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Publikationen »Cohen, Mark R.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cohen, Mark R.

RI opac: 40 Einträge

1Monographie  Maimonides and the Merchants: Jewish Law and Society in the Medieval Islamic World
Cohen, Mark R.. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2017)

2Monographie  Under crescent and cross: the Jews in the Middle Ages
Cohen, Mark R.. - Princeton, NJ (2008)

3Monographie  The voice of the poor in the middle ages: an anthology of documents from the Cairo Geniza
Cohen, Mark R.. - Princeton, NJ [u.a.] (2005)

4Monographie  Unter Kreuz und Halbmond: die Juden im Mittelalter
Cohen, Mark R.. - München (2005)

5Monographie  Poverty and charity in the Jewish community of medieval Egypt
Cohen, Mark R.. - Princeton, NJ (2005)

6Sammelwerk  Toward the Millennium: Messianic Expectations from the Bible to Waco
Schäfer, PeterCohen, Mark R. [Hrsg.]. - Leiden (1998)

7Monographie  Under crescent and cross: The jews in the middle ages
Cohen, Mark R.. - Princeton, NJ (1994)

8Monographie  The origins of the office of head of the jews ("ra'is al-yahud") in the fatimid empire: the period of the house of Mevorakh b. Saadya, ca. 1064 to ca. 1126
Cohen, Mark R.. - [Jewish Theological Seminary of America] (1976)

9Buchbeitrag  Communal Self-Government: The Genizah Period
Cohen, Mark R.. (2021) - In: The Jews in medieval Egypt S. 72-85

10Buchbeitrag  Islamic Attitudes and Policies
Cohen, Mark R.. (2021) - In: The Cambridge history of Judaism 5. Jews in the medieval Islamic world S. 92-123

11Buchbeitrag  Migrating Words and Migrating Custom among the Geniza Merchants: Maimonides on Commercial Agency Law
Cohen, Mark R.. (2020) - In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law S. 13-27

12Buchbeitrag  Defending Jewish Judicial Autonomy in the Islamic Middle Ages
Cohen, Mark R.. (2016) - In: Law and religious minorities in medieval societies S. 13-34

13Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of Works by Mark R. Cohen
Cohen, Mark R.. (2014) - In: FS Mark R. Cohen S. 17-26

14Artikel  A Partnership Gone Bad: Business Relationships and the Evolving Law of the Cairo Geniza Period
Cohen, Mark R.. (2013) - In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient Bd. 56 (2013) S. 218-263

15Buchbeitrag  Poverty and Charity: Jews in the Medieval Islamic World
Cohen, Mark R.. (2012) - In: Poverty and prosperity in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance S. 143-154

16Buchbeitrag  Jewish and Islamic Life in the Middle Ages: Through the Window of the Cairo Geniza
Cohen, Mark R.. (2011) - In: History as prelude. Muslims and Jews in the medieval Mediterranean S. 1-26

17Buchbeitrag  The Law of Power of Attorney in Maimonides' Code of Jewish Law
Cohen, Mark R.. (2010) - In: Studies Stefan C. Reif S. 81-98

18Buchbeitrag  The "Convivencia" of Jews and Muslims in the high Middle Ages.
Cohen, Mark R.. (2009) - In: The Meeting of Civilizations. Muslim, Christian, and Jewish S. 54-65

19Buchbeitrag  Geniza Documents for the Comparative History of Poverty and Charity
Cohen, Mark R.. (2009) - In: Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions S. 283-342

20Buchbeitrag  Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
Cohen, Mark R.. (2008) - In: Contesting Christendom. Readings in medieval religion and culture S. 111-120

21Buchbeitrag  On the interplay of Arabic and Hebrew in the Cairo Geniza letters.
Cohen, Mark R.. (2007) - In: Studies Raymond P. Scheindlin S. 17-35

22Buchbeitrag  Charity, Jewish
Cohen, Mark R.. (2006) - In: Medieval Islamic civilization. An encyclopedia S. 146-148

23Artikel  Geniza for Islamicists, Islamic Geniza, and the "New Cairo Geniza"
Cohen, Mark R.. (2006) - In: Harvard middle eastern and Islamic review Bd. 7 (2006) S. 129-145

24Artikel  Antisemitismul sub semnul semilunei si crucii în perioada medievala [Antisemitism under crescent and cross in the Middle Ages]
Cohen, Mark R.. (2006) - In: Studia Hebraica Bd. 6 (2006) S. 19-43

25Artikel  Goitein, magic, and the Geniza.
Cohen, Mark R.. (2006) - In: Jewish studies quarterly Bd. 13 (2006) S. 294-304

26Buchbeitrag  Maimonides and Charity in the Light of the Geniza Documents
Cohen, Mark R.. (2005) - In: The Trias of Maimonides. Jewish, Arabic, and ancient culture of knowledge S. 65-84

27Buchbeitrag  Foundations and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt.
Cohen, Mark R.. (2005) - In: Stiftungen in Christentum, Judentum und Islam vor der Moderne S. 179-189

28Buchbeitrag  Das Judentum in der islamischen Gesellschaft und der Mythos von der interreligiösen Utopie
Cohen, Mark R.. (2003) - In: Ex Oriente. Isaak und der weisse Elefant Tl. 2 S. 74-88

29Buchbeitrag  Genizah
Cohen, Mark R.. (2002) - In: Medieval Jewish civilization. An encyclopedia S. 279-281

30Buchbeitrag  Anti-Jewish violence and the place of the Jews in Christendom and in Islam; a paradigm
Cohen, Mark R.. (2002) - In: Religious Violence between Christians and Jews S. 107-137

31Buchbeitrag  Islam and Jews
Cohen, Mark R.. (2002) - In: Medieval Jewish civilization. An encyclopedia S. 370-374

32Buchbeitrag  Egypt
Cohen, Mark R.. (2002) - In: Medieval Jewish civilization. An encyclopedia S. 235-238

33Buchbeitrag  Medieval Jewry in the world of Islam
Cohen, Mark R.. (2002) - In: The Oxford handbook of Jewish studies S. 193-218

34Buchbeitrag  Leon Modena's Autobiography
Cohen, Mark R.. (2001) - In: Judaism in practice S. 453-469

35Buchbeitrag  Jewish communal organization in medieval Egypt: research, results and prospects
Cohen, Mark R.. (1997) - In: Judaeo-Arabic Studies. Proceedings S. 73-86

36Buchbeitrag  Persecution, response, and collective memory: the Jews of Islam in the classical period.
Cohen, Mark R.. (1995) - In: The Jews of Medieval Islam. Community, Society and Identity S. 145-164

37Buchbeitrag  Maimonides' Egypt
Cohen, Mark R.. (1989) - In: Moses Maimonides and His Time S. 21-34

38Artikel  Correspondence and social control in the Jewish communities of the Islamic world: A letter of the Nagid Joshua Maimonides
Cohen, Mark R.. (1986) - In: Jewish history Bd. 1 (1986) S. 39-48

39Buchbeitrag  Administrative relations between Palestian and Egyptian Jewry during the Fatimid period
Cohen, Mark R.. (1984) - In: Egypt and Palestine. A Millennium of Association (868-1948) S. 113-135

40Buchbeitrag  The Jews under Islam: from the rise of Islam to Sabbatai Zevi
Cohen, Mark R.. (1976) - In: Bibliographical Essays in Medieval Jewish Studies. The Study of Judaism 2 S. 169-229

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