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Publikationen »Cole, Marcelle«

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RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Monographie  Old Northumbrian verbal morphosyntax and the (Northern) subject rule
Cole, Marcelle. - Amsterdam [u.a.] (2014)

2Monographie  Old northumbrian verbal morphology in the glosses to the lindisfarne gospels
Cole, Marcelle. - [Universidad de Sevilla] (2012)

3Artikel  Further Evidence of Subject-Type Effects on Verbal Morphology in Old Northumbrian
Cole, Marcelle. (2023) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 70 (2023) S. 126-131

4Artikel  An Old English Progenitor for Middle English Accusative his
Cole, Marcelle. (2021) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 68 (2021) S. 18-24

5Artikel  Subject and adjacency effects in the Old Northumbrian gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels.
Cole, Marcelle. (2019) - In: English language and linguistics Bd. 23 (2019) S. 131-154

6Buchbeitrag  Towards a Nuanced History of Early English Spelling: Old Northumbrian Witnesses and Northern Orthography
Cole, Marcelle. (2019) - In: Revisiting the medieval North of England. Interdisciplinary approaches S. 131-148

7Artikel  A Native Origin for Present-Day English they, their, them.
Cole, Marcelle. (2018) - In: Diachronica Bd. 35 (2018) S. 165-209

8Artikel  Pronominal anaphoric strategies in the West Saxon dialect of Old English
Cole, Marcelle. (2017) - In: English language and linguistics Bd. 21 (2017) S. 381-408

9Buchbeitrag  Identifying the Author(s) of the Lindisfarne Gloss: Linguistic Variation as a Diagnostic for Determining Authorship
Cole, Marcelle. (2016) - In: The Old English Glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels S. 169-188

10Buchbeitrag  The Periphrastic Subjunctive in the Old English Multiple Glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels.
Cole, Marcelle. (2015) - In: Essays Nils-Lennart Johannesson S. 71-86

11Buchbeitrag  The Old English origins of the Northern Subject Rule: evidence from the Lindisfarne gloss to the Gospels of John and Mark
Cole, Marcelle. (2012) - In: Language contact and development around the North Sea S. 141-168

12Artikel  What is the Northern Subject Rule?: The resilience of the medieval constraint in Tyneside English
Cole, Marcelle. (2008) - In: Selim Bd. 15 (2008) S. 91-111

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