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Publikationen »Cameron, Margaret«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cameron, Margaret

RI opac: 20 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Sourcebook in the history of philosophy of language. Primary source texts from the Pre-Socratics to Mill
Cameron, MargaretHill, BenjaminStainton, Robert J. [Hrsg.]. - Cham (2017)

2Sammelwerk  Linguistic content: new essays on the history of philosophy of language
Cameron, MargaretStainton, Robert J. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2015)

3Sammelwerk  Methods and methodologies: Aristotelian logic East and West, 500 - 1500
Cameron, Margaret [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2011)

4Monographie  William of Champeaux and early twelfth-century dialectic
Cameron, Margaret. - [University of Toronto] (2005)

5Buchbeitrag  The Constraints of Nature(s): Abelard on Modality, Understanding and Linguistic Meaning
Cameron, Margaret. (2020) - In: Origin and nature of language and logic S. 369-386

6Buchbeitrag  Logica Vetus
Cameron, Margaret. (2016) - In: The Cambridge companion to medieval logic S. 195-219

7Buchbeitrag  On What is Said: The Stoics and Peter Abelard
Cameron, Margaret. (2015) - In: Linguistic content. New essays on the history of philosophy of language S. 55-73

8Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Cameron, MargaretStainton, Robert J.. (2015) - In: Linguistic content. New essays on the history of philosophy of language S. 1-15

9Artikel  The Logic of Dead Humans: Abelard and the Transformation of the Porphyrian Tree
Cameron, Margaret. (2015) - In: Oxford studies in medieval philosophy Bd. 3 (2015) S. ??

10Artikel  Boethius on Mind, Grammar and Logic: A Study of Boethius' Commentaries on Peri Hermeneias
Cameron, Margaret. (2013) - In: History and philosophy of logic Bd. 34 (2013) S. 392-396

11Buchbeitrag  Meaning: Foundational and Semantic Theories
Cameron, Margaret. (2012) - In: The Oxford handbook of medieval philosophy S. 342-362

12Artikel  When does a word signify? Debate's from Peter Abelard's milieu and the early thirteenth century
Cameron, Margaret. (2011) - In: Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge Bd. 78 (2011) S. 179-194

13Buchbeitrag  William of Champeaux
Cameron, Margaret. (2011) - In: Encyclopedia of medieval philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500 S. 1407-1409

14Buchbeitrag  Methods and Methodologies: An Introduction
Cameron, Margaret. (2011) - In: Methods and methodologies. Aristotelian logic East and West, 500 - 1500 S. 1-26

15Buchbeitrag  Roscelin of Compiègne
Cameron, Margaret. (2011) - In: Encyclopedia of medieval philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500 S. 1168-1170

16Buchbeitrag  The Development of Early Twelfth Century Logic: a Reconsideration
Cameron, Margaret. (2011) - In: Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe et XIIe siècles S. 677-694

17Buchbeitrag  Abelard's Early Glosses: Some Questions
Cameron, Margaret. (2011) - In: Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe et XIIe siècles S. 647-662

18Buchbeitrag  Boethius on utterances, understanding and reality
Cameron, Margaret. (2009) - In: The Cambridge companion to Boethius S. 85-104

19Artikel  Abelard (and Heloise?) on Intention
Cameron, Margaret. (2007) - In: American catholic philosophical quarterly Bd. 81 (2007) S. 323-338

20Artikel  What's in a name? Students of William of Champeaux on the vox significativa.
Cameron, Margaret. (2004) - In: Bochumer philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter Bd. 9 (2004) S. 93-114

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