely death of King Stephen's son Eustace, 1153
Callahan, Thomas. (1976) - In: Studia monastica Bd. 18 (1976) S. 109-117

7Artikel  King Stephen and the Black Monks.
Callahan, Thomas. (1975) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 85 (1975) S. 348-357

8Artikel  The Renaissance of Monastic Bishops in England 1135-1154
Callahan, Thomas. (1974) - In: Studia monastica Bd. 16 (1974) S. 55-67

9Artikel  A reevaluation of the anarchy of Stephen's reign, 1135-1154: the case of the Black Monks.
Callahan, Thomas. (1974) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 84 (1974) S. 338-351

10Artikel  The Impact of Anarchy on English Monasticism, 1135-1154
Callahan, Thomas. (1974) - In: Albion Bd. 6 (1974) S. 218-232

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