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Publikationen »Cartlidge, Neil«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cartlidge, Neil

RI opac: 54 Einträge

1Monographie  The works of Chardri: three poems in the French of thirteenth-century England ; The life of the seven sleepers, The life of St. Josaphaz and The little debate
Chardry. Cartlidge, Neil [Bearb.]. - Tempe, Ariz. (2015)

2Sammelwerk  Heroes and anti-heroes in medieval romance
Cartlidge, Neil [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2012)

3Sammelwerk  Boundaries in medieval romance: [9th Biennial Medieval Romance Conference ... University College Dublin ... in April 2004]
Cartlidge, Neil [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2008)

4Sachtitel  The owl and the nightingale: text and translation
Cartlidge, Neil [Hrsg.]. - Exeter (2003)

5Monographie  The Owl and the Nightingale: Text and Translation.
Cartlidge, Neil. - Exeter (2001)

6Monographie  Medieval marriage: Literary approaches, 1100-1300
Cartlidge, Neil. - Cambridge (1997)

7Buchbeitrag  Trouble and Strife in the Old French Fabliaux
Cartlidge, Neil. (2023) - In: Women and medieval literary culture. From the early Middle Ages to the fifteenth century S. 324-341

8Buchbeitrag  Nationale Identitäten und internationale Spannungen in mittelalterlichen Streitgedichten
Cartlidge, Neil. (2023) - In: Wettkämpfe in Literaturen und Kulturen des Mittelalters. Riskante Formen und Praktiken zwischen Kreativität und Zerstörung S. 155-182

9Buchbeitrag  "Vinegar upon nitre"? Walter Map's romance of Sadius and Galo
Cartlidge, Neil. (2022) - In: Cultural translations in medieval romance S. 117-134

10Buchbeitrag  Arthurian Literature in the Percy Folio Manuscript
Cartlidge, Neil. (2021) - In: Essays Elizabeth Archibald S. 189-204

11Artikel  "Scientia vera"? Holcot and Chaucer on Astrological Determinism, Magic, Talismans, and Omens
Cartlidge, Neil. (2020) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 55 (2020) S. 279-297

12Buchbeitrag  Treason
Cartlidge, Neil. (2019) - In: The Cambridge companion to Medieval English law and literature S. 83-94

13Buchbeitrag  Gender trouble? Fabliau and debate in MS Digby 86
Cartlidge, Neil. (2019) - In: Interpreting MS Digby 86. A Trilingual Book from Thirteenth-Century Worcestershire S. 130-161

14Buchbeitrag  Keine Neuigkeiten?: Zur Gattung und Gestaltung des englischen Jest-Buchs "A Hundred Merry Tales" (1526)
Cartlidge, Neil. (2019) - In: Schwanksammlungen im frühneuzeitlichen Medienumbruch S. 175-188

15Artikel  Who is the Traitor at the Beginning of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
Cartlidge, Neil. (2018) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 34 (2018) S. 22-51

16Buchbeitrag  Medieval Romance Mischief
Cartlidge, Neil. (2018) - In: Tribute Helen Cooper (2018) S. 27-48

17Artikel  Ripples on the Water?: The Acoustics of Geoffrey Chaucer's House of Fame and the Influence of Robert Holcot
Cartlidge, Neil. (2017) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 39 (2017) S. 57-98

18Buchbeitrag  The Werewolf of Wicklow: Shapeshifting and Colonial Identity in the "Lai de Melion"
Cartlidge, Neil. (2015) - In: Medieval romance and material culture S. 75-90

19Buchbeitrag  Cultures in Confrontation in BL MS Harley 978
Cartlidge, Neil. (2015) - In: Language in medieval Britain. Networks and exchanges S. 181-200

20Artikel  A Debate with Death: John Rudyng's Brass in St. Andrew's Church, Biggleswade
Cartlidge, Neil. (2014 - 2015) - In: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society Bd. 19 (2014/15) S. 94-100

21Buchbeitrag  Courtliness in Jeopardy: The Social Consciousness of the Old French jeuxpartis
Cartlidge, Neil. (2014) - In: Ambition and anxiety. Courts and courtly discourse, c. 700 - 1600 S. 119-138

22Artikel  Manuscripts of the Medieval Latin Debate Between Body and Soul (Visio Philiberti)
Baker, David P.Cartlidge, Neil. (2014) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 61 (2014) S. 196-201

23Buchbeitrag  The Norman Conquest and English Literary Culture After 1066
Cartlidge, Neil. (2014) - In: A companion to British literature. 1. Medieval literature 700 - 1450 S. 97-113

24Buchbeitrag  Lazamon's Ursula and the Influence of Roman Epic
Cartlidge, Neil. (2013) - In: Reading Lazamon's Brut. Approaches and explorations S. 499-522

25Buchbeitrag  Sons of Devils
Cartlidge, Neil. (2012) - In: Heroes and anti-heroes in medieval romance S. 219-236

26Artikel  Wayward Sons and Failing Fathers: Chaucer's Moralistic Paternalism: And a Possible Source for the Cook's Tale
Cartlidge, Neil. (2012 - 2013) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 47 (2012/13) S. 134-160

27Buchbeitrag  Narrative and gossip in Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida
Cartlidge, Neil. (2011) - In: Narrative developments from Chaucer to Defoe S. 221-234

28Artikel  Masters in the art of lying? The literary relationship between Hugh of Rhuddlan and Walter Map
Cartlidge, Neil. (2011) - In: The modern language review Bd. 106 (2011) S. 1-16

29Buchbeitrag  Medieval Debate-Poetry and The Owl and the Nightingale
Cartlidge, Neil. (2010) - In: A companion to medieval poetry S. 237-257

30Artikel  Nicholas of Guildford and The Owl and the Nightingale
Cartlidge, Neil. (2010) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 79 (2010) S. 14-25

31Buchbeitrag  The Fairies in the Fountain: Promiscuous Liaisons
Cartlidge, Neil. (2010) - In: The exploitations of mediveal romance S. 15-27

32Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Cartlidge, Neil. (2008) - In: Boundaries in medieval romance S. 1-12

33Buchbeitrag  An Intruder at the Feast? Anxiety and Debate in the Letters of Peter of Blois
Cartlidge, Neil. (2006) - In: Writers of the Reign of Henry II. Twelve Essays S. 79-108

34Artikel  In the silence of a midwinter night: a re-evaluation of the Visio Philiberti
Cartlidge, Neil. (2006) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 75 (2006) S. 24-45

35Buchbeitrag  'Nat that I chalange any thyng of right': Love, Loyalty and Legality in the Franklin's Tale
Cartlidge, Neil. (2006) - In: Writings on Love in the English Middle Ages S. 115-131

36Buchbeitrag  Marriage, Sexuality and the Family
Cartlidge, Neil. (2005) - In: A Concise Companion to Chaucer S. 218-240

37Buchbeitrag  The unknown pilgrim: drama and romance in the "Life of Christina of Markyate"
Cartlidge, Neil. (2005) - In: Christina of Markyate. A twelfth-century holy woman S. 79-98

38Artikel  Homosexuality and Marriage in a Fifteenth-Century Italian Humanist Comedy: 'The Debate between Cavichiolus and his Wife'
Cartlidge, Neil. (2005) - In: The journal of medieval Latin Bd. 15 (2005) S. 25-66

39Buchbeitrag  'Therof seyus clerkus': Slander, Rape and 'Sir Gowther'
Cartlidge, Neil. (2005) - In: Cultural Encounters in the Romance of Medieval England S. 135-147

40Buchbeitrag  Imagining X: a Lost Early Vernacular Miscellany
Cartlidge, Neil. (2005) - In: Imagining the book S. 31-44

41Artikel  Sir Orfeo in the Otherworld: Courting Chaos?
Cartlidge, Neil. (2004) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 26 (2004) S. 195-226

42Artikel  The Battle of Shrovetide: Carnival against Lent as a Leitmotif in Late Medieval Culture
Cartlidge, Neil. (2004) - In: Viator Bd. 35 (2004) S. 517-542

43Artikel  Festivity, order, and community in fourteenth-century Ireland: the composition and contexts of BL MS Harley 913.
Cartlidge, Neil. (2003) - In: The yearbook of English studies Bd. 33 (2003) S. 33-52

44Artikel  The Canterbury Tales and cladistics
Cartlidge, Neil. (2001) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 102 (2001) S. 135-150

45Artikel  Aubrey de Bassingbourn, Ida de Beauchamp and the context of the 'Estrif de deus dames' in Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 86'
Cartlidge, Neil. (2000) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 47 (2000) S. 411-414

46Artikel  Misogyny in a medieval university? The "Hoc contra malos" commentary on Walter Map's Dissuasio Valerii
Cartlidge, Neil. (1998) - In: The journal of medieval Latin Bd. 8 (1998) S. 156-191

47Artikel  'Alas, I go with Chylde:' representations of extra-marital pregnancy in the Middle English lyric
Cartlidge, Neil. (1998) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 79 (1998) S. 395-414

48Artikel  The linguistic evidence for the provenance of "The Owl and the Nightingale"
Cartlidge, Neil. (1998) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 99 (1998) S. 249-268

49Artikel  A Note on 'The Owl and the Nightingale', line 1342
Cartlidge, Neil. (1998) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 45 (1998) S. 22

50Artikel  The Source of John Lydgate's 'The Churl and the Bird'
Cartlidge, Neil. (1997) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 44 (1997) S. 22-24

51Artikel  Orthographical variation in the Middle English lyrics of BL Cotton Caligula A.IX
Cartlidge, Neil. (1997) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 98 (1997) S. 253-259

52Artikel  A Note on 'The Owl and the Nightingale', line 1539
Cartlidge, Neil. (1997) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 44 (1997) S. 21-22

53Artikel  The composition and social context of Oxford, Jesus College, MS 29(II) and London, British Library, MS Cotton Caligula A.ix
Cartlidge, Neil. (1997) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 66 (1997) S. 250-269

54Artikel  The date of The Owl and the Nightingale
Cartlidge, Neil. (1996) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 65 (1996) S. 230-247

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