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Publikationen »Cooijmans, Christian«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cooijmans, Christian

RI opac: 11 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  History, landscape, and language in the Northern Isles and Caithness: 'a'm grippit dis laand: a gedenkschrift for Doreen Waugh
Foster, RyanCooijmans, Christian [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2023)

2Sammelwerk  Islands of Place and Space. A Festschrift in Honour of Arne Kruse
Cooijmans, Christian [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2022)

3Monographie  Monarchs and hydrarchs: the conceptual development of viking activity across the Frankish realm (c. 750-940)
Cooijmans, Christian. - Abingdon [u.a.] (2020)

4Sammelwerk  Traversing the Inner Seas: Contacts and Continuity in and around Western Scotland, the Hebrides, and the North of Ireland
Macniven, Alan J.Baldwin, John R. [Bearb.]. Cooijmans, Christian [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2017)

5Sammelwerk  Beyond borealism: new perspectives on the north
Giles, IanChapot, LauraCooijmans, ChristianFoster, RyanTesio, Barbara [Hrsg.]. - London (2016)

6Buchbeitrag  Hostile in Tent. Reconsidering the roles of viking encampment across the Frankish realm
Cooijmans, Christian. (2023) - In: Viking Camps. Case Studies and Comparisons S. 147-167

7Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Foster, RyanCooijmans, ChristianBlance, Mary. (2023) - In: Gedenkschrift Doreen Waugh S. 9-14

8Buchbeitrag  Viking Dorestad. A haven for hydrarchy?
Cooijmans, Christian. (2021) - In: Dorestad and its networks. Communities, contact and conflict in early medieval Europe S. 19-28

9Artikel  Down by the River: Exploring the Logistics of Viking Encampment across Atlantic Europe
Cooijmans, Christian. (2021) - In: Viking. Tidsskrift for norrøn arkeologi Bd. 84 (2021) S. 187-206

10Artikel  Remembered Remedies from England? An Early Veterinary Charm at St. Gall
Cooijmans, Christian. (2020) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 67 (2020) S. 6-7

11Artikel  The Controlled Decline of Viking-Ruled Dorestad
Cooijmans, Christian. (2016) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 47 (2016) S. 32-46

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