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Publikationen »Coppack, Glyn«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Coppack, Glyn

RI opac: 57 Einträge

1Monographie  Gisborough Priory
Coppack, GlynCarter, Michael. - London (2018)

2Monographie  Medieval bishops' palace, Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Coppack, Glyn. - London (2017)

3Monographie  Rievaulx Abbey
Fergusson, Peter J.Coppack, GlynHarrison, Stuart A.Carter, Michael. - London (2016)

4Monographie  Mount Grace Priory
Coppack, GlynDouglas, Mark. - London (2014)

5Monographie  Abbeys & priories
Coppack, Glyn. - Stroud (2006)

6Monographie  Christ's poor men: the Carthusians in Britain
Coppack, GlynAston, Michael A.. - Stroud [u.a.] (2002)

7Monographie  The White Monks: The Cistercians in Britain 1128-1540
Coppack, Glyn. - Stroud (1998)

8Monographie  Rievaulx Abbey
Coppack, GlynFergusson, Peter J.. - London (1994)

9Monographie  Gisborough Priory, Guisborough, Cleveland
Coppack, Glyn. - London (1993)

10Monographie  Fountains Abbey: North Yorkshire.
Coppack, Glyn. - London (1993)

11Monographie  English Heritage Book of Abbeys and Priories
Coppack, Glyn. - London (1990)

12Monographie  Book of abbeys and priories
Coppack, Glyn. - London (1990)

13Monographie  The medieval pottery of Lincoln, Nottingham and Derby
Coppack, Glyn. - [University of Nottingham] (1981)

14Buchbeitrag  Industry and the Cistercians in the North of England (1132-1539). Archaeological and Historical Research
Coppack, Glyn. (2019) - In: L'industrie cistercienne (XIIe-XXIe siècle) S. 241-248

15Buchbeitrag  Carthusian monasteries and their influence on Cistercian life and planning after 1350
Coppack, Glyn. (2019) - In: Places of worship in Britain and Ireland, 1350-1550 S. 107-125

16Buchbeitrag  The Cistercians in Britain, 1150-1350: Maturity and Decline?
Coppack, Glyn. (2018) - In: Places of worship in Britain and Ireland, 1150-1350 S. 93-111

17Artikel  New thoughts on an old chronology: Meaux Abbey, East Riding of Yorkshire (England) in a new light
Coppack, Glyn. (2016) - In: Citeaux Bd. 67 (2016) S. 361-370

18Artikel  Reconstructing Kirkstead Abbey, Lincolnshire: The Charters, Earthworks and Architecture of a Lost Cistercian House
Coppack, Glyn. (2014) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 167 (2014) S. 1-50

19Artikel  Kirkstead Abbey: charters, earthworks and architecture of a large Lincolnshire Cistercian house
Coppack, GlynHarrison, Stuart A.. (2013) - In: Citeaux Bd. 64, 3/4 (2013) S. 369-372

20Buchbeitrag  'And then he added Canons': Gilbert, the Order of Sempringham, and the Developing Framework of Gilbertine Life
Coppack, Glyn. (2011) - In: The regular canons in the medieval British isles S. 291-312

21Buchbeitrag  The church of Mount Grace Priory: its development and origins
Coppack, GlynHall, Jackie. (2008) - In: Studies in Carthusian monasticism in the late middle ages S. 299-322

22Buchbeitrag  "Make straight in the desert a highway for our God": the Carthusians and community in late medieval England
Coppack, Glyn. (2008) - In: Monasteries and society in the British Isles in the later Middle Ages S. 168-179

23Artikel  How the other half lived: Cistercian nunneries in early sixteenth-century Yorkshire
Coppack, Glyn. (2008) - In: Citeaux Bd. 59 (2008) S. 253-298

24Buchbeitrag  "According to the Form of the Order": The Earliest Cistercian Buildings in England and their Context
Coppack, Glyn. (2004) - In: Essays Peter Fergusson S. 35-46

25Buchbeitrag  The planning of Cistercian monasteries in the later Middle Ages: the evidence from Fountains, Rievaulx, Sawley and Rushen
Coppack, Glyn. (2002) - In: The religious orders in pre-Reformation England S. 197-209

26Artikel  Sawley Abbey: The Architecture and Archaeology of a Smaller Cistercian Abbey
Coppack, GlynHayfield, ColinWilliams, Rich. (2002) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 155 (2002) S. 22-114

27Buchbeitrag  Fountains Abbey: archaeological research directed by conservation and presentation
Coppack, Glyn. (2001) - In: Monastic archaeology. Papers on the study of medieval monasteries S. 175-182

28Artikel  Sawley Abbey: An English Cistercian Abbey on the Edge of 'Stabilitas'
Coppack, Glyn. (2001) - In: Citeaux Bd. 52 (2001) S. 319-336

29Buchbeitrag  Free-Standing Cloister Lavabos of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries in England, their Form, Occurrence, and Water Supply
Coppack, Glyn. (1999) - In: Wasser, Lebensquelle und Bedeutungsträger S. 37-43

30Buchbeitrag  A gazetteer of the Cistercian abbeys in Britain
Coppack, GlynFawcett, RichardRobinson, David. (1998) - In: The Cistercian abbeys of Britain S. 62-205

31Buchbeitrag  Rievaulx Abbey
Coppack, Glyn. (1998) - In: Cistercian abbeys of Britain S. 160-164

32Buchbeitrag  The water-driven corn mill at Fountains Abbey: a major cistercian mill of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Coppack, Glyn. (1998) - In: Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture 5 S. 271-296

33Artikel  The development of monasteries in Yorkshire. Some recent research at Fountains, Rievaulx, Sawley, and Mount Grace
Coppack, Glyn. (1997) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 154 (1997) S. 230-238

34Artikel  Helmsley Castle
Coppack, Glyn. (1997) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 154 (1997) S. 286-287

35Artikel  Rievaulx Abbey
Coppack, Glyn. (1997) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 154 (1997) S. 285

36Artikel  Byland Abbey
Coppack, Glyn. (1997) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 154 (1997) S. 283-285

37Buchbeitrag  La chartreuse de Mount Grace (North Yorkshire, Grand Bretagne). Le système hydraulique du XVe siècle: adduction, distribution et évacuation des eaux
Coppack, Glyn. (1996) - In: L'hydraulique monastique S. 157-167

38Artikel  Kirkham Priory: the architecture and archaeology of an Augustinian house
Coppack, GlynHarrison, Stuart A.Hayfield, Colin. (1995) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 148 (1995) S. 55-136

39Buchbeitrag  The Outer Courts of Fountains and Rievaulx Abbeys. The interface between Estate and Monastery
Coppack, Glyn. (1994) - In: L'espace cistercien S. 415-425

40Buchbeitrag  Thornholme Priory: the development of a monastic outer court
Coppack, Glyn. (1989) - In: The Archaeology of Rural Monasteries in England and Wales S. 185-222

41Artikel  A Closely Dated Group of Late Medieval Pottery from Mount Grace Priory
Roebuck, Judith A.Coppack, GlynHurst, John G.. (1987) - In: Medieval ceramics Bd. 11 (1987) S. 15-24

42Artikel  St. Lawrence Church, Burnham, South Humberside. The excavation of a parochial chapel
Coppack, Glyn. (1986) - In: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology Bd. 21 (1986) S. 39-60

43Artikel  The excavation of an outer court building, perhaps the woolhouse, at Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire
Coppack, Glyn. (1986) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 30 (1986) S. 46-87

44Artikel  Some descriptions of Rievaulx abbey in 1538-39: the disposition of a major cistercian precinct in the early sixteenth century
Coppack, Glyn. (1986) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 139 (1986) S. 100-133

45Buchbeitrag  Two jet crucifixes from North Lincolnshire: their use, date and significance
Coppack, Glyn. (1984) - In: FS Ethel M. Rudkin S. 61-63

46Artikel  An excavation at Chapel Garth, Bolton, Fangfoss, Humberside
Coppack, Glyn. (1978) - In: The Yorkshire archaeological journal Bd. 50 (1978) S. 93-150

47Artikel  A thirteenth century pottery kiln in Nottingham
Coppack, Glyn. (1978) - In: Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire Bd. 82 (1978) S. 21-25

48Artikel  Two late mediaeval pipe-drains from Thetford Priory.
Coppack, Glyn. (1973 - 1976) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology Bd. 33 (1973/76) S. 88-90

49Artikel  The excavation of a Roman and medieval site at Flaxengate, Lincoln
Coppack, Glyn. (1973) - In: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology Bd. 8 (1973) S. 73-114

50Artikel  Two late mediaeval pipe-drains from Thetford Priory
Coppack, Glyn. (1973 - 1975) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History Bd. 33 (1973/75) S. 88-90

51Artikel  Excavations at Full Street, Derby, 1972
Hall, Richard A.Coppack, Glyn. (1972) - In: Derbyshire archaeological journal Bd. 92 (1972) S. 29-77

52Artikel  The deserted medieval village of Keighton
Coppack, Glyn. (1971) - In: Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire Bd. 75 (1971) S. 41-58

53Artikel  An anthropomorphic pitcher-spout in Lincoln Museum
Coppack, Glyn. (1971) - In: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology Bd. 6 (1971) S. 16-17

54Artikel  A storage jar in Tetford-type Ware from Lincoln
Coppack, Glyn. (1971) - In: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology Bd. 6 (1971) S. 17

55Artikel  Two finds of Ipswich Ware from Lincolnshire
Coppack, Glyn. (1970) - In: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology Bd. 5 (1970) S. 16-17

56Artikel  A sherd of Pingsdorf type Ware from Lincoln
Coppack, Glyn. (1970) - In: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology Bd. 5 (1970) S. 17

57Artikel  A medieval well and associated pottery from Keighton, Nottinghamshire
Coppack, Glyn. (1968) - In: Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire Bd. 72 (1968) S. 51-58

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