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Publikationen »Cant, Ronald Gordon«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cant, Ronald Gordon

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Monographie  The University of St. Andrews: a short history
Cant, Ronald Gordon. - Edinburgh [u.a.] (1970)

2Monographie  The College of St. Salvator: its foundation and development including a selection of documents
Cant, Ronald Gordon. Eeles, Francis C. [Bearb.]. - Edinburgh [u.a.] (1950)

3Monographie  Old Stirling: a description of old buildings, illustr. with photogr. plans and diagrams
Cant, Ronald Gordon. - Edinburgh [u.a.] (1948)

4Monographie  Old Glasgow: a description of old buildings, illus. with photos., plans and a map
Cant, Ronald Gordon. - Edinburgh [u.a.] (1947)

5Buchbeitrag  Burgh Planning and early Domestic Architecture: the example of St Andrews (c.1130-1730)
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1997) - In: Essays David Walker S. 1-12

6Buchbeitrag  The medieval church in Shetland - organisation and buildings
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1996) - In: Shetland's Northern Links. Language and History S. 159-173

7Buchbeitrag  The historical architecture of Moray
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1993) - In: Moray. Province and People S. 205-211

8Buchbeitrag  Norwegian influences in the design of the transitional and Gothic cathedral
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1988) - In: St. Magnus Cathedral and Orkney's Twelfth-Century Renaissance S. 127-139

9Buchbeitrag  The medieval church in the North: contrasting influences in the dioceses of Ross and Caithness
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1986) - In: Firthlands of Ross and Sutherland S. 47-58

10Artikel  Norse influence in the organisation of the medieval church in the Western Isles
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1984) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 21 (1984) S. 1-14

11Buchbeitrag  Settlement, society and church organisation in the Northern Isles
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1984) - In: The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World S. 169-179

12Buchbeitrag  The medieval kirk of Crail
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1983) - In: Studies R. B. K. Stevenson S. 368-383

13Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1982) - In: Caithness. A Cultural Crossroads S. 1-5

14Artikel  The medieval cathedrals of Scotland.
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1981) - In: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. Årbok (1981) S. 139-149

15Buchbeitrag  The building of St Andrews Cathedral
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1976) - In: The Medieval Church of St. Andrews S. 11-32

16Buchbeitrag  Comparative interior dimensions of some other medieval cathedrals
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1976) - In: The Medieval Church of St. Andrews S. 153-154

17Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of the works of Ronald Gordon Cant
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1974) - In: Essays Ronald Gordon Cant S. 259-263

18Artikel  The building of St Andrews Cathedral
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1974) - In: The Innes Review Bd. 25 (1974) S. 77-94

19Artikel  The church in Orkney and Shetland and its relations with Norway and Scotland in the Middle Ages
Cant, Ronald Gordon. (1972) - In: Northern Scotland Bd. 1, 1 (1972) S. 1-18

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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