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Publikationen »Christensen, Arne Emil«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Christensen, Arne Emil

RI opac: 39 Einträge

1Monographie  Das Ebersdorfer Schiffsmodell von 1400: ein authentisches Sachzeugnis des spätmittelalterlichen Schiffbaus in Nordeuropa = The Ebersdorf ship model of 1400
Christensen, Arne EmilSteusloff, Wolfgang. - Wiefelstede (2012)

2Monographie  Fører for Vikingskipene: Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway ; Guide for the Viking ships
Christensen, Arne Emil. - Oslo (1974)

3Monographie  Boats of the North. A history of boatbuilding in Norway
Christensen, Arne Emil. - Oslo (1968)

4Buchbeitrag  The Viking ships
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2017) - In: The Sea in history. 2. The medieval world S. 547-560

5Artikel  Recreating Two Early-Norse Tool-Chests
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2008) - In: The international journal of nautical archaeology Bd. 37 (2008) S. 177-184

6Buchbeitrag  Ohthere's vessel
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2007) - In: Ohthere's Voyages. A late 9th-century account of voyages S. 112-116

7Artikel  Why Move the Viking Ship Collection from Bygdøy?
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2007) - In: The international journal of nautical archaeology Bd. 36 (2007) S. 422-425

8Buchbeitrag  Bibliografi Arne Emil Christensen
Christensen, Arne Emil. Bjerkan, Håkon M. [Bearb.]. (2006) - In: FS Arne Emil Christensen S. 239-261

9Buchbeitrag  Hester han temmet: et merovingertidsbeslag fra Hamar
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2006) - In: FS Einar Østmo S. 203-206

10Artikel  Deler av vikingeskip fra Rogaland
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2005) - In: Viking. Tidsskrift for norrøn arkeologi Bd. 68 (2005) S. 131-136

11Buchbeitrag  Transport med skip, noen tanker om skipstyper og lastekapasitet i forhistorisk tid og middelalder
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2002) - In: UKM - en mangfoldig forskningsinstitusjon S. 65-72

12Artikel  The "Big Ship" of Bryggen in Bergen: What can it tell us?
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2002) - In: Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv Bd. 25 (2002) S. 87-95

13Buchbeitrag  Comments on the new dendrochronological dates
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2001) - In: Ships and Commodities S. 63-67

14Buchbeitrag  Art. Langskip
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 329-330

15Buchbeitrag  Art. Navigation, Viking
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 441-442

16Buchbeitrag  Art. Knarr
Christensen, Arne Emil. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 322

17Artikel  The Viking weathervanes were not navigation instruments!
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1998) - In: Fornvännen Bd. 93 (1998) S. 202-203

18Buchbeitrag  Nytt lys på vikingskipene i Vestfold
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1997) - In: Gokstadhøvdingen og hans tid S. 71-80

19Buchbeitrag  Boat fragments from Mangersnes
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1995) - In: Essays Ole Crumlin-Pedersen S. 73-80

20Buchbeitrag  Ship graffiti
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1995) - In: The Ship as Symbol in Prehistoric and Medieval Scandinavia S. 181-185

21Artikel  Dronning Åsa, eller...? Nytt lys på vikingskipfunnene.
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1995) - In: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. Årbok (1995) S. 175-190

22Buchbeitrag  Art. "Gokstad"
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 232-233

23Buchbeitrag  Art. Oseberg
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 457-459

24Artikel  Dendrochronological dating of the Viking Age ship burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune, Norway
Bonde, NielsChristensen, Arne Emil. (1993) - In: Antiquity. A quarterly review of archaeology Bd. 67, 256 (1993) S. 575-583

25Artikel  Dendrokronologisk datering of tømmer fra gravkamrene i Oseberg, Gokstad og Tune
Bonde, NielsChristensen, Arne Emil. (1991 - 1992) - In: Universitetets oldsaksamling. Årbok (1991/92) S. 153-160

26Artikel  Decoration nails from the Oseberg find: chemical analyses and production techniques.
Astrup, E. E.Christensen, Arne Emil. (1991 - 1992) - In: Universitetets oldsaksamling. Årbok (1991/92) S. 137-152

27Artikel  An English variation of the Dutch "sintels"?
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1990) - In: The mariner's mirror Bd. 76 (1990) S. 183

28Artikel  Redskapsfunnet fra Vistad i Tokke kommune, Telemark.
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1989 - 1990) - In: Universitetets oldsaksamling. Årbok (1989/90) S. 153-159

29Buchbeitrag  Ship graffiti and models
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1988) - In: Medieval Dublin Excavations 1962 - 81 Series B S. 13-26

30Artikel  Husfruen pa Oseberg
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1987) - In: Vestfoldminne (1987) S. 4-10

31Artikel  A mediaeval ship model
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1987) - In: The international journal of nautical archaeology Bd. 16 (1987) S. 69-70

32Buchbeitrag  Batfunnene fra Bryggen i Bergen
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1987) - In: Kystliv (1987) S. 49-58

33Artikel  En skeppsarkeologisk katastrof?: ett genmäle
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1987) - In: Fornvännen Bd. 82 (1987) S. 132-136

34Buchbeitrag  Boats and boatbuilding in Western Norway and the Islands
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1984) - In: The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World S. 85-95

35Buchbeitrag  The Åker find. Facts, theories and speculation
Slomann, WenckeChristensen, Arne Emil. (1984) - In: FS Thorleif Sjovold S. 173-190

36Artikel  Viking age ships and shipbuilding
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1982) - In: Norwegian archaeological review Bd. 15 (1982) S. 19-28

37Buchbeitrag  Viking Age rigging, a survey of sources and theories
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1979) - In: The archaeology of medieval ships and harbours in Northern Europe S. 183-193

38Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian ships from earliest times to the Vikings
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1972) - In: A History of Seafaring based on Underwater Archaeology S. 159-180

39Artikel  Kilka uwag o ochronie zabytków w Norwegii
Christensen, Arne Emil. (1962) - In: Materialy zachodniopomorskie Bd. 8 (1962) S. 189-206

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