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Publikationen »Chance, Jane«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Chance, Jane

RI opac: 56 Einträge

1Monographie  Tolkien, Self and Other. 'This Queer Creature'
Chance, Jane. - New York, NY (2016)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Chance, Jane. (2016)

3Monographie  The literary subversions of medieval women
Chance, Jane. - New York, NY (2007)

4Sammelwerk  Tolkien's modern Middle Ages
Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY [u.a.] (2005)

5Sammelwerk  Women Medievalists and the Academy
Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. - Madison, Wis. (2005)

6Sammelwerk  Tolkien the medievalist
Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (2003)

7Monographie  Medieval Mythography. Bd. 2: From the School of Chartres to the Court at Avignon, 1177-1350
Chance, Jane. - Gainesville, Fla. [u.a.] (2000)

8Sammelwerk  Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages
Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. - Gainsville (1996)

9Monographie  Medieval Mythography: From Roman North Africa to the School of Chartres, A.D. 433-1177
Chance, Jane. - Gainesville, Fla. [u.a.] (1995)

10Monographie  The Mythographic Chaucer: The Fabulation of Sexual Politics
Chance, Jane. - Minneapolis, MN (1994)

11Sammelwerk  The Mythographic Art: Classical Fable and the Rise of the Vernacular in Early France and England
Chance, Jane [Hrsg.]. - Gainesville, Fla. (1990)

12Monographie  Woman as hero in Old English literature
Chance, Jane. - Syracuse, NY (1986)

13Sammelwerk  Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Miller, Miriam YoungermanChance, Jane [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1986)

14Sammelwerk  Mapping the Cosmos
Chance, JaneWells, R. O. [Hrsg.]. - Houston (1985)

15Monographie  The genius figure in antiquity and the middle ages
Chance, Jane. - New York, NY (1975)

16Buchbeitrag  Reading Grendel's Mother
Chance, Jane. (2020) - In: Studies Helen Damico (2020) S. 209-226

17Buchbeitrag  The Arthurian Knight Remythified Ovidian: The Failures of Courtly Love in Three Late Medieval Glosses
Chance, Jane. (2017) - In: The legacy of courtly literature. From medieval to contemporary culture S. 9-38

18Buchbeitrag  The Arthurian Knight Remythified Ovidian: The Failures of Courtly Love in Three Late Medieval Glosses
Chance, Jane. (2017) - In: The legacy of courtly literature. From medieval to contemporary culture S. 9-40

19Buchbeitrag  Heresy and Heterodoxy: The Feminized Trinities of Marguerite Porete and Julian of Norwich
Chance, Jane. (2014) - In: Anchoritism in the Middle Ages. Texts and traditions S. 61-82

20Buchbeitrag  Teaching Chaucer in Middle English: The Joy of Philology
Chance, Jane. (2014) - In: Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (2014) S. 53-57

21Artikel  Cognitive alterities: From cultural studies to neuroscience and back again
Chance, Jane. (2012) - In: Postmedieval Bd. 3 (2012) S. 247-261

22Buchbeitrag  Tolkien the Medievalist (Marguerite Mouton)
Chance, Jane. (2010) - In: Médiévalisme - modernité du Moyen Âge S. 192ff

23Artikel  "Make it Work": Grants(wo)manship
Chance, Jane. (2008) - In: Medieval feminist forum Bd. 44, 2 (2008) S. 25-31

24Buchbeitrag  Introduction: "What has a Woman to do with Learning?"
Chance, Jane. (2005) - In: Women Medievalists and the Academy S. xxiii-xxxix

25Buchbeitrag  National identity and conversion through medieval romance: the case of Hrafn Gunnlaugssons' film "Í skugga hrafnsins" (In the shadow of the raven)
Chance, JaneWeinstein, Jessica. (2004) - In: Sagas and Societies. International Conference Tl. 20

26Buchbeitrag  Hrotsvit's Latin drama "Gallicanus" and the Old English epic "Elene": intercultural founding narratives of a feminized church
Chance, Jane. (2004) - In: Hrotsvit of Gandersheim. Contexts, Identities, Affinities, and Performances. S. 193-210

27Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Chance, Jane. (2003) - In: Tolkien the medievalist S. 1-12

28Artikel  Representing rebellion: The ending of Chaucer's Knight's Tale and the castration of Saturn
Chance, Jane. (2002) - In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia Bd. 38 (2002) S. 75-92

29Artikel  Rhetorical inventio and Ricardian allegories in late middle english literature: A new historical approach to fiction
Chance, Jane. (2001 - 2002) - In: International journal of the classical tradition Bd. 8 (2001/02) S. 79-91

30Artikel  "Mine Is Longer:" Gender Difference and Female Authority in the Academy
Chance, Jane. (2000) - In: Medieval feminist forum Bd. 30, 1 (2000) S. 16-23

31Buchbeitrag  Classical mytha nd gender in the letters of "Abelard" and "Heloise": Gloss, Glossed, Glossator
Chance, Jane. (2000) - In: Listening to Heloise S. 161-185

32Buchbeitrag  Speaking in propria persona: authorizing the subject as a political act in late medieval feminine spirituality
Chance, Jane. (1999) - In: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality. The Holy Women of Liège and their Impact S. 269-296

33Buchbeitrag  Gender subversion and linguistic castration in fifteenth-century English translations of Christine de Pizan
Chance, Jane. (1998) - In: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts S. 161-194

34Artikel  The Literary Traditions of Medieval Women (1997 NEH Summer Institute): Introduction, Description, and Reading List
Chance, Jane. (1998) - In: Medieval feminist newsletter Bd. 25, 1 (1998) S. 9-24

35Buchbeitrag  Art. Literary influences: Medieval Latin
Chance, Jane. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 437-439

36Buchbeitrag  "Monstra"-naturalità distorte: Bertram dal Bornio, Ecuba
Chance, Jane. (1997) - In: I monstra nell'inferno dantesco. Tradizione e simbologie S. 235-276

37Artikel  St. Catherine of Siena in late medieval Britain: feminizing literary reception through gender and class
Chance, Jane. (1995) - In: Annali d'italianistica Bd. 13 (1995) S. 163-203

38Buchbeitrag  Chivalry and the other
Chance, Jane. (1994) - In: The Rusted Hauberk. Feudal Ideals of Order and Their Decline S. 309-317

39Buchbeitrag  Christine de Pizan as literary mother. Women's authority and subjectivity in "The floure and the leafe" and "The assembly of ladies"
Chance, Jane. (1994) - In: City of scholars. New approaches to Christine de Pizan S. 245-259

40Buchbeitrag  Allegory and structure in Pearl: the four senses of the ars praedicandi and fourteenth-century homiletic poetry
Chance, Jane. (1991) - In: Text and Matter. New Critical Perspectives of the Pearl-Poet S. 31-59

41Buchbeitrag  Grendel's Mother as Epic Anti-Type of the Virgin and Queen
Chance, Jane. (1991) - In: Interpretations of Beowulf. A Critical Anthology S. 251-263

42Buchbeitrag  The medieval "apology for poetry". Fabulous narrative and stories of the Gods
Chance, Jane. (1990) - In: The Mythographic Art. Classical Fable and the Rise of the Vernacular in Early France and England S. 3-44

43Buchbeitrag  The structural unity of Beowulf. The problem of Grendel's mother
Chance, Jane. (1990) - In: New Readings on Women in Old English Literature S. 248-261

44Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's Zephirus: Dante's Zefiro, St. Dominic, and the idea of the General Prologue
Chance, Jane. (1990) - In: The Mythographic Art. Classical Fable and the Rise of the Vernacular in Early France and England S. 177-198

45Artikel  "Disfigured is thy face": Chaucer's Pardoner and the protean shape-shifter Fals Semblant (A response to Britton Harwood)
Chance, Jane. (1988) - In: Philological quarterly Bd. 67 (1988) S. 423-437

46Buchbeitrag  Creation in Genesis and nature in Chaucer's general prologue 1-18
Chance, Jane. (1988) - In: Geoffrey Chaucer's The general prologue to the Canterbury tales S. 67-71

47Artikel  Chaucerian irony in the Boethian short poems: the dramatic tension between classical and Christian
Chance, Jane. (1986) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 20 (1986) S. 235-245

48Buchbeitrag  The Errant Woman as Scop in Wulf and Eadwacer and The Wife's Lament"
Chance, Jane. (1986) - In: Woman as Hero in Old English Literature S. 81-94

49Buchbeitrag  Surprised by Subtlety: A Survey of the Teaching of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Chance, Jane. (1986) - In: Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight S. 43-68

50Buchbeitrag  Tolkien and His Sources
Chance, Jane. (1986) - In: Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight S. 151-155

51Artikel  Chaucerian irony in the verse epistles Words unto Adam, Lenvoy a Scogan and Lenvoy a Bukton
Chance, Jane. (1985) - In: Papers on language and literature Bd. 21 (1985) S. 115-128

52Buchbeitrag  The Origins and Development of Medieval Mythography: From Homer to Dante
Chance, Jane. (1985) - In: Mapping the Cosmos S. 35-64

53Artikel  Anti-courtly love in Chaucer's complaints
Chance, Jane. (1984) - In: Mediaevalia Bd. 10 (1984) S. 181-198

54Artikel  The medieval sources of Cristoforo Landino's allegorization of the judgement of Paris
Chance, Jane. (1984) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 81 (1984) S. 145-160

55Artikel  The artist as epic hero in Alan of Lille's "Anticlaudianus"
Chance, Jane. (1983) - In: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Bd. 18 (1983) S. 238-247

56Artikel  The Anglo-Saxon woman as hero: the chaste queen and the masculine woman saint
Chance, Jane. (1980) - In: Allegorica. A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Literature Bd. 5, 2 (1980) S. 139-148

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