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Publikationen »Cheney, Mary G.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cheney, Mary G.

RI opac: 22 Einträge

1Sachtitel  English Episcopal Acta 34: Worcester: 1186 - 1218
Cheney, Mary G. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2008)

2Sachtitel  English Episcopal Acta 33: Worcester 1062-1185
Cheney, Mary G.Smith, DavidBrooke, Christopher Nugent LawrenceHoskin, Philippa M. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2007)

3Monographie  Roger, bishop of Worcester 1164 - 1179
Cheney, Mary G.. - Oxford (1980)

4Monographie  Studies in the collections of twelfth-century decretals: from the papers of the late Walther Holtzmann
Holtzmann, Walther. Cheney, Christopher RobertCheney, Mary G. [Bearb.]. - Città del Vaticano (1979)

5Sachtitel  The Letters of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) concerning England and Wales. A Calendar with an Appendix of Texts
Cheney, Christopher RobertCheney, Mary G. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1967)

6Buchbeitrag  Possessio/proprietas in ecclesiastical courts in mid-twelfth-century England
Cheney, Mary G.. (1994) - In: Essays James Holt S. 245-254

7Artikel  A Privilege of Pope Innocent III for Kingswood Abbey
Cheney, Mary G.. (1994) - In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Bd. 45 (1994) S. 460-464

8Buchbeitrag  A decree of King Henry II on defect of justice
Cheney, Mary G.. (1985) - In: Essays Marjorie Chibnall S. 183-193

9Buchbeitrag  Inalienability in mid-twelfth-century England: Enforcement and consequences
Cheney, Mary G.. (1985) - In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law S. 467-478

10Buchbeitrag  The litigation between John Marshal and Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1164: a pointer to the origin of novel disseisin?
Cheney, Mary G.. (1984) - In: Law and Social Change in British History S. 9-26

11Buchbeitrag  A draft decretal of pope Innocent III on a case of identity
Cheney, Christopher RobertCheney, Mary G.. (1982) - In: Cheney, The Papacy and England S. VI:29-47

12Artikel  Some Observations on a Papal Privilege of 1120 für the Archbishops of York
Cheney, Mary G.. (1980) - In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Bd. 31 (1980) S. 429-440

13Buchbeitrag  William FitzStephen and his Life of Archbishop Thomas
Cheney, Mary G.. (1976) - In: Essays C. R. Cheney S. 139-156

14Buchbeitrag  Pope Alexander III and Roger, bishop of Worcester, 1164-1179: the exchange of ideas
Cheney, Mary G.. (1976) - In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law S. 207-227

15Buchbeitrag  The Council of Westminster 1175: new light on an old source
Cheney, Mary G.. (1975) - In: The materials, sources and methods of ecclesiastical history S. 61-68

16Artikel  JL 13162 'Meminimus nos ex': One Letter or Two?
Cheney, Mary G.. (1974) - In: Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law Ser. NS, Bd. 4 (1974) S. 66-69

17Artikel  The Decretal of Pope Celestine III on Tithes of Windmills, JL 17620
Cheney, Mary G.. (1971) - In: Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law Ser. NS, Bd. 1 (1971) S. 63-66

18Artikel  Letters of Innocent III: Additions and Corrections
Cheney, Christopher RobertCheney, Mary G.. (1971) - In: Bulletin of the Institute of historical Research Bd. 44 (1971) S. 98-117

19Artikel  The recognition of Pope Alexander III: some neglected evidence
Cheney, Mary G.. (1969) - In: The English Historical Review Bd. 84 (1969) S. 474-497

20Artikel  Master Geoffrey de Lucy, an early chancellor of the university of Oxford
Cheney, Mary G.. (1967) - In: The English Historical Review Bd. 82 (1967) S. 750-763

21Artikel  A draft decretal of pope Innocent III on a case of identy
Cheney, Christopher RobertCheney, Mary G.. (1961) - In: Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken Bd. 41 (1961) S. 29-47

22Artikel  The compromise of Avranches of 1172 and the spread of cannon lawin England
Cheney, Mary G.. (1941) - In: The English Historical Review Bd. 56 (1941) S. 177-197

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