Publikationen »Chance, Jane«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Chance, Jane
RI opac: 56 Einträge
1 | Tolkien, Self and Other. 'This Queer Creature' Chance, Jane. |
2 | [Bibliographie] Chance, Jane. |
3 | The literary subversions of medieval women Chance, Jane. |
4 | Tolkien's modern Middle Ages Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Women Medievalists and the Academy Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Tolkien the medievalist Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. |
7 | Medieval Mythography. Bd. 2: From the School of Chartres to the Court at Avignon, 1177-1350 Chance, Jane. |
8 | Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. |
9 | Medieval Mythography: From Roman North Africa to the School of Chartres, A.D. 433-1177 Chance, Jane. |
10 | The Mythographic Chaucer: The Fabulation of Sexual Politics Chance, Jane. |
11 | The Mythographic Art: Classical Fable and the Rise of the Vernacular in Early France and England Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. |
12 | Woman as hero in Old English literature Chance, Jane. |
13 | Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Miller, Miriam Youngerman • Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. |
14 | Mapping the Cosmos Chance, Jane • Wells, R. O. [Hrsg.]. |
15 | The genius figure in antiquity and the middle ages Chance, Jane. |
16 | Reading Grendel's Mother Chance, Jane. |
19 | Heresy and Heterodoxy: The Feminized Trinities of Marguerite Porete and Julian of Norwich Chance, Jane. |
20 | Teaching Chaucer in Middle English: The Joy of Philology Chance, Jane. |
21 | Cognitive alterities: From cultural studies to neuroscience and back again Chance, Jane. |
22 | Tolkien the Medievalist (Marguerite Mouton) Chance, Jane. |
23 | "Make it Work": Grants(wo)manship Chance, Jane. |
24 | Introduction: "What has a Woman to do with Learning?" Chance, Jane. |
27 | Introduction Chance, Jane. |
28 | Representing rebellion: The ending of Chaucer's Knight's Tale and the castration of Saturn Chance, Jane. |
29 | Rhetorical inventio and Ricardian allegories in late middle english literature: A new historical approach to fiction Chance, Jane. |
30 | "Mine Is Longer:" Gender Difference and Female Authority in the Academy Chance, Jane. |
31 | Classical mytha nd gender in the letters of "Abelard" and "Heloise": Gloss, Glossed, Glossator Chance, Jane. |
33 | Gender subversion and linguistic castration in fifteenth-century English translations of Christine de Pizan Chance, Jane. |
35 | Art. Literary influences: Medieval Latin Chance, Jane. |
36 | "Monstra"-naturalità distorte: Bertram dal Bornio, Ecuba Chance, Jane. |
37 | St. Catherine of Siena in late medieval Britain: feminizing literary reception through gender and class Chance, Jane. |
38 | Chivalry and the other Chance, Jane. |
41 | Grendel's Mother as Epic Anti-Type of the Virgin and Queen Chance, Jane. |
43 | The structural unity of Beowulf. The problem of Grendel's mother Chance, Jane. |
45 | "Disfigured is thy face": Chaucer's Pardoner and the protean shape-shifter Fals Semblant (A response to Britton Harwood) Chance, Jane. |
46 | Creation in Genesis and nature in Chaucer's general prologue 1-18 Chance, Jane. |
47 | Chaucerian irony in the Boethian short poems: the dramatic tension between classical and Christian Chance, Jane. |
48 | The Errant Woman as Scop in Wulf and Eadwacer and The Wife's Lament" Chance, Jane. |
49 | Surprised by Subtlety: A Survey of the Teaching of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Chance, Jane. |
50 | Tolkien and His Sources Chance, Jane. |
51 | Chaucerian irony in the verse epistles Words unto Adam, Lenvoy a Scogan and Lenvoy a Bukton Chance, Jane. |
52 | The Origins and Development of Medieval Mythography: From Homer to Dante Chance, Jane. |
53 | Anti-courtly love in Chaucer's complaints Chance, Jane. |
54 | The medieval sources of Cristoforo Landino's allegorization of the judgement of Paris Chance, Jane. |
55 | The artist as epic hero in Alan of Lille's "Anticlaudianus" Chance, Jane. |
56 | The Anglo-Saxon woman as hero: the chaste queen and the masculine woman saint Chance, Jane. |
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